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Steps on how to configure new laptop (Mac Windows) to access aws via terminal/command prompt
Install aws-cli using brew for version 2
$brew install awscli
This will create a hidden ~/.aws inside your ~ (Users/farhansaeed) dir
with an empty config file to carry profiles.
OR aws-shell which comes with command completion.
We can use any of the two. However I have installed both for learning.
Install aws-vault from brew cask
$ brew cask install aws-vault
check isntallation to symlink to actual bin file
Installation will install it in usr/l
$ brew cask list aws-vault
aws-vault: 5.3.2
/usr/local/Caskroom/aws-vault/5.3.2 (14.8MB)
==> Name
==> Artifacts
aws-vault (Binary)
$ brew cask list aws-vault
will give symlink linked to actual location of installation, which is Caskroom.
/usr/local/bin/aws-vault -> /usr/local/Caskroom/aws-vault/5.3.2/aws-vault
Configuration of credentials
Make your you have an account in aws IAM and your access key and secret key.
and also configured for MFA for your mobile as well.
create your profile inside config file for aws-vault to read profiles from.
Sample config
# Default profie gets applied to all profiles automatically. Dont have to source_profile it inside other profiles.
region = ap-southeast-2
[profile farhan]
#region = ap-southeast-2
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::674486510127:role/admin-sudo
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::674486510127:mfa/farhan
NOTE: I have applied admin-sudo role to myself.
admin-sudo role has already been created in aws management console.
Instead of storing access_key_id and seceret key into shared crednetials file inside folder
we will use aws-vault for that matter.
Run command to securely store your credentials into MAC OS keychain or windows credential mnanager.
# store credentials for the "farhan" profile.
$ aws-vault add farhan
Enter Secret Key: %%%
for the first time aws-vault will create a aws-vault db file @
~/Library/Keychains/ named aws-vault.keychain-db
keychain app popup will open to allocate password for your newly created aws-vault db file.
In order to view this file in your mac os keychain app do following
Open Keychain
File > Add Keychain, or Option+Click in the list of keychains and pick Add Keychain
Navigate to ~/Library/Keychains/ and pick aws-vault.keychain-db
You should be able to see it in the list of keychains on the left now
Now in order to login into aws managent console with user farhan assuming role admin-sudo
$aws-vault login farhan
keychain popup to enter password for keychain app to access keys for profile farhan
Then it will ask you to enter MFA code from your configured mobile device.
This it will log you in as admin-sudo and browser will open in aws managment console.
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