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Created September 17, 2018 07:39
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async function buildDeb() {
const arch = process.env.CI_ARCH;
let debArch = arch == "386" ? "i386" : "amd64";
await $($.sh(`fakeroot -v`));
await $($.sh(`ar -V`));
for (const appname of ["itch", "kitch"]) {
const stage2 = `staging/stage2`;
await prepareStage2({ arch, appname, stage2 });
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${stage2}/DEBIAN`));
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${stage2}/usr/share/doc/${appname}`));
await $.sh(
`cp resources/debian/copyright ${stage2}/usr/share/doc/${appname}`
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${stage2}/usr/share/lintian/overrides`));
await $.sh(
`cp resources/debian/lintian-overrides ${stage2}/usr/share/lintian/overrides/${appname}`
const duOutput = await $.getOutput(`du -ck ${stage2}`);
const duLines = duOutput.trim().split("\n");
const totalLine = duLines[duLines.length - 1];
const installedSize = parseInt(/^[0-9]+/.exec(totalLine), 10);
$.say(`deb installed size: ${(installedSize / 1024).toFixed(2)} MB`);
const controlContents = `
Package: ${appname}
Version: ${version}
Architecture: ${debArch}
Maintainer: Amos Wenger
Installed-Size: ${Math.ceil(installedSize)}
Depends: libasound2, libatk1.0-0, libc6, libcairo2, libcups2, libdbus-1-3, libexpat1, libfontconfig1, libgcc1, libgconf-2-4, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0, libglib2.0-0, libgtk-3-0, libnspr4, libnss3, libpango-1.0-0, libpangocairo-1.0-0, libstdc++6, libx11-6, libx11-xcb1, libxcb1, libxcomposite1, libxcursor1, libxdamage1, libxext6, libxfixes3, libxi6, libxrandr2, libxrender1, libxss1, libxtst6, libappindicator1
Section: games
Priority: optional
Description: install and play games easily
The itch app lets you effortlessly download and run games and software
from All of your downloads are kept in a single place and are
automatically updated. Access your collections and purchases, or browse
for new games via the in-app browser. You can even sync any browser based
games right into the app, letting you play them offline whenever you want.
Once you're back online you'll be able to grab any updates if necessary.
Thanks to the community, itch is available in over 20 languages!
await $.writeFile(`${stage2}/DEBIAN/control`, controlContents);
await $.cd(stage2, async () => {
let sums = "";
const allFiles = await $.findAllFiles("usr/");
for (const file of allFiles) {
sums += `${await $.md5(file)} ${file}\n`;
const stat = await $.lstat(file);
const perms = stat.mode & 0o777;
switch (perms) {
case 0o775:
await $.chmod(0o755, file);
case 0o664:
await $.chmod(0o644, file);
await $.writeFile(`DEBIAN/md5sums`, sums);
await $.cd("DEBIAN", async () => {
$(await $.sh(`fakeroot tar cfz ../control.tar.gz .`));
$(await $.sh("mkdir data"));
$(await $.sh("mv usr data/"));
await $.cd("data", async () => {
$(await $.sh("fakeroot tar cfJ ../data.tar.xz ."));
await $.writeFile("debian-binary", "2.0\n");
const outFolder = `../../broth/install-${appname}/linux-deb-${arch}`;
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${outFolder}`));
const deb = `${outFolder}/${appname}_${version}_${debArch}.deb`;
const debContents = ["debian-binary", "control.tar.gz", "data.tar.xz"];
$(await $.sh(`ar cq ${deb} ${debContents.join(" ")}`));
async function prepareStage2({ arch, appname, stage2 }) {
$(await $.sh(`rm -rf ${stage2}`));
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${stage2}`));
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${stage2}/usr/bin`));
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${stage2}/usr/share/applications`));
for (const size of ["16", "32", "48", "64", "128", "256", "512"]) {
const dir = `${stage2}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps`;
$(await $.sh(`mkdir -p ${dir}`));
await $.sh(
`cp resources/images/${appname}-icons/icon${size}.png ${dir}/${appname}.png`
const launcherContents = `#!/bin/sh
${appname}-setup --prefer-launch -- "$@"
await $.writeFile(`${stage2}/usr/bin/${appname}`, launcherContents);
$(await $.sh(`chmod +x ${stage2}/usr/bin/${appname}`));
const url = `${appname}-setup/linux-${arch}/LATEST/unpacked/default`;
$(await $.sh(`curl -f -L ${url} -o ${stage2}/usr/bin/${appname}-setup`));
$(await $.sh(`chmod +x ${stage2}/usr/bin/${appname}-setup`));
const desktopContents = `[Desktop Entry]
Exec=${appname} %U
Comment=Install and play games easily`;
await $.writeFile(
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