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Created June 26, 2012 19:14
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Simple Configurable Products for Avalanche Magento Theme
Some of these override earlier varien/product.js methods, therefore
varien/product.js must have been included prior to this file.
Product.Config.prototype.getMatchingSimpleProduct = function(){
var inScopeProductIds = this.getInScopeProductIds();
if ((typeof inScopeProductIds != 'undefined') && (inScopeProductIds.length == 1)) {
return inScopeProductIds[0];
return false;
Find products which are within consideration based on user's selection of
config options so far
Returns a normal array containing product ids
allowedProducts is a normal numeric array containing product ids.
childProducts is a hash keyed on product id
optionalAllowedProducts lets you pass a set of products to restrict by,
in addition to just using the ones already selected by the user
Product.Config.prototype.getInScopeProductIds = function(optionalAllowedProducts) {
var childProducts = this.config.childProducts;
var allowedProducts = [];
if ((typeof optionalAllowedProducts != 'undefined') && (optionalAllowedProducts.length > 0)) {
// alert("starting with: " + optionalAllowedProducts.inspect());
allowedProducts = optionalAllowedProducts;
for(var s=0, len=this.settings.length-1; s<=len; s++) {
if (this.settings[s].selectedIndex <= 0){
var selected = this.settings[s].options[this.settings[s].selectedIndex];
if (s==0 && allowedProducts.length == 0){
allowedProducts = selected.config.allowedProducts;
} else {
// alert("merging: " + allowedProducts.inspect() + " with: " + selected.config.allowedProducts.inspect());
allowedProducts = allowedProducts.intersect(selected.config.allowedProducts).uniq();
// alert("to give: " + allowedProducts.inspect());
//If we can't find any products (because nothing's been selected most likely)
//then just use all product ids.
if ((typeof allowedProducts == 'undefined') || (allowedProducts.length == 0)) {
productIds = Object.keys(childProducts);
} else {
productIds = allowedProducts;
return productIds;
Product.Config.prototype.getProductIdOfCheapestProductInScope = function(priceType, optionalAllowedProducts) {
var childProducts = this.config.childProducts;
var productIds = this.getInScopeProductIds(optionalAllowedProducts);
var minPrice = Infinity;
var lowestPricedProdId = false;
//Get lowest price from product ids.
for (var x=0, len=productIds.length; x<len; ++x) {
var thisPrice = Number(childProducts[productIds[x]][priceType]);
if (thisPrice < minPrice) {
minPrice = thisPrice;
lowestPricedProdId = productIds[x];
return lowestPricedProdId;
Product.Config.prototype.getProductIdOfMostExpensiveProductInScope = function(priceType, optionalAllowedProducts) {
var childProducts = this.config.childProducts;
var productIds = this.getInScopeProductIds(optionalAllowedProducts);
var maxPrice = 0;
var highestPricedProdId = false;
//Get highest price from product ids.
for (var x=0, len=productIds.length; x<len; ++x) {
var thisPrice = Number(childProducts[productIds[x]][priceType]);
if (thisPrice > maxPrice) {
maxPrice = thisPrice;
highestPricedProdId = productIds[x];
return highestPricedProdId;
Product.Config.prototype.updateFormProductId = function(productId){
if (!productId) {
return false;
var currentAction = $('product_addtocart_form').action;
newcurrentAction = currentAction.sub(/product\/\d+\//, 'product/' + productId + '/');
$('product_addtocart_form').action = newcurrentAction;
$('product_addtocart_form').product.value = productId;
Product.Config.prototype.addParentProductIdToCartForm = function(parentProductId) {
if (typeof $('product_addtocart_form').cpid != 'undefined') {
return; //don't create it if we have one..
