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  • Save farkhor/3852cbd7d29be77ae2ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save farkhor/3852cbd7d29be77ae2ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This program takes the input graph as an edge list, and outputs an equivalent graph in which index vertices are minimized. In other words, it converts input graph's vertex indices to non-negative numbers so that if there exists an index a>0, and 0<=b<a, there will exist index b in the list of edges as a source and/or destination vertex.
* vertex_index_minimizer.cpp
* Created on: Sep 21, 2015
* Author: Farzad Khorasani
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <stdlib.h>
template <typename intT>
intT mapNumber( std::unordered_map<intT, intT>& mapper, const intT key, const unsigned int offset ) {
auto pos_index = mapper.find( key );
if( pos_index == mapper.end() ) { // The key does not exist. We need to add it.
intT val = mapper.size() + offset;
std::pair<intT, intT> kvp( key, val );
mapper.insert( kvp );
return val;
else { // The key does exist.
return pos_index->second;
template <typename idxT>
void vertex_index_minimizer( std::ifstream& in_file, std::ofstream& out_file, const unsigned int offset ) {
std::unordered_map<idxT, idxT> mapper;
std::string line;
// Read the input graph line-by-line.
while( std::getline( in_file, line ) ) {
if( line[0] < '0' || line[0] > '9' ) { // Skipping any line blank or starting with a character rather than a number.
out_file << line << "\n";
std::size_t pos = 2015;
const auto first_index = static_cast<idxT>( std::stoull( line, &pos ) );
std::string sub_line;
sub_line = line.substr( ++pos );
const auto second_index = static_cast<idxT>( std::stoull( sub_line, &pos ) );
sub_line = sub_line.substr( pos );
out_file << mapNumber<idxT>( std::ref(mapper), first_index, offset ) << "\t";
out_file << mapNumber<idxT>( std::ref(mapper), second_index, offset ) << sub_line << "\n";
// Opening files safely.
template <typename T_file>
void openFileToAccess( T_file& input_file, const char* file_name ) { file_name );
if( !input_file )
throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to open specified file." );
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
std::string usage =
"\tRequired command line arguments:\n\
-Input file: E.g., --input in.txt\n\
Additional arguments:\n\
-Starting index non-negative offset (default: 0): E.g., --offset 1\n\
-Output file (default: out.txt). E.g., --output myout.txt\n";
std::ofstream out_file;
std::ifstream in_file;
unsigned int offset = 0;
// Getting required input parameters.
for( int iii = 1; iii < argc; ++iii )
if( !strcmp( argv[iii], "--input" ) && iii != argc-1 /*is not the last one*/)
openFileToAccess< std::ifstream >( in_file, argv[iii+1] );
else if( !strcmp( argv[iii], "--output" ) && iii != argc-1 /*is not the last one*/)
openFileToAccess< std::ofstream >( out_file, argv[iii+1] );
else if( !strcmp( argv[iii], "--offset" ) && iii != argc-1 /*is not the last one*/)
offset = std::stoul( std::string( argv[iii+1] ) );
if( !in_file.is_open() )
throw std::runtime_error( "Initialization Error: The input file has not been specified." );
if( !out_file.is_open() )
openFileToAccess( out_file, "out.txt" );
// Start the work.
std::cout << "Minimizing vertex indices for the specified graph ...\n";
using vertexIndexType = unsigned int;
vertex_index_minimizer<vertexIndexType>( in_file, out_file, offset );
std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
catch( const std::exception& strException ) {
std::cerr << strException.what() << "\n";
std::cerr << "Usage: " << usage << std::endl << "Exiting." << std::endl;
return( EXIT_FAILURE );
catch(...) {
std::cerr << "An exception has occurred." << std::endl;
return( EXIT_FAILURE );
return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
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farkhor commented Sep 21, 2015

This program uses C++11 features and libraries. Please compile it with a C++11 compiler.

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