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Created May 18, 2023 05:47
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Python evaluation of a particular Meijer G function by summing residues: implements the solution in
import sympy as s
from sympy import S
isInt = lambda x: x == int(x)
isZeroNegInt = lambda x: x <= 0 and isInt(x)
def meijerGm00m(bs, z, numSeries=20, verbose=False):
An approach to implementing the MeijerG^{m,0}_{0,m} function.
This Meijer G function defines a contour integral with m Γ functions (no
denominator). Based on
`bs` are the coefficients of the Meijer G function. A list of numbers (ideally
Sympy symbolic numbers rather than floats?)
`z` is the scalar argument of the Meijer G function.
`numSeries` is how many terms of the infinite series to use. TODO: we can use
relative tolerances to exit sooner too.
`verbose` will compare this approach's estimates of the residues with Sympy's
symbolic residues. Use this with `numSeries < 5` because this can get really
resSum2 = S(0)
seenPoles = set()
if verbose:
ds = s.symbols('s')
f =[s.gamma(x - ds) for x in meijerList]) * z**ds
for i in range(numSeries):
for b in bs:
thisPole = b + i # we know that f(thisPole) -> infinity
if thisPole in seenPoles:
# both these lists are arguments to Gamma
poleBs = [] # these args to f to blow up
nonpoleBs = [] # these dont
for b2 in bs:
other = b2 - thisPole
if isZeroNegInt(other):
if len(poleBs) == 1:
# simple pole!
negN = -(poleBs[0] - thisPole)
laurentMinus1 = (-1)**negN / s.gamma(negN + 1)
rest =[s.gamma(nonpole - thisPole) for nonpole in nonpoleBs]) * z**thisPole
res = laurentMinus1 * rest
if verbose:
print('simple pole calculated', res.evalf())
print('simple pole residue', s.simplify(s.residue(f, ds, thisPole)).evalf())
# res should be `s.simplify(s.residue(f, ds, thisPole))`
l1 = - thisPole) for b in nonpoleBs) * z**thisPole *
(-1)**(1 + b - thisPole) / s.gamma(-(b - thisPole) + 1) for b in poleBs)
l2 = s.log(z) - sum(s.polygamma(0, b - thisPole) for b in nonpoleBs) - sum(
s.polygamma(0, thisPole - b + 1) for b in poleBs)
res = -l1 * l2
# res should be `s.simplify(s.residue(f, ds, thisPole).subs({dz: zsym}))`
if verbose:
print(f'MULTI={len(poleBs)} pole calculated', res.evalf())
print(f'MULTI pole residue', s.simplify(s.residue(f, ds, thisPole)).evalf())
resSum2 += float(res.evalf())
return resSum2
if __name__ == "__main__":
import mpmath as mp
z = S(1) / 80
# example 1
meijerList = [S(i) / 3 for i in range(15)]
expected = mp.meijerg([[], []], [meijerList, []], z)
actual = meijerGm00m(meijerList, z)
print(actual, expected, 'error', (actual - expected) / actual)
# example 2 (from
n = 1
p, q = S(1), S(3)
meijerList = [(x - (p / q) - n) / p for x in range(1, p)] + [-1 / q - n / p
] + [x / q for x in range(int(q))]
expected = mp.meijerg([[], []], [meijerList, []], z)
actual = meijerGm00m(meijerList, z)
print(actual, expected, 'error', (actual - expected) / actual)
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