var el = document.createElement("input");
el.type = "hidden"; = "cpid";
el.value = parentProductId.toString();
Product.OptionsPrice.prototype.updateSpecialPriceDisplay = function(price, finalPrice) {
var prodForm = $('product_addtocart_form');
var specialPriceBox ='p.special-price');
var oldPricePriceBox ='p.old-price, p.was-old-price');
var magentopriceLabel ='span.price-label');
if (price == finalPrice) {
specialPriceBox.each(function(x) {x.hide();});
magentopriceLabel.each(function(x) {x.hide();});
oldPricePriceBox.each(function(x) {
specialPriceBox.each(function(x) {;});
magentopriceLabel.each(function(x) {;});
oldPricePriceBox.each(function(x) {
//This triggers reload of price and other elements that can change
//once all options are selected
Product.Config.prototype.reloadPrice = function() {
var childProductId = this.getMatchingSimpleProduct();
var childProducts = this.config.childProducts;
var usingZoomer = false;
usingZoomer = true;
if (childProductId){
var price = childProducts[childProductId]["price"];
var finalPrice = childProducts[childProductId]["finalPrice"];
optionsPrice.productPrice = finalPrice;
optionsPrice.productOldPrice = price;
optionsPrice.updateSpecialPriceDisplay(price, finalPrice);
this.showCustomOptionsBlock(childProductId, this.config.productId);
this.showFullImageDiv(childProductId, this.config.productId);
// if (usingZoomer) {
// this.showFullImageDiv(childProductId, this.config.productId);
// }else{
// this.updateProductImage(childProductId);
// }
} else {
var cheapestPid = this.getProductIdOfCheapestProductInScope("finalPrice");
//var mostExpensivePid = this.getProductIdOfMostExpensiveProductInScope("finalPrice");
var price = childProducts[cheapestPid]["price"];
var finalPrice = childProducts[cheapestPid]["finalPrice"];
optionsPrice.productPrice = finalPrice;
optionsPrice.productOldPrice = price;
optionsPrice.updateSpecialPriceDisplay(price, finalPrice);
this.showCustomOptionsBlock(false, false);
this.showFullImageDiv(false, false);
// if (usingZoomer) {
// this.showFullImageDiv(false, false);
// }else{
// this.updateProductImage(false);
// }
Product.Config.prototype.updateProductImage = function(productId) {
var imageUrl = this.config.imageUrl;
if(productId && this.config.childProducts[productId].imageUrl) {
imageUrl = this.config.childProducts[productId].imageUrl;
if (!imageUrl) {
if($('image')) {
$('image').src = imageUrl;
} else {
$$('#product-image img').each(function(el) {
var dims = el.getDimensions();
el.src = imageUrl;
el.width = dims.width;
el.height = dims.height;
Product.Config.prototype.updateProductName = function(productId) {
var productName = this.config.productName;
if (productId && this.config.childProducts[productId].productName) {
productName = this.config.childProducts[productId].productName;
$$('#product-info h1').each(function(el) {
el.innerHTML = productName;
Product.Config.prototype.updateProductShortDescription = function(productId) {
var shortDescription = this.config.shortDescription;
if (productId && this.config.childProducts[productId].shortDescription) {
shortDescription = this.config.childProducts[productId].shortDescription;
$$('#product-info #product-description').each(function(el) {
el.innerHTML = shortDescription;
Product.Config.prototype.updateProductDescription = function(productId) {
var description = this.config.description;
if (productId && this.config.childProducts[productId].description) {
description = this.config.childProducts[productId].description;
$$('#product-overview .white-box-inner').each(function(el) {
el.innerHTML = description;
Product.Config.prototype.updateProductAttributes = function(productId) {
var productAttributes = this.config.productAttributes;
if (productId && this.config.childProducts[productId].productAttributes) {
productAttributes = this.config.childProducts[productId].productAttributes;
//If config product doesn't already have an additional information section,
//it won't be shown for associated product either. It's too hard to work out
//where to place it given that different themes use very different html here
$$('#extended-features').each(function(el) {
el.innerHTML = jQuery(productAttributes).html();
Product.Config.prototype.showCustomOptionsBlock = function(productId, parentId) {
var coUrl = this.config.ajaxBaseUrl + "co/?id=" + productId + '&pid=' + parentId;
var prodForm = $('product_addtocart_form');
if ($('SCPcustomOptionsDiv')==null) {
Effect.Fade('SCPcustomOptionsDiv', { duration: 0.5, from: 1, to: 0.5 });
if(productId) {
//Uncomment the line below if you want an ajax loader to appear while any custom
//options are being loaded.
//$$('span.scp-please-wait').each(function(el) {});
//prodForm.getElements().each(function(el) {el.disable()});
new Ajax.Updater('SCPcustomOptionsDiv', coUrl, {
method: 'get',
evalScripts: true,
onComplete: function() {
$$('span.scp-please-wait').each(function(el) {el.hide()});
Effect.Fade('SCPcustomOptionsDiv', { duration: 0.5, from: 0.5, to: 1 });
//prodForm.getElements().each(function(el) {el.enable()});
} else {
$('SCPcustomOptionsDiv').innerHTML = '';
window.opConfig = new Product.Options([]);
Product.Config.prototype.showFullImageDiv = function(productId, parentId) {
