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Created May 10, 2019 22:53
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De Novo peptide sequencing algorithm (python)
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Fanjin Zeng
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, see <>.
class Peak():
Nodes that store peak info
def __init__(self, mass, intensity):
self.mass = mass
self.intensity = intensity
self.valid = False
self.prev = []
self.sequence = ''
self.score = - float('inf')
def build_graph(spectrum, mass2amino):
Edges: all possible amino acid mass differences between peaks
Nodes: Mass of peaks
mass2peak = {}
idx2peak = {}
for idx, (mass, intensity) in enumerate(sorted(spectrum.items())):
peak = Peak(mass, intensity)
mass2peak[mass] = peak
idx2peak[idx] = peak
for a in mass2amino.keys():
peak.prev.append((mass2amino[a], mass2peak[mass-a]))
return mass2peak, idx2peak
def mark_path2end(peak):
'''Recursive marks peaks that connect to the measure mass peak'''
if peak.valid:
peak.valid = True
for ch, p in peak.prev:
def mark_all(mass2peak):
'''Mark all peak as valid'''
for mass, peak in mass2peak.items():
peak.valid = True
def find_sequence(measure_mass, mass2peak, offset, use_yion):
'''Find valid sequence by de novo algorithm'''
y_mass = measure_mass - offset + 1
if use_yion and y_mass in mass2peak:
mass2peak[offset].score += mass2peak[y_mass].intensity
for mass,peak in sorted(mass2peak.items()):
if peak.valid:
score = - float('inf')
best_prev = None
best_ch = None
for ch, p in peak.prev:
if p.score > score:
score = p.score
best_prev = p
best_ch = ch
if best_prev is not None:
peak.score = score + peak.intensity
peak.sequence = best_prev.sequence + best_ch
y_mass = measure_mass - mass + 1
if use_yion and y_mass in mass2peak:
peak.score += mass2peak[y_mass].intensity
def check_spectrum(spectrum, offset, end_peak):
'''Check if H and measure mass supposed peaks in spectrum '''
if offset not in spectrum:
spectrum[offset] = 0
if end_peak not in spectrum:
spectrum[end_peak] = 0
def fill_spectrum(spectrum, offset, end_peak):
'''Fill gaps in spectrum peaks'''
for mass in range(offset, end_peak+1):
if mass not in spectrum:
spectrum[mass] = 0
def init_score(mass2peak, offset, subseq):
'''Set initial score'''
if subseq in ['both', 'right']:
for mass, peak in mass2peak.items():
peak.score = peak.intensity
mass2peak[offset].score = mass2peak[offset].intensity
def de_novo(measure_mass, spectrum, mass2amino, use_yion=False, enable_missing_peak=False, subseq=None):
Run De Novo algorithm
measure_mass: INT, unfragmented y-ion mass.
spectrum: DICT(INT: INT), mass: intensity
mass2amino: DICT(String: INT), amino acid character: mass
use_yion: Boolean, If consider y-ion intensity.
enable_missing_peak: Boolean, If consider missing peaks
subseq: One of [None, 'both', 'left', 'right']
offset = 1
end_peak = measure_mass - 19 + offset
check_spectrum(spectrum, offset, end_peak)
if enable_missing_peak: fill_spectrum(spectrum, offset, end_peak)
mass2peak, idx2peak = build_graph(spectrum, mass2amino)
if subseq in ['both', 'left']:
peak = mass2peak[end_peak]
init_score(mass2peak, offset, subseq)
find_sequence(measure_mass, mass2peak, offset, use_yion)
return mass2peak
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