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Python/Numpy overlap-add method of fast 2D convolution. Public domain.
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft2, ifft2
def overlapadd2(Amat, Hmat, L=None, Nfft=None, y=None, verbose=False):
Fast two-dimensional linear convolution via the overlap-add method.
The overlap-add method is well-suited to convolving a very large array,
`Amat`, with a much smaller filter array, `Hmat` by breaking the large
convolution into many smaller `L`-sized sub-convolutions, and evaluating
these using the FFT. The computational savings over the straightforward
two-dimensional convolution via, say, scipy.signal.convolve2d, can be
substantial for large Amat and/or Hmat.
Amat, Hmat : array_like
Two-dimensional input arrays to be convolved. For computational
purposes, Amat should be larger.
L : sequence of two ints, optional
Length of sub-convolution to use. This should ideally be as large as
possible to obtain maximum speedup: that is, if you have the memory to
compute the linear convolution using FFT2, i.e., replacing spatial
convolution with frequency-domain multiplication, then let `L =
np.array(Amat.shape) + np.array(Hmat.shape) - 1`. Usually, though, you
are considering overlap-add because you can't afford a batch transform
on your arrays, so make `L` as big as you can.
Nfft : sequence of two ints, optional
Size of the two-dimensional FFT to use for each `L`-sized
sub-convolution. If omitted, defaults to the next power-of-two, that
is, the next power-of-two on or after `L + np.array(Hmat.shape) - 1`.
If you choose this default, try to avoid `L` such that this minimum, `L
+ np.array(Hmat.shape) - 1`, is just a bit greater than a power-of-two,
since you'll be paying for a 4x larger FFT than you need.
y : array_like, optional
Storage for the output. Useful if using a memory-mapped file, e.g.
verbose : boolean, optional
If True, prints a message for each `L`-sized subconvolution.
y : same as passed in, or ndarray if no `y` passed in
The `np.array(Amat.shape) + np.array(Hmat.shape) - 1`-sized
two-dimensional array containing the linear convolution. Should be
within machine precision of, e.g., `scipy.signal.convolve2d(Amat,
Hmat, 'full')`.
ValueError if `L` and `Nfft` aren't two-element, and too small: both
elements of `L` must be greater than zero, and `Nfft`'s must be greater
than `L + np.array(Hmat.shape) - 1`. Also if `Amat` or `Hmat` aren't
two-dimensional arrays, or if `y` doesn't have the correct size to store
the output of the linear convolution.
Wikipedia is only semi-unhelpful on this topic: see "Overlap-add method".
M = np.array(Hmat.shape)
Na = np.array(Amat.shape)
if y is None:
y = np.zeros(M + Na - 1, dtype=Amat.dtype)
elif y.shape != tuple(M + Na - 1):
raise ValueError('y given has incorrect dimensions', M + Na - 1)
if L is None:
L = M * 100
L = np.array(L)
if Nfft is None:
Nfft = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(L + M - 1)).astype(int)
Nfft = np.array(Nfft, dtype=int)
if not (np.all(L > 0) and L.size == 2):
raise ValueError('L must have two positive elements')
if not (np.all(Nfft >= L + M - 1) and Nfft.size == 2):
raise ValueError('Nfft must have two elements >= L + M - 1 where '
'M = Hmat.shape')
if not (Amat.ndim <= 2 and Hmat.ndim <= 2):
raise ValueError('Amat and Hmat must be 2D arrays')
Hf = fft2(Hmat, Nfft)
(XDIM, YDIM) = (1, 0)
adjust = lambda x: x # no adjuster
if np.isrealobj(Amat) and np.isrealobj(Hmat): # unless inputs are real
adjust = np.real # then ensure real
start = [0, 0]
endd = [0, 0]
while start[XDIM] <= Na[XDIM]:
endd[XDIM] = min(start[XDIM] + L[XDIM], Na[XDIM])
start[YDIM] = 0
while start[YDIM] <= Na[YDIM]:
if verbose:
endd[YDIM] = min(start[YDIM] + L[YDIM], Na[YDIM])
yt = adjust(ifft2(Hf * fft2(Amat[start[YDIM] : endd[YDIM],
start[XDIM] : endd[XDIM]], Nfft)))
thisend = np.minimum(Na + M - 1, start + Nfft)
y[start[YDIM] : thisend[YDIM], start[XDIM] : thisend[XDIM]] += (
yt[:(thisend[YDIM] - start[YDIM]),
:(thisend[XDIM] - start[XDIM])])
start[YDIM] += L[YDIM]
start[XDIM] += L[XDIM]
return y
def test():
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
A = np.random.randn(33, 55)
H = np.random.randn(4, 5)
gold = convolve2d(A, H)
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(A, H, L=[12, 12])))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(A, H, L=[12, 120])))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(A, H, L=[90, 120])))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(H, A, L=[190, 220])))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(H, A, L=[1, 1])))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(H, A)))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(A, H)))
assert(np.allclose(convolve2d(A.T, H.T),
overlapadd2(A.T, H.T, L=[190, 220])))
A = np.random.randn(33, 55) + 1j * np.random.randn(33, 55)
H = np.random.randn(4, 5) + 1j * np.random.randn(4, 5)
gold = convolve2d(A, H)
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(H, A)))
assert(np.allclose(gold, overlapadd2(A, H)))
print('Test passed!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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