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Created May 20, 2019 06:19
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Python Implementation of Rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) Path-planning Algorithm
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Fanjin Zeng
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, see <>.
import numpy as np
from random import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import collections as mc
from collections import deque
class Line():
''' Define line '''
def __init__(self, p0, p1):
self.p = np.array(p0)
self.dirn = np.array(p1) - np.array(p0)
self.dist = np.linalg.norm(self.dirn)
self.dirn /= self.dist # normalize
def path(self, t):
return self.p + t * self.dirn
def Intersection(line, center, radius):
''' Check line-sphere (circle) intersection '''
a =, line.dirn)
b = 2 *, line.p - center)
c = - center, line.p - center) - radius * radius
discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c
if discriminant < 0:
return False
t1 = (-b + np.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
t2 = (-b - np.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
if (t1 < 0 and t2 < 0) or (t1 > line.dist and t2 > line.dist):
return False
return True
def distance(x, y):
return np.linalg.norm(np.array(x) - np.array(y))
def isInObstacle(vex, obstacles, radius):
for obs in obstacles:
if distance(obs, vex) < radius:
return True
return False
def isThruObstacle(line, obstacles, radius):
for obs in obstacles:
if Intersection(line, obs, radius):
return True
return False
def nearest(G, vex, obstacles, radius):
Nvex = None
Nidx = None
minDist = float("inf")
for idx, v in enumerate(G.vertices):
line = Line(v, vex)
if isThruObstacle(line, obstacles, radius):
dist = distance(v, vex)
if dist < minDist:
minDist = dist
Nidx = idx
Nvex = v
return Nvex, Nidx
def newVertex(randvex, nearvex, stepSize):
dirn = np.array(randvex) - np.array(nearvex)
length = np.linalg.norm(dirn)
dirn = (dirn / length) * min (stepSize, length)
newvex = (nearvex[0]+dirn[0], nearvex[1]+dirn[1])
return newvex
def window(startpos, endpos):
''' Define seach window - 2 times of start to end rectangle'''
width = endpos[0] - startpos[0]
height = endpos[1] - startpos[1]
winx = startpos[0] - (width / 2.)
winy = startpos[1] - (height / 2.)
return winx, winy, width, height
def isInWindow(pos, winx, winy, width, height):
''' Restrict new vertex insides search window'''
if winx < pos[0] < winx+width and \
winy < pos[1] < winy+height:
return True
return False
class Graph:
''' Define graph '''
def __init__(self, startpos, endpos):
self.startpos = startpos
self.endpos = endpos
self.vertices = [startpos]
self.edges = []
self.success = False
self.vex2idx = {startpos:0}
self.neighbors = {0:[]}
self.distances = {0:0.} = endpos[0] - startpos[0] = endpos[1] - startpos[1]
def add_vex(self, pos):
idx = self.vex2idx[pos]
idx = len(self.vertices)
self.vex2idx[pos] = idx
self.neighbors[idx] = []
return idx
def add_edge(self, idx1, idx2, cost):
self.edges.append((idx1, idx2))
self.neighbors[idx1].append((idx2, cost))
self.neighbors[idx2].append((idx1, cost))
def randomPosition(self):
rx = random()
ry = random()
posx = self.startpos[0] - ( / 2.) + rx * * 2
posy = self.startpos[1] - ( / 2.) + ry * * 2
return posx, posy
def RRT(startpos, endpos, obstacles, n_iter, radius, stepSize):
''' RRT algorithm '''
G = Graph(startpos, endpos)
for _ in range(n_iter):
randvex = G.randomPosition()
if isInObstacle(randvex, obstacles, radius):
nearvex, nearidx = nearest(G, randvex, obstacles, radius)
