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Created February 8, 2014 10:04
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Save farleyta/8881336 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JavaScript feature-based execution
// Modified
// And
// All pages
common: {
init: function() {
// Some universal variables
var breakpoint = 768;
// Initialize header style based on window width
if ( $(window).width() >= breakpoint ) {
$('body').attr('data-features', 'desktopHeader');
} else {
$('body').attr('data-features', 'mobileHeader');
// Behavior on window resizing = swap between menu types
if ( $(window).width() >= breakpoint && $('.nav-main').hasClass('mobileHeader')) {
$('body').attr('data-features', 'desktopHeader');
$('.nav-main').toggleClass('desktopHeader mobileHeader');
if ( $(window).width() < breakpoint && $('.nav-main').hasClass('desktopHeader')) {
$('body').attr('data-features', 'mobileHeader');
$('.nav-main').toggleClass('desktopHeader mobileHeader');
// Add the double arrow icon font to READ MORE text
$('a.read_more').append(' <i class="icon-angle-double-right"></i>');
// Home Page only
home: {
init: function() {
// Contact Page only
contact: {
init: function() {
// Feature-specific functions
features: {
mobileHeader: function() {
// Add Menu toggle button
$('.nav-main').prepend('<ul class="menu-link show-only-for-mobile"><li><span class="menu-button"><i class="icon-menu-1"></i>Menu<i class="menu-toggle icon-down-open-1"></i></span></li></ul>');
// Hide menu by default
// When Menu toggle is clicked show/hide main menu
// Alternate between the up and down arrow
$(this).find('.menu-toggle').toggleClass('icon-down-open-1 icon-up-open-1');
// Hide all submenus with dropdowns as well
$('.menu-primary-navigation .dropdown-menu').hide();
// Add dropdown arrow to any menu items that have a submenu
$('.menu-primary-navigation .dropdown > a').after('<span class="menu-button"><i class="dropdown-menu-toggle icon-plus"></i></span>');
// When dropdown arrow is clicked, show/hide submenu
$('.menu-primary-navigation .dropdown .menu-button').on('click', function(){
$(this).next('.dropdown-menu').slideToggle('fast', function() {
// and alternate between up arrow and down arrow
$(this).prev('.menu-button').children('.dropdown-menu-toggle').toggleClass('icon-plus icon-minus');
// Also, hide any other previously open submenus
$(this).parent().siblings().find('.dropdown-menu:visible').slideToggle('fast', function() {
// and alternate between up arrow and down arrow
$(this).prev('.menu-button').children('.dropdown-menu-toggle').toggleClass('icon-plus icon-minus');
// Move the search form from the header to within the nav menu
$('#menu-primary-navigation').append('<li class="search-form-list-item"></li>');
$('.header-top .search-form').detach().appendTo('.search-form-list-item');
desktopHeader: function() {
// Remove the mobile menu if it exists (ie - we're resizing)
if ( $('.nav-main').children('.menu-link').length ) {
// And a function to reset any DOM manipulations done by the mobile header
destroyMobileHeader: function() {
// Remove Menu toggle button
// Unhide full menu and all submenus, and remove toggle buttons
// Also remove all .on('click') events
$('.menu-primary-navigation .dropdown .menu-button').off('click');
// Detach the search form and move it back to its original location in the DOM
$('.menu-primary-navigation .search-form').detach().insertAfter('.logo');
var UTIL = {
fire: function(func, funcname, args) {
var namespace = NAMESPACE;
funcname = (funcname === undefined) ? 'init' : funcname;
if (func !== '' && namespace[func] && typeof namespace[func][funcname] === 'function'){
loadEvents: function() {'common');
$.each(document.body.className.replace(/-/g, '_').split(/\s+/),function(i,classnm) {;
// Custom added function to execute any functions named in "data-features" on body
if ( $('body').data('features') ) {
$.each($('body').data('features').replace(/-/g, '_').split(/\s+/), function(i,featurenm){'features', featurenm);
}'common', 'finalize');
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