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faststeak / PowershellTranscript.json
Created January 27, 2023 22:27
Cribl Custom Eventbreaker for Powershell Transcripts
"id": "PowershellTranscripts",
"lib": "custom",
"rules": [
"condition": "sourcetype=='powershell:transcripts'",
"type": "regex",
"timestampAnchorRegex": "/Start time:\\s/",
"timestamp": {
"type": "format",
faststeak / gist:0ef52e39c80ef15c92731fb0a7fcb234
Created December 13, 2021 17:00
Splunk search for log4j stuff
index=<your target indexes>
| regex "(?i)\${(\${(.*?:|.*?:.*?:-)(\'|\"|\`)*(?1)}*|[jndi:(ldap|ldaps|rmi|dns|nis|iiop|corba|nds|http)](\'|\"|\`)*}*){9,10}"
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "(?<ip_addr>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})"
| rex field=_raw "Base64\/(?<base64>[A-Za-z0-9+]{15,}[=]{0,2})"
| decrypt field=base64 b64 emit('payload')
| table _time index sourcetype host ip_addr base64 payload _raw
| mvexpand ip_addr
faststeak / gist:c8a0483ca0a25c6c92bab43579596c16
Created March 26, 2021 14:36
Splunk search looking for writable shares with Tenable Nessus data
index=<your tenable index here> sourcetype=tenable:sc:vuln (pluginID=10396 OR pluginID=10395 OR pluginID=23973 OR pluginID=24271 OR pluginID=42411 OR pluginID=60119) TERM(<your testuser here>)
| table ip dnsName pluginID pluginName pluginText
| rex field=pluginText max_match=0 (?<allInfo>((?<=\n-\s)((?<=\n-\s)(.+\n)*)*))
| mvexpand allInfo
| rex field=allInfo (?<shareContents>((?<=:\n)(.+\n)*(.)*))
| rex field=allInfo (?<sharePermissions>(((?<=\s{2}-\s\()(.)*)(?=\))))
| rex field=allInfo (?<shareName>((.)*(?=\s{2}-)))
| search sharePermissions=*writable*
| table dnsName shareName
faststeak / gist:66918caaf6a0d7e9fcd818515ae63252
Created March 23, 2020 19:48
Splunk Search for finding password spray - useful for "Jacked directly into the matrix"
index=winevents sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625 NOT(user=*$ OR host="insert Domain Controllers here") Failure_Reason="Unknown user name or bad password."
| bin span=30m _time
| stats min(_time) as firstTime max(_time) as lastTime count dc(user) as user_count values(user) as user_logon_attempts values(Source_Network_Address) as Source_Network_Addresses by host Logon_Type Failure_Reason
| fields firstTime lastTime host Logon_Type Failure_Reason user_count user_logon_attempts Source_Network_Addresses
| convert ctime(firstTime), ctime(lastTime)
| where user_count>50
| eval user_logon_attempts=mvjoin(user_logon_attempts, ", ")
| eval user_logon_attempts=substr(user_logon_attempts, 0, 500)
faststeak /
Last active November 24, 2019 17:23 — forked from regnauld/
Overview of IPAM/DCIM tools - July 2016
faststeak / gist:275d5d157492b281b6940068f2ae9f6d
Last active November 15, 2019 17:12
Osquery Queries from various sources
SELECT,, p.state, u.username, lp.*
FROM processes p
INNER JOIN listening_ports lp
ON =
INNER JOIN users u
ON u.uid = p.uid;
SELECT u.username,
FROM users u
faststeak / gist:8c2f812f3a9650523aea44cae20fbaa7
Last active October 14, 2019 13:49
Splunk searches to find password spraying in Auth DM
# Needs time and host components
| tstats summariesonly=true allow_old_summaries=true count FROM datamodel=Authentication by _time Authentication.src_user Authentication.user | rename Authentication.* as * | stats dc(user) as user_count values(user) as users by src_user
# Base tstats search to get the initial data
| tstats summariesonly=true allow_old_summaries=true count FROM datamodel=Authentication by _time Authentication.action Authentication.src Authentication.dest Authentication.src_user Authentication.user Authentication.signature Authentication.signature_id
faststeak / gist:e30f6802fd51c3cd325e6b4247e85267
Created June 17, 2019 16:19
Splunk search to find Accelerated Data Models that are using a lookup
## Any DMs returned are using a lookup, so those lookups need to be on the indexers.
| rest splunk_server=local /services/datamodel/acceleration| fields title search | eval contains_lookup=if(like(search, "%lookup%"),1,0) | eval contains_lookup=case(contains_lookup=1,"yes",contains_lookup=0,"no")| table title search contains_lookup | search contains_lookup=yes
faststeak / gist:824a9bad9b0a0784f51ed9767b6e9810
Created May 20, 2019 16:21
Splunk Endpoint DM search for regsvr32.exe activity
| tstats summariesonly=true allow_old_summaries=true count from datamodel=Endpoint.Processes where Processes.process_name="regsvr32.exe" by _time Processes.dest Processes.parent_process Processes.process span=15m
# Assumes the presence of SA-Netops (the normalize macro).
# Configured for Stream data as written
index=dhcp chaddr=* ciaddr=* NOT (ciaddr="" OR ciaddr=169.254.*)
| streamstats earliest(_time) as earliest_time latest(_time) as latest_time latest(chaddr) as latest_mac latest(ciaddr) as latest_ip by chaddr ciaddr reset_on_change=true
| stats min(earliest_time) as start_time max(latest_time) as end_time by latest_mac latest_ip
| rename latest_mac AS mac latest_ip as ip
| `normalize_mac_address(mac)`
| inputlookup dhcp_lookup append=t
| stats dc(mac) as mac_count values(*) as * by ip