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Created February 6, 2017 04:53
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Dump A MySQL Database To YAML Using PHP
/* ========================================================
* File           : dumpyaml.php
* Date           : July 15, 2010
* Author         : Jonathan Franzone
* Author Website :
* Script to generate YAML ( from
* a MySQL database. Will generate YAML for either all
* tables in the specified database, only the specified
* tables in the specified database or only the given
* SQL query.
* ========================================================
/* ========================================================
* Configuration (read from command-line)
* ========================================================
$DBHOST = '';
$DBUSER = '';
$DBPASS = '';
$DBNAME = '';
$TABLES = array();
$DBQUERY = '';
$CONVERT_NAME = false;
* Prints the usage for this script
function usage() {
  echo "
MySQLToYaml [Jonathan Franzone;]
  Script to generate YAML ( from
  a MySQL database. Will generate YAML for either all
  tables in the specified database, only the specified
  tables in the specified database or only the given
  SQL query.
Usage : dumpyaml.php [options] -d <database>
        dumpyaml.php [options] -d <database> -t table1,table2
        dumpyaml.php [options] -d <database> -q \"SELECT * FROM `mytable`\" -qn custom_name
  -h <host>       MySQL database host
  -u <user>       MySQL username
  -p <pass>       MySQL password
  -d <database>   Name of the MySQL database to dump
  -t <table(s)>   Comma delimited list of tables to dump from database
  -q \"<query>\"    SQL query to dump
  -qn <query name>  Name of the \"table\" when using the -q option
  -n              Convert table names to class names
* Reads/parses the command-line arguments
function read_args() {
  while(!empty($argv)) {
    $arg = array_shift($argv);
    switch($arg) {
      case '-h':
        $DBHOST = array_shift($argv);
      case '-u':
        $DBUSER = array_shift($argv);
      case '-p':
        $DBPASS = array_shift($argv);
      case '-d':
        $DBNAME = array_shift($argv);
      case '-t':
        $TABLES = explode(",", array_shift($argv));
      case '-q':
        $DBQUERY = array_shift($argv);
      case '-qn':
        $QUERYNAME = array_shift($argv);
      case '-n':
        $CONVERT_NAMES = true;
  // Validate Command-Line Arguments
  $retVal = true;
  if (empty($DBHOST)) {
    echo "-h <host> is required\n";
    $retVal = false;
  if (empty($DBUSER)) {
    echo "-u <user> is required\n";
    $retVal = false;
  if (empty($DBPASS)) {
    echo "-p <pass> is required\n";
    $retVal = false;
  if (empty($DBNAME)) {
    echo "-d <database> is required\n";
    $retVal = false;
  if (!empty($TABLES) && !empty($DBQUERY)) {
    echo "-t <table(s)> and -q \"<query>\" are mutually exclusive options\n";
    $retVal = false;
  if (!empty($DBQUERY) && empty($QUERYNAME)) {
    echo "-qn <query name> is required when using -q \"<query>\"\n";
    $retVal = false;
  return $retVal;
* Takes a table name with underscores and converts it to something
* like a class name (CAML case and remove the underscores).
function convert_name_to_class($string) {
  // Return Value
  $retVal = '';
  $tokens = explode('_', $string);
  foreach($tokens as $token) {
    $retVal .= strtoupper(substr($token, 0, 1));
    if (strlen($token) > 1) {
      $retVal .= substr($token, 1);
  // Return Value
  return $retVal;
* Takes a SQL query and dumps YAML
function sql_to_yaml($link, $sql, $table) {
  global $CONVERT_NAMES;
  // Run the query
  $result = mysql_query($sql, $link);
  if ($result) {
    // Output the table name
    echo ($CONVERT_NAMES === true) ? convert_name_to_class($table) . ":\n" : "{$table}:\n";
    // Loop over the result set
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
      // Output the row/collection indicator
      echo "  -\n";
      // Loop over the columns output names and values
      foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
        // Do have any newlines or line feeds?
        $literalFlag = (strpos($value, "\r") !== FALSE || strpos($value, "\n") !== FALSE) ? "| " : "";
        // Output the key/value pair
        echo "    {$key}: {$literalFlag}{$value}\n";
  // Free the result resources
* Retrieves the database tables from the database and puts them into the $TABLES array
function get_database_tables($link) {
  global $TABLES;
  // Run the query
  $result = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES', $link);
  if ($result) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
      $TABLES[] = $row[0];
  // Free the result resources
* Main program loop
if (read_args()) {
  // Open database connection
  $link = mysql_connect($DBHOST, $DBUSER, $DBPASS);
  if (!$link) {
    die("Could not connect to DB [{$DBUSER}:{$DBPASS}@{$DBHOST}] :: " . mysql_error()) . "\n";
  // Select the database
  if (mysql_select_db($DBNAME)) {
    // Output header
    echo "---\n";
    // Query Mode
    if (!empty($DBQUERY)) {
      sql_to_yaml($link, $DBQUERY, $QUERYNAME);
    else {
      // If the user has not specified tables then query for them
      if (empty($TABLES)) {
      // Loop over tables and output YAML
      foreach ($TABLES as $tbl) {
        sql_to_yaml($link, "SELECT * FROM {$tbl}", $tbl);
        echo "\n";
    // Output footer
    echo "...\n";
  else {
    echo "Could not select database [{$DBNAME}] :: " . mysql_error() . "\n";
  // Close Database
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