if nearvex is None:
newvex = newVertex(randvex, nearvex, stepSize)
newidx = G.add_vex(newvex)
dist = distance(newvex, nearvex)
G.add_edge(newidx, nearidx, dist)
dist = distance(newvex, G.endpos)
if dist < 2 * radius:
endidx = G.add_vex(G.endpos)
G.add_edge(newidx, endidx, dist)
G.success = True
# break
return G
def RRT_star(startpos, endpos, obstacles, n_iter, radius, stepSize):
''' RRT star algorithm '''
G = Graph(startpos, endpos)
for _ in range(n_iter):
randvex = G.randomPosition()
if isInObstacle(randvex, obstacles, radius):
nearvex, nearidx = nearest(G, randvex, obstacles, radius)
if nearvex is None:
newvex = newVertex(randvex, nearvex, stepSize)
newidx = G.add_vex(newvex)
dist = distance(newvex, nearvex)
G.add_edge(newidx, nearidx, dist)
G.distances[newidx] = G.distances[nearidx] + dist
# update nearby vertices distance (if shorter)
for vex in G.vertices:
if vex == newvex:
dist = distance(vex, newvex)
if dist > radius:
line = Line(vex, newvex)
if isThruObstacle(line, obstacles, radius):
idx = G.vex2idx[vex]
if G.distances[newidx] + dist < G.distances[idx]:
G.add_edge(idx, newidx, dist)
G.distances[idx] = G.distances[newidx] + dist
dist = distance(newvex, G.endpos)
if dist < 2 * radius:
endidx = G.add_vex(G.endpos)
G.add_edge(newidx, endidx, dist)
G.distances[endidx] = min(G.distances[endidx], G.distances[newidx]+dist)
G.distances[endidx] = G.distances[newidx]+dist
G.success = True
# break
return G
def dijkstra(G):
Dijkstra algorithm for finding shortest path from start position to end.
srcIdx = G.vex2idx[G.startpos]
dstIdx = G.vex2idx[G.endpos]
# build dijkstra
nodes = list(G.neighbors.keys())
dist = {node: float('inf') for node in nodes}
prev = {node: None for node in nodes}
dist[srcIdx] = 0
while nodes:
curNode = min(nodes, key=lambda node: dist[node])
if dist[curNode] == float('inf'):
for neighbor, cost in G.neighbors[curNode]:
newCost = dist[curNode] + cost
if newCost < dist[neighbor]:
dist[neighbor] = newCost
prev[neighbor] = curNode
# retrieve path
path = deque()
curNode = dstIdx
while prev[curNode] is not None:
curNode = prev[curNode]
return list(path)
def plot(G, obstacles, radius, path=None):
Plot RRT, obstacles and shortest path
px = [x for x, y in G.vertices]
py = [y for x, y in G.vertices]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for obs in obstacles:
circle = plt.Circle(obs, radius, color='red')
ax.scatter(px, py, c='cyan')
ax.scatter(G.startpos[0], G.startpos[1], c='black')
ax.scatter(G.endpos[0], G.endpos[1], c='black')
lines = [(G.vertices[edge[0]], G.vertices[edge[1]]) for edge in G.edges]
lc = mc.LineCollection(lines, colors='green', linewidths=2)
if path is not None:
paths = [(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(len(path)-1)]
lc2 = mc.LineCollection(paths, colors='blue', linewidths=3)
def pathSearch(startpos, endpos, obstacles, n_iter, radius, stepSize):
G = RRT_star(startpos, endpos, obstacles, n_iter, radius, stepSize)
if G.success:
path = dijkstra(G)
# plot(G, obstacles, radius, path)
return path
if __name__ == '__main__':
startpos = (0., 0.)
endpos = (5., 5.)
obstacles = [(1., 1.), (2., 2.)]
n_iter = 200
radius = 0.5
stepSize = 0.7
G = RRT_star(startpos, endpos, obstacles, n_iter, radius, stepSize)
# G = RRT(startpos, endpos, obstacles, n_iter, radius, stepSize)
if G.success:
path = dijkstra(G)
plot(G, obstacles, radius, path)
plot(G, obstacles, radius)
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Lines 171 and 219 should still perform an obstacle check.

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