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Created September 14, 2018 15:18
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WIP: Computer-parsable version of Masha Bell's "4,219 unpredictably spelt common words"
have hav
meringue merang
plaid plad
plait plat
aunt ant/ahnt
draught draft/drahft
laugh laf/lahf
ale/ail ale
bale/bail bale
male/mail male
pale/pail pale
sale/sail sale
tale/tail tale
whale/wail wale
aid/aide ade
made/maid made
brake/break brake
stake/steak stake
place/plaice place
waste/waist; waste
ate/eight ate
bate/bait bate
grate/great grate
straight strate
straits strates
wait/weight wate
fate/fête fate
assail asale
cocktail coctale
detail deetale
fail fale
hail hale
jail jale
nail nale
prevail prevale
rail rale
retail reetale
snail snale
trail trale
braid brade
laid lade
paid pade
raid rade
afraid afrade
aim ame
claim clame
exclaim exclame
maim mame
proclaim proclame
daisy dasy
praise prase
raise rase
raisin rasin
traitor trater
waiter water*
freight frate
faith fathe
halfpenny hapenny
neighbour naber
able abel
apron aperon
cable cabel
fable fabel
gable gabel
stable stabel
table tabel
cradle cradel
ladle ladel
sabre saber
gauge gage
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