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Last active October 8, 2015 01:21
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Save farkhor/34aaccb593022fc9fe87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This program transforms the structure of the input edge list to the form required for PageRank (PR) algorithm in vertex-centric frameworks. PR needs the number of neighbors of the destination vertex be provided in the input file as the third argument of every edge in the edge-list (after the source vertex index and destination vertex index).
* pr_input_provider.cpp
* Created on: Aug 31, 2015
* Author: Farzad Khorasani
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cstdlib>
template< typename idxT>
void PR_maker( std::ifstream& inFile, std::ofstream& outFile, const bool nonDirectedGraph ) {
* Declare variables and functions required.
std::unordered_map<idxT, idxT> mapper;
std::string line;
auto addEntryF = [&]( idxT key ) {
auto pos_index = mapper.find( key );
if( pos_index == mapper.end() ) { // The key does not exist. We need to add it.
std::pair<idxT, idxT> kvp( key, 1 );
mapper.insert( kvp );
else // The key does exist.
++( pos_index->second );
auto readLineIndices = [&]( idxT& firstIdx, idxT& secondIdx ) {
std::size_t pos = 2015;
firstIdx = static_cast< idxT >( std::stoul( line, &pos ) );
std::string sub_line;
sub_line = line.substr( ++pos );
secondIdx = static_cast< idxT >( std::stoul( sub_line, &pos ) );
auto entryToFileInserter = [&]( idxT lIdx, idxT rIdx ) {
auto pos_index = mapper.find( lIdx );
outFile << lIdx << "\t" << rIdx << "\t" << ( ( pos_index != mapper.end() ) ? ( pos_index->second ) : 0 ) << "\n";
* Start the work.
// Read the input graph line-by-line to collect data.
while( std::getline( inFile, line ) ) {
if( line[0] < '0' || line[0] > '9' ) // Skipping any line blank or starting with a character rather than a number.
idxT firstIndex, secondIndex;
readLineIndices( firstIndex, secondIndex );
addEntryF( secondIndex );
if( nonDirectedGraph ) addEntryF( firstIndex );
// Restart the file pointer to its beginning.
inFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
// Read the input graph line-by-line again and insert the third-column for each entry to the output file.
while( std::getline( inFile, line ) ) {
if( line[0] < '0' || line[0] > '9' ) { // Skipping any line blank or starting with a character rather than a number.
outFile << line << "\n";
idxT firstIndex, secondIndex;
readLineIndices( firstIndex, secondIndex );
entryToFileInserter( firstIndex, secondIndex );
if( nonDirectedGraph ) entryToFileInserter( secondIndex, firstIndex );
// Opening files safely.
template <typename T_file>
void openFileToAccess( T_file& inputF, const char* fileName ) { fileName );
if( !inputF )
throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to open specified file." );
int main ( int argc, char ** argv )
const std::string usage =
"\tRequired command line arguments:\n\
-Input file: E.g., --input in.txt\n\
Additional arguments:\n\
-Output file (default: out.txt). E.g., --output myout.txt\n\
-Is the input graph directed (default:yes). To specify it as undirected: --undirected\n";
std::ofstream outFile;
std::ifstream inFile;
bool nonDirectedGraph = false; // By default, the graph is directed.
// Getting required input parameters.
for( int iii = 1; iii < argc; ++iii )
if( !strcmp( argv[iii], "--input" ) && iii != argc-1 /*is not the last one*/)
openFileToAccess< std::ifstream >( inFile, argv[iii+1] );
else if( !strcmp( argv[iii], "--output" ) && iii != argc-1 /*is not the last one*/)
openFileToAccess< std::ofstream >( outFile, argv[iii+1] );
else if( !strcmp(argv[iii], "--undirected"))
nonDirectedGraph = true;
if( !inFile.is_open() )
throw std::runtime_error( "The input file has not been specified." );
if( !outFile.is_open() )
openFileToAccess< std::ofstream >( outFile, "out.txt" );
// Start the work.
std::cout << "Starting the work ..." << std::endl;
using vertexIndexType = unsigned int;
PR_maker<vertexIndexType>( inFile, outFile, nonDirectedGraph );
std::cout << "Done.\n";
catch( const std::exception& strException ) {
std::cerr << "Initialization Error: " << strException.what() << "\n";
std::cerr << "Usage: " << usage << std::endl << "Exiting." << std::endl;
return( EXIT_FAILURE );
catch(...) {
std::cerr << "An exception has occurred." << std::endl;
return( EXIT_FAILURE );
return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
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farkhor commented Aug 31, 2015

This program uses C++11 features and libraries. Please compile it with a C++11 compiler.

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farkhor commented Sep 1, 2015

Also, please note that if the input graph is non-directed for the above program, the output graph will be a directed version. To make a non-directed output graph from a non-directed input graph, you should comment out line 77 and rebuild the program.

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