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Last active October 6, 2015 06:00
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A bottom up approach to the Numbers Game by Devdraft
import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class NumbersGame {
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
public static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.ONE;
public static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
public static void debug(String line) {
if(DEBUG) System.err.println(line);
public static void debug(String fmt, Object... args) {
if(DEBUG) System.err.printf(fmt, args);
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
NumbersGame solver = new NumbersGame(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : null);
private Scanner solution;
private Scanner input = new Scanner(;
private List<BigInteger> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
private List<BigInteger> diffs = new ArrayList<>();
public NumbersGame(String sol) throws Exception {
if(sol != null)
solution = new Scanner(new File(sol));
public void verify(int i, List<BigInteger> numbers, String decision) throws Exception {
if(solution == null) return;
String expected =;
debug("[%02d] %s, expected %s but %s\n", i+1, numbers, expected, decision);
public void solve() throws Exception {
int N = input.nextInt();
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
BigInteger n1 = input.nextBigInteger();
BigInteger n2 = input.nextBigInteger(); BigInteger n3 = input.nextBigInteger();
String decision = doSolve(numbers.get(0), numbers.get(1), numbers.get(2));
verify(i, numbers, decision);
private List<BigInteger> HIST = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean isBaseCase(BigInteger diff1, BigInteger diff2) {
return diff1.compareTo(TWO) < 0 && diff2.compareTo(TWO) < 0;
private String solveBaseCase(BigInteger diff1, BigInteger diff2) {
// 0, 0 => 2nd
// 0, 1 => 1st
// 1, 0 => 1st
// 1,2,2
// -> 2,2,2 2nd
// -> 1,1,2 1st -> 1,1,1 2nd
// 1, 1 => 2nd
// 1,2,3
// -> 1,1,2 1st -> 1,1,1 2nd
// -> 2,2,3 1st -> 2,2,2 2nd
debug("solving base case for (%s, %s)\n", diff1, diff2);
return (diff1.add(diff2).equals(BigInteger.ONE)) ? "First" : "Second";
private boolean isBalanced(BigInteger diff1, BigInteger diff2) {
return diff1.equals(diff2) || diff1.equals(diff2.subtract(ONE));
private boolean isFirst(BigInteger diff) {
// 1st 2nd
// 1
// 2 3-5
// 6-10 11-21
// 22-42 43-85
return false;
// extend the limit if necessary
while(true) {
BigInteger last = HIST.get(HIST.size()-1);
if(last.compareTo(diff) >= 0) break;
// locate the range for diff >= 2
int low;
int high = Collections.binarySearch(HIST, diff);
debug("binary search for %s: %d\n", diff, high);
if(high >= 0)
return true;
high = -high - 1;
low = high - 1;
if(low < 0) {
// diff == 2
return true;
} else {
BigInteger base = HIST.get(low);
debug("found base %s for diff %s\n", base, diff);
if(base.compareTo(TWO) == 0)
return false;
return diff.compareTo(base.multiply(TWO).subtract(ONE)) < 0;
private String doSolve(BigInteger n1, BigInteger n2, BigInteger n3) {
BigInteger diff1 = n2.subtract(n1);
BigInteger diff2 = n3.subtract(n2);
if(isBaseCase(diff1, diff2))
return solveBaseCase(diff1, diff2);
if(isBalanced(diff1, diff2))
return isFirst(diff1) || isFirst(diff2) ? "First" : "Second";
else {
BigInteger diff3 = diff1.add(diff2);
return isFirst(diff1) || isFirst(diff2) || isFirst(diff3) ? "First" : "Second";
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