var imgUrl = this.config.ajaxBaseUrl + "image/?id=" + productId + '&pid=' + parentId;
var prodForm = $('product_addtocart_form');
var destElement = false;
var defaultZoomer = this.config.imageZoomer;'#product-image').each(function(el) {
destElement = el;
if(productId) {
jQuery('body').append('<div id="ajax-load"></div>');
new Ajax.Updater(destElement, imgUrl, {
method: 'get',
evalScripts: false,
onComplete: function(data) {
jQuery('.cloud-zoom, .cloud-zoom-gallery').CloudZoom();
// //Product.Zoom needs the *image* (not just the html source from the ajax)
// //to have loaded before it works, hence image object and onload handler
// if ($('image')){
// var imgObj = new Image();
// imgObj.src = $('image').src;
// imgObj.onload = function() {product_zoom = new Product.Zoom('image', 'track', 'handle', 'zoom_in', 'zoom_out', 'track_hint'); };
// } else {
// destElement.innerHTML = defaultZoomer;
// product_zoom = new Product.Zoom('image', 'track', 'handle', 'zoom_in', 'zoom_out', 'track_hint')
// }
} else {
jQuery('.cloud-zoom, .cloud-zoom-gallery').CloudZoom();
// product_zoom = new Product.Zoom('product-image', 'track', 'handle', 'zoom_in', 'zoom_out', 'track_hint');
Product.OptionsPrice.prototype.reloadPriceLabels = function(productPriceIsKnown) {
var priceFromLabel = '';
var prodForm = $('product_addtocart_form');
if (!productPriceIsKnown && typeof spConfig != "undefined") {
priceFromLabel = spConfig.config.priceFromLabel;
var priceSpanId = 'configurable-price-from-' + this.productId;
var duplicatePriceSpanId = priceSpanId + this.duplicateIdSuffix;
if($(priceSpanId) && $(priceSpanId).select('span.configurable-price-from-label'))
$(priceSpanId).select('span.configurable-price-from-label').each(function(label) {
label.innerHTML = priceFromLabel;
if ($(duplicatePriceSpanId) && $(duplicatePriceSpanId).select('span.configurable-price-from-label')) {
$(duplicatePriceSpanId).select('span.configurable-price-from-label').each(function(label) {
label.innerHTML = priceFromLabel;
//SCP: Forces the 'next' element to have it's optionLabels reloaded too
Product.Config.prototype.configureElement = function(element) {
this.state[] = element.value;
element.nextSetting.disabled = false;
else {
//SCP: Changed logic to use absolute price ranges rather than price differentials
Product.Config.prototype.reloadOptionLabels = function(element){
var selectedPrice;
var childProducts = this.config.childProducts;
//Don't update elements that have a selected option
for(var i=0;i<element.options.length;i++){
var cheapestPid = this.getProductIdOfCheapestProductInScope("finalPrice", element.options[i].config.allowedProducts);
var mostExpensivePid = this.getProductIdOfMostExpensiveProductInScope("finalPrice", element.options[i].config.allowedProducts);
var cheapestFinalPrice = childProducts[cheapestPid]["finalPrice"];
var mostExpensiveFinalPrice = childProducts[mostExpensivePid]["finalPrice"];
element.options[i].text = this.getOptionLabel(element.options[i].config, cheapestFinalPrice, mostExpensiveFinalPrice);
//SCP: Changed label formatting to show absolute price ranges rather than price differentials
Product.Config.prototype.getOptionLabel = function(option, lowPrice, highPrice){
var str = option.label;
if (!this.config.showPriceRangesInOptions) {
return str;
var to = ' ' + this.config.rangeToLabel + ' ';
var separator = ': ';
lowPrices = this.getTaxPrices(lowPrice);
highPrices = this.getTaxPrices(highPrice);
if(lowPrice && highPrice){
if (lowPrice != highPrice) {
if (this.taxConfig.showBothPrices) {
str+= separator + this.formatPrice(lowPrices[2], false) + ' (' + this.formatPrice(lowPrices[1], false) + ' ' + this.taxConfig.inclTaxTitle + ')';
str+= to + this.formatPrice(highPrices[2], false) + ' (' + this.formatPrice(highPrices[1], false) + ' ' + this.taxConfig.inclTaxTitle + ')';
} else {
str+= separator + this.formatPrice(lowPrices[0], false);
str+= to + this.formatPrice(highPrices[0], false);
} else {
if (this.taxConfig.showBothPrices) {
str+= separator + this.formatPrice(lowPrices[2], false) + ' (' + this.formatPrice(lowPrices[1], false) + ' ' + this.taxConfig.inclTaxTitle + ')';
} else {
str+= separator + this.formatPrice(lowPrices[0], false);
return str;
//SCP: Refactored price calculations into separate function
Product.Config.prototype.getTaxPrices = function(price) {
var price = parseFloat(price);
if (this.taxConfig.includeTax) {
var tax = price / (100 + this.taxConfig.defaultTax) * this.taxConfig.defaultTax;
var excl = price - tax;
var incl = excl*(1+(this.taxConfig.currentTax/100));
} else {
var tax = price * (this.taxConfig.currentTax / 100);
var excl = price;
var incl = excl + tax;
if (this.taxConfig.showIncludeTax || this.taxConfig.showBothPrices) {
price = incl;
} else {
price = excl;
return [price, incl, excl];
//SCP: Forces price labels to be updated on load
//so that first select shows ranges from the start
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
//Really only needs to be the first element that has configureElement set on it,
//rather than all.
$('product_addtocart_form').getElements().each(function(el) {
if(el.type == 'select-one') {
if(el.options && (el.options.length > 1)) {
el.options[0].selected = true;
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