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Created October 16, 2018 02:28
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if !exists('g:neomake') | let g:neomake = {} | endif
let g:neomake_verbose = 1
"let neomake.open_list = 2 " also preserve cursor position
let g:neomake_list_height = 5
"let g:neomake_php_enabled_makers = ['php', 'phpcs', 'phpmd']
let g:neomake_latex_enabled_makers = ['chktex', 'lacheck', 'rubberinfo', 'proselint', 'latexrun']
let g:neomake_bib_enabled_makers = ['bibtex']
let g:neomake_nvimluatest_maker = {
\ 'exe': 'sh',
\ 'args': ['-c', 'make functionaltest TEST_FILE=%:p 2>/dev/null | ~/.config/vim/bin/'],
\ 'errorformat': '%f:%l: Expected objects to be the same.',
\ }
let g:neomake_luctest_maker = {
\ 'exe': 'make',
\ 'args': ['functionaltest', 'TEST_FILE=%:p'],
\ 'errorformat': '%f:%l: Expected objects to be the same.',
\ }
" A maker to build a pdf file from a tex file if a makefile is afailable.
let g:neomake_tex_make_maker = {
\ 'exe': { -> filereadable(getcwd() . '/makefile') ? 'make' : '' },
\ 'args': { -> [expand('%:p:t:r') . '.pdf'] },
\ }
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