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Last active February 13, 2017 21:43
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Magento + TaxJar Custom Product Taxability Exceptions by State
// Include around here:
// Taxable in one state, exempt in other exempt states
$specialTaxableProducts = array(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004); // Product IDs
// Tax these clothing products if shipped to PA
if (in_array($item->getProductId(), $specialTaxableProducts) && $address->getRegionCode() == 'PA') {
$taxCode = ''; // Fully taxable
// Taxable in multiple states, exempt in other exempt states
$specialTaxableProducts = array(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004); // Product IDs
$specialTaxableStates = array('MN', 'PA');
// Tax these Clothing products if shipped to MN or PA
if (in_array($item->getProductId(), $specialTaxableProducts) && in_array($address->getRegionCode(), $specialTaxableStates)) {
$taxCode = ''; // Fully taxable
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