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Created May 26, 2023 08:49
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App Script Chat Bot Sample
// 1) Copy or Duplicate this spreadsheet (and this AppsScript project)
// 2) Run "setup" function once
// - Use the menu above.
// 3) Create Google Cloud Service Project. And copy the Project Number.
// 4) This > Project Settings > Set GCM project number
// 5) Add the line "chat": {} to your manifest file. (IMPORTANT)
// 6) Setup 0Auth :
// 6) Deploy
// - Select type "Web App" and "Add-on" (both)
// - Set description "v1"
// - Set "Who can access" to "Anyone"
// 7) Copy "Deployment Id" and "Web App URL" you will use them.
// - Check the Web APP URL, is it working?
// - "message" key must equals to "working"
// - "setup" key must not equals to "null"
// 8) Enable Google Chat API on
// - Use search to find "Google Chat API" and press Enable button.
// 9) Go to APIs > Google Chat API > Credentials and Create a service account.
// - Choose a account name and type a description for it. (Ex: Unity GChat )
// - Click to "Create and Continue"
// - Select Role : "Basic > Owner" and Click "Continue"
// - No need to grant user access, just Click to "Done".
// 10) Go to APIs > Google Chat API > Configuration and fill the form.
// - Set App Name (Ex: Unity GChat)
// - Set Avatar URL (if you have not, use )
// - Set Description. (Ex: Unity GChat allows to talk with Unity)
// - Set Functionality
// * Receive 1:1 messages => checked
// * Join spaces and group conversations => checked
// - Set Connection Settings
// * Choose "App Script Project" option
// * Paste "Deployment Id" to textbox.
// - Set Visibility
// * Add your email adresses to see the bot.
// * Add your domain if you have google workspace.
// 11) Create space and your providers and bot to the group..
// ####################
// # Setup
// ####################
function setup(){ // please select "setup" function and run it once.
// ####################
// # API
// ####################
// - handle GET method
function doGet(request) {
var output = ContentService.createTextOutput();
message: "working",
setup : PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty("setup"),
chat : PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty("chat")
return output;
// - handle POST method
function doPost(request){
var json = { ok: false, request: request };
json.error = "No post data";
}else if(request.postData.type != 'application/json'){
json.error = "Invalid json body";
json.input = JSON.parse(request.postData.contents);
if(request.parameters.type){ // Ex: exec?type=create
var type = request.parameters.type;
if(type=="create") createThread(json);
else if(type=="post") postToThread(json);
else if(type=="fetch") fetchThread(json);
else json.error ="Invalid type";
json.error = "Type parameter is required";
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(json)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
// - exec?type=create
function createThread(json){
var name = "User (No Name)";
name =;
var response = postMessage({
text: name + " created a thread."
json.responseForThread = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
json.thread =;
response = postMessage({
text: name + " : " + json.input.message,
thread : {
name : json.thread
json.responseForMessage = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
json.ok = true;
json.message = "Thread created";
// - exec?type=post
function postToThread(json){
var name = "User (No Name)";
name =;
var response = postMessage({
text: name + " : " + json.input.message,
thread : {
name : json.input.thread
json.responseForMessage = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
json.ok = true;
json.message = "Posted to the thread";
json.error ="thread parameter is required";
// - exec?type=fetch
function fetchThread(json){
json.ok = true;
json.message = "Thread fetched";
//var spaceId = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty("space");
var service = createService();
var url = ''; // test
//url +="?filter=" + encodeURI(" = " + json.input.thread);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: 'get',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken() }
json.responseForMessage = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
json.ok = true;
json.message = "Posted to the thread";
json.error ="thread parameter is required";
// ####################
// # Bot
// ####################
function onMessage(event) {
var name = "";
var message = "";
if ( == "DM") {
message = "DM is not allowed."
} else {
name = event.user.displayName;
message = name + " said \"" + event.message.text + "\". Please use threads. ";
return { "text": message };
function onAddToSpace(event) {
var message = "";
if ( {
message = "Thank you for adding me to a DM, " + event.user.displayName + "!";
} else {
message = "Thank you for adding me to " +
( ? : "this chat");
if (event.message) {
// Bot added through @mention.
message = message + " and you said: \"" + event.message.text + "\"";
return { "text": message };
var SCOPE = '';
var TOKEN_URL = '';
// The values below are copied from the JSON file downloaded upon
// service account creation.
// For SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY, remember to include the BEGIN and END lines of the private key
var SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY = '--required--';
var SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = '--required--';
function createService(){
var service = OAuth2.createService('chat')
if (!service.hasAccess()) {
Logger.log('Authentication error: %s', service.getLastError());
return null;
return service;
// Posts a message into the given space ID via the API, using
// service account authentication.
function postMessage(message) {
var spaceId = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty("space");
var service = createService();
var url = '' + spaceId + '/messages';
url += '?messageReplyOption=' + message.messageReplyOption;
delete message.messageReplyOption;
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken() },
contentType: 'application/json',
payload: JSON.stringify(message),
function testMessage(){
text: "Hello! It's a test message."
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