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Forked from phoenixlzx/sniproxy.conf
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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# sniproxy example configuration file
# lines that start with # are comments
# lines with only white space are ignored
user daemon
# PID file
pidfile /var/run/
resolver {
error_log {
# Log to the daemon syslog facility
syslog daemon
# Alternatively we could log to file
#filename /var/log/sniproxy.log
# Control the verbosity of the log
priority notice
access_log {
# Same options as error_log
filename /tmp/sniproxy-access.log
listen 80 {
proto http
table https_hosts
listen 443 {
proto tls
table https_hosts
listen 465 {
proto tls
table xmpp_imap_smtp
listen 993 {
proto tls
table xmpp_imap_smtp
listen 995 {
proto tls
table xmpp_imap_smtp
listen 5222 {
proto tls
table xmpp_imap_smtp
listen 5223 {
proto tls
table xmpp_imap_smtp
listen 5269 {
proto tls
table xmpp_imap_smtp
# named tables are defined with the table directive
table https_hosts {
# WordPress
(.*\.|)wp\.com$ *
(.*\.|)w\.org$ *
(.*\.|)wordpress\.com$ *
(.*\.|)gravatar\.com$ *
# Wikipedia
(.*\.|)wikipedia\.org$ *
# Twitter
(.*\.|)twimg\.com$ *
(.*\.|)tinypic\.com$ *
(.*\.|)twitpic\.com$ *
(.*\.|)twitter\.com$ *
(.*\.|)tweetdeck\.com$ *
(.*\.|)t\.co$ *
# Facebook
(.*\.|)facebook\.com$ *
(.*\.|)fbstatic\.com$ *
(.*\.|)fbcdn\.net$ *
# Flickr
(.*\.|)flickr\.com$ *
(.*\.|)staticflickr\.com$ *
bitly\.com$ *
bit\.ly$ *
# Google
(.*\.|)googleapis\.com$ *
(.*\.|)google\.com$ *
(.*\.|)google\.co\.jp$ *
(.*\.|)google\.com\.hk$ *
(.*\.|)google\.com\.tw$ *
(.*\.|)youtube\.com$ *
(.*\.|)ytimg\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googlevideo\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googlehosted\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googleusercontent\.com$ *
(.*\.|)ggpht\.com$ *
(.*\.|)gstatic\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googlemail\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googlecode\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googledrive\.com$ *
(.*\.|)blogspot\.com$ *
(.*\.|)appspot\.com$ *
(.*\.|)gmail\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googlezip\.net$ *
(.*\.|)googlesource\.com$ *
(.*\.|)g\.cn$ *
(.*\.|)google\.cn$ *
# ingress
(.*\.|)$ *
# Imgur
(.*\.|)imgur\.com$ *
# Amazon AWS
(.*\.|) *
github\.global\.ssl\.fastly\.net *
cdn\.sstatic\.net *
table xmpp_imap_smtp {
(.*\.|)google\.com$ *
(.*\.|)googlemail\.com$ *
(.*\.|)gmail\.com$ *
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