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Last active November 21, 2023 16:40
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Create sliding window views of the N dimensions array with the given window shape
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Fanjin Zeng
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, see <>.
def sliding_window_view(x, shape, step=None, subok=False, writeable=False):
Create sliding window views of the N dimensions array with the given window
shape. Window slides across each dimension of `x` and provides subsets of `x`
at any window position.
x : ndarray
Array to create sliding window views.
shape : sequence of int
The shape of the window. Must have same length as number of input array dimensions.
step: sequence of int, optional
The steps of window shifts for each dimension on input array at a time.
If given, must have same length as number of input array dimensions.
Defaults to 1 on all dimensions.
subok : bool, optional
If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through, otherwise the returned
array will be forced to be a base-class array (default).
writeable : bool, optional
If set to False, the returned array will always be readonly view.
Otherwise it will return writable copies(see Notes).
view : ndarray
Sliding window views (or copies) of `x`. view.shape = (x.shape - shape) // step + 1
See also
as_strided: Create a view into the array with the given shape and strides.
broadcast_to: broadcast an array to a given shape.
``sliding_window_view`` create sliding window views of the N dimensions array
with the given window shape and its implementation based on ``as_strided``.
Please note that if writeable set to False, the return is views, not copies
of array. In this case, write operations could be unpredictable, so the return
views is readonly. Bear in mind, return copies (writeable=True), could possibly
take memory multiple amount of origin array, due to overlapping windows.
For some cases, there may be more efficient approaches, such as FFT based algo discussed in #7753.
>>> i, j = np.ogrid[:3,:4]
>>> x = 10*i + j
>>> shape = (2,2)
>>> sliding_window_view(x, shape)
array([[[[ 0, 1],
[10, 11]],
[[ 1, 2],
[11, 12]],
[[ 2, 3],
[12, 13]]],
[[[10, 11],
[20, 21]],
[[11, 12],
[21, 22]],
[[12, 13],
[22, 23]]]])
>>> i, j = np.ogrid[:3,:4]
>>> x = 10*i + j
>>> shape = (2,2)
>>> step = (1,2)
>>> sliding_window_view(x, shape, step)
array([[[[ 0, 1],
[10, 11]],
[[ 2, 3],
[12, 13]]],
[[[10, 11],
[20, 21]],
[[12, 13],
[22, 23]]]])
# first convert input to array, possibly keeping subclass
x = np.array(x, copy=False, subok=subok)
shape = np.array(shape,
raise TypeError('`shape` must be a sequence of integer')
if shape.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError('`shape` must be one-dimensional sequence of integer')
if len(x.shape) != len(shape):
raise ValueError("`shape` length doesn't match with input array dimensions")
if np.any(shape <= 0):
raise ValueError('`shape` cannot contain non-positive value')
if step is None:
step = np.ones(len(x.shape), np.intp)
step = np.array(step, np.intp)
raise TypeError('`step` must be a sequence of integer')
if step.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError('`step` must be one-dimensional sequence of integer')
if len(x.shape)!= len(step):
raise ValueError("`step` length doesn't match with input array dimensions")
if np.any(step <= 0):
raise ValueError('`step` cannot contain non-positive value')
o = (np.array(x.shape) - shape) // step + 1 # output shape
if np.any(o <= 0):
raise ValueError('window shape cannot larger than input array shape')
strides = x.strides
view_strides = strides * step
view_shape = np.concatenate((o, shape), axis=0)
view_strides = np.concatenate((view_strides, strides), axis=0)
view = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, view_shape, view_strides, subok=subok, writeable=writeable)
if writeable:
return view.copy()
return view
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