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Created January 10, 2022 06:06
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Formless 3 Type problem
module App.Component.Forms.Test where
import Prologue
import Data.Int as Int
import Formless as F
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
type Form :: (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> Row Type
type Form f
= ( name :: f String String String
, nickname :: f String Void (Maybe String)
, age :: f String String Int
type FormInputs
= { | Form F.FieldInput }
type Cat
= { | Form F.FieldOutput }
type Query
= Const Void
type Input
= Unit
type Output
= Cat
type FormContext
= F.FormContext (Form F.FieldState) (Form (F.FieldAction Action)) Input Action
type FormlessAction
= F.FormlessAction (Form F.FieldState)
data Action
= Receive FormContext
| Eval FormlessAction
type State
= FormContext
form :: H.Component Query Input Output Aff
form =
F.formless { liftAction: Eval } mempty
$ H.mkComponent
{ initialState: \context -> context
, render
, eval:
$ H.defaultEval
{ receive = Just <<< Receive
, handleAction = handleAction
, handleQuery = handleQuery
render :: FormContext -> H.ComponentHTML Action () Aff
render { formActions, fields, actions } =
[ HE.onSubmit formActions.handleSubmit ]
[ HH.div_
[ HH.label_ [ HH.text "Name" ]
, HH.input
[ HP.type_ HP.InputText
, HP.placeholder "Scooby"
, HP.value
, HE.onValueInput
, HE.onBlur
-- We can use the `result` field to check if we have an error
, case of
Just (Left error) -> HH.text error
_ -> HH.text ""
handleAction ::
Action ->
H.HalogenM State Action () (F.FormOutput Output) Aff Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Receive context -> H.put context
Eval action -> F.eval action
handleQuery ::
forall a.
F.FormQuery _ _ _ _ a ->
H.HalogenM State Action () (F.FormOutput Output) Aff (Maybe a)
handleQuery = do
validateName :: String -> Either String String
validateName input
| input == "" = Left "Required"
| otherwise = Right input
validateNickname :: String -> Either Void (Maybe String)
validateNickname input
| input == "" = Right Nothing
| otherwise = Right (Just input)
validateAge :: String -> Either String Int
validateAge input = case Int.fromString input of
Nothing -> Left "Not a valid integer."
Just n
| n > 20 -> Left "No dog is over 20 years old!"
| n <= 0 -> Left "No dog is less than 0 years old!"
| otherwise -> Right n
validation :: { | Form F.FieldValidation }
validation =
{ name: validateName
, nickname: validateNickname
, age: validateAge
handleSuccess :: Cat -> H.HalogenM _ _ _ _ _ Unit
handleSuccess = F.raise
F.handleSubmitValidate handleSuccess F.validate validation
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