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Last active June 23, 2022 12:44
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Short-time Fourier transform with inverse in Python/Numpy, see
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
def stft(x, Nwin, Nfft=None):
Short-time Fourier transform: convert a 1D vector to a 2D array
The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) breaks a long vector into disjoint
chunks (no overlap) and runs an FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) on each chunk.
The resulting 2D array can
x : array_like
Input signal (expected to be real)
Nwin : int
Length of each window (chunk of the signal). Should be ≪ `len(x)`.
Nfft : int, optional
Zero-pad each chunk to this length before FFT. Should be ≥ `Nwin`,
(usually with small prime factors, for fastest FFT). Default: `Nwin`.
out : complex ndarray
`len(x) // Nwin` by `Nfft` complex array representing the STFT of `x`.
See also
istft : inverse function (convert a STFT array back to a data vector)
stftbins : time and frequency bins corresponding to `out`
Nfft = Nfft or Nwin
Nwindows = x.size // Nwin
# reshape into array `Nwin` wide, and as tall as possible. This is
# optimized for C-order (row-major) layouts.
arr = np.reshape(x[:Nwindows * Nwin], (-1, Nwin))
stft = fft.rfft(arr, Nfft)
return stft
def stftbins(x, Nwin, Nfft=None, d=1.0):
Time and frequency bins corresponding to short-time Fourier transform.
Call this with the same arguments as `stft`, plus one extra argument: `d`
sample spacing, to get the time and frequency axes that the output of
`stft` correspond to.
x : array_like
same as `stft`
Nwin : int
same as `stft`
Nfft : int, optional
same as `stft`
d : float, optional
Sample spacing of `x` (or 1 / sample frequency), units of seconds.
Default: 1.0.
t : ndarray
Array of length `len(x) // Nwin`, in units of seconds, corresponding to
the first dimension (height) of the output of `stft`.
f : ndarray
Array of length `Nfft`, in units of Hertz, corresponding to the second
dimension (width) of the output of `stft`.
Nfft = Nfft or Nwin
Nwindows = x.size // Nwin
t = np.arange(Nwindows) * (Nwin * d)
f = fft.rfftfreq(Nfft, d)
return t, f
def istft(stftArr, Nwin):
Inverse short-time Fourier transform (ISTFT)
Given an array representing the output of `stft`, convert it back to the
original samples.
stftArr : ndarray
Output of `stft` (or something the same size)
Nwin : int
Same input as `stft`: length of each chunk that the STFT was calculated
y : ndarray
Data samples corresponding to STFT data.
See also:
stft : the forward transform
arr = fft.irfft(stftArr)[:, :Nwin]
return np.reshape(arr, -1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sampleRate = 100.0 # Hertz
N = 1024
Nwin = 64
# Generate a chirp: start frequency at 5 Hz and going down at 2 Hz/s
time = np.arange(N) / sampleRate # seconds
x = np.cos(2 * np.pi * time * (5 - 2 * 0.5 * time))
# Test with Nfft bigger than Nwin
Nfft = Nwin * 2
s = stft(x, Nwin, Nfft=Nfft)
y = istft(s, Nwin)
# Make sure the stft and istft are inverses. Caveat: `x` and `y` won't be
# the same length if `N/Nwin` isn't integral!
maxerr = np.max(np.abs(x - y))
assert (maxerr < np.spacing(1) * 10)
# Test `stftbins`
t, f = stftbins(x, Nwin, Nfft=Nfft, d=1 / sampleRate)
assert (len(t) == s.shape[0])
assert (len(f) == s.shape[1])
import pylab as plt
plt.imshow(np.abs(s), aspect="auto", extent=[f[0], f[-1], t[-1], t[0]])
plt.xlabel('frequency (Hertz)')
plt.ylabel('time (seconds (start of chunk))')
plt.title('STFT with chirp example')
except ModuleNotFoundError:
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GChims commented Jun 23, 2020

Can I use the same implementation on real sensor data for example with 2 columns 'datetime' and 'value' columns. Thanks

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fasiha commented Jun 23, 2020

These functions take just raw Numpy 1D arrays so yes, give stft the value column and it it will work.

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Thanks for the code!

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