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Created July 11, 2024 10:21
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VS Code Python Snippets
"Print to Console": {
"prefix": "print",
"body": [
"description": "Insert a print statement"
"If Statement": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if ${1:condition}:",
"description": "Insert an if statement"
"If-Else Statement": {
"prefix": "ifelse",
"body": [
"if ${1:condition}:",
"description": "Insert an if-else statement"
"For Loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for ${1:item} in ${2:iterable}:",
"description": "Insert a for loop"
"For Loop with enumerate": {
"prefix": "forenum",
"body": [
"for ${1:index}, ${2:item} in enumerate(${3:iterable}):",
"description": "Insert a for loop with enumerate"
"While Loop": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"while ${1:condition}:",
"description": "Insert a while loop"
"Function Definition": {
"prefix": "def",
"body": [
"def ${1:function_name}(${2:args}):",
"description": "Insert a function definition"
"Class Definition": {
"prefix": "class",
"body": [
"class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}):",
"\tdef __init__(self, ${4:args}):",
"description": "Insert a class definition"
"Main Check": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"if __name__ == \"__main__\":",
"description": "Insert a main guard"
"List Comprehension": {
"prefix": "listcomp",
"body": [
"[${1:expr} for ${2:item} in ${3:iterable}]"
"description": "Insert a list comprehension"
"Dictionary Comprehension": {
"prefix": "dictcomp",
"body": [
"{${1:key}: ${2:value} for ${3:key}, ${4:value} in ${5:iterable}.items()}"
"description": "Insert a dictionary comprehension"
"Import Statement": {
"prefix": "imp",
"body": [
"import ${1:module}"
"description": "Insert an import statement"
"From Import Statement": {
"prefix": "fromimp",
"body": [
"from ${1:module} import ${2:object}"
"description": "Insert a from import statement"
"Try Except Block": {
"prefix": "tryexc",
"body": [
"except ${1:Exception} as ${2:e}:",
"description": "Insert a try-except block"
"With Statement": {
"prefix": "with",
"body": [
"with ${1:open(${2:file}, ${3:mode})} as ${4:f}:",
"description": "Insert a with statement"
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