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Last active October 28, 2022 21:06
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import 'dart:math';
void main() {
// Circle objects
Circle circle1 = Circle();
Circle circle2 = Circle.onlyRad(radius: 2);
Circle circle3 = Circle.radAndColor(radius: 2, color: 'blue');
// Printing circles
Circle 1:
Area: ${circle1.getArea()}
Circumference: ${circle1.getCircumference()}
Color: ${circle1.color}
Circle 2:
Area: ${circle2.getArea()}
Circumference: ${circle2.getCircumference()}
Color: ${circle2.color}
Circle 3:
Area: ${circle3.getArea()}
Circumference: ${circle3.getCircumference()}
Color: ${circle3.color}
class Circle{
// Properties
final double radius;
final String color;
// Constructors
Circle({ this.color = 'red', this.radius = 1});
Circle.onlyRad({required this.radius}): color = 'red';
Circle.radAndColor({required this.color, required this.radius});
// Methods
double getArea() {
return pi * pow(radius, 2);
double getCircumference() {
return 2 * pi * radius;
String getDescription() {
return 'Description: Radius: $radius Color: $color';
String getColor() {
return 'Color: $color';
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