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Last active May 18, 2020 04:28
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Rconfig 3.9.4 Session Fixation and XSS
1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (CVE-2020-12256)
The rConfig 3.9.4 is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. The devicemgmnt.php file improperly validates the request coming from the user input. Due to this flaw, An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by crafting arbitrary javascript
("><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>) in `deviceId` GET parameter of devicemgmnt.php resulting in execution of the
Step To Reproduce-:
1. Login with the credential.
2. Go to https://ip-rconfig/devicemgmt.php?deviceId="><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) (CVE-2020-12259)
The rConfig 3.9.4 is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. The configDevice.php file improperly validates the request coming from the user input. Due to this flaw, An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by crafting arbitrary javascript
("><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>) in `rid` GET parameter of devicemgmnt.php resulting in execution of the javascript.
Steps To Reproduce-:
1. Go to https://ip-rconfig/configDevice.php?rid="><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
1. Session Fixation (CVE-2020-12258)
The rConfig is vulnerable to session fixation. Due to the lack of randomization of the session and reuse session(prior login, after login).
An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by chaining with XSS.he can set the user session and would take control of the user's account.
Steps To Reproduce-:
1. you can confirm the same session by checking prior login and after logging
2. Now try to trigger the XSS by setting the session
3. you can observe that session id has been set as of our choice.
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