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Last active November 6, 2021 10:52
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Save fastzombies/d63cd953ea89f9f3499980688280d334 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple demo of Integration-Manager workflow that can be used when services like Gitlab are not available.
# This is a simple script to walk through the Integration-manager style of
# git workflow. Without a server such as gitlab, having only standard file
# system access, this is what is necessary.
# gold is production area and takes final approved changed from silver
# silver is gold staging area and takes changes from user bronze area
# bronze is individual user staging area for silver and is not for WIP
# sandbox is individual user sandbox where all WIP takes place
# if you have never used git, create some git configs
if [[ ! -e ~/.gitconfig ]]; then
# These are required
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
# these are helpful
git config --global alias.glog 'log --oneline --decorate --all --graph'
git config --global alias.rlog 'log --oneline --decorate --all --reverse'
git config --global alias.ignore '"!gi() { curl -L -s$@ ;}; gi"'
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
# create a .gitignore_global file to ignore vim swap files so git will not
# report them as untracked
if [[ ! -e ~/.gitignore_global ]]; then
git ignore >> ~/.gitignore_global
### project area setup section ###
# make basic I-M structure
mkdir -pv $gold
mkdir -pv $silver
mkdir -pv $bronze
mkdir -pv $sandbox
# start a project. This is a top-down approach as if you had some code to start
# with and now want to get it inder SCM. You can also do it bottom up, this is
# just one way to do it.
mkdir -p $proj && cd $proj && cd $proj
# populate project with some files
for dir in a b c d; do
mkdir -p $proj/dir-$dir && cd $proj/dir-$dir
for file in 0 1 2 3; do
echo " This is file${file}." > file-${file}.txt
cd $proj
# gold owner initializes the gold repo, tell silver owner when done
cd $proj
git init
git add *
git commit -m "Initial gold commit"
# silver owner initialize silver repo and tell users when done
cd $silver
git clone $proj
# users initialize their own bronze and sandbox repos
# Here will will auto create 4 user areas
for user in a b c d; do
# user-x created their bronze repo
#echo "-I- user-$user creating bronze"
mkdir -p $bronze/user-${user} && cd $bronze/user-${user}
git clone $silver/project
#user-x creates their sandbox
#echo "-I- user-$user creating sandbox"
mkdir -p $sandbox/user-${user} && cd $sandbox/user-${user}
git clone $bronze/user-${user}/project
# add gold repo and call it "gold" for pulling updates which will be covered later
#echo "-I- user-$user adding gold repo"
cd project
git remote add gold $gold/project
### change demo section ###
# user-a makes some changes
cd $sbox
# show remotes
git remote -v
# first get latest gold updates from the gold remote repo we added earlier
git pull gold master
# create and checkout a local dev branch, never work in master
git checkout -b my-dev-branch
# add and edit some files
echo "A new file from $user" > dir-a/file-4.txt
echo "An edit to a file" >> dir-b/file-0.txt
git status
git glog
#add updated and tracked files
git add -u
git status
git glog
# add new untracked files
git add dir-a/file-4.txt
git status
git glog
# commit changes
git commit -m "Some changes from $user"
git status
git glog
# merge with master
git checkout master
git merge my-dev-branch
git status
git glog
# [optional] delete dev branch.
git branch -D my-dev-branch
git glog
### pull changes to user-a bronze
cd $bronze/user-a/project
# set up remote
git remote -v
git remote add sandbox $sbox
git remote -v
git pull sandbox master
git status
git glog
### user-a email silver owner with "silver pull request for $bronze/user-a/project"
# silver integtation owner pull from bronze
cd $silver/project
# set up remote
git remote -v
git remote add user-a $bronze/user-a/project
git remote -v
git pull user-a master
git status
git glog
# user-a changes are now staged in silver
# user-b make changes
cd $sbox
# first get latest gold updates
git pull gold master
# now create and checkout working branch
git checkout -b dev
# add and edit some files
echo "A new file from $user" > dir-c/file-4.txt
echo "An edit to a file from $user" >> dir-d/file-0.txt
git status
git glog
#add updated and tracked files
git add -u
git status
git glog
# add new untracked files
git add dir-c/file-4.txt
git status
git glog
# commit changes
git commit -m "Some changes from $user"
git status
git glog
# merge with master
git checkout master
git merge dev
git status
git glog
# [optional] delete dev branch
git branch -D dev
git glog
# pull changed to user-a bronze
cd $bronze/user-b/project
git remote -v
git remote add sandbox $sbox
git remote -v
git pull sandbox master
git status
git glog
# user-a email silver owner with "silver pull request for $bronze/user-a/project"
# silver integtation owner
cd $silver/project
# vim will open asking for a merge comment. Edit if desired and ZZ or :wq to continue
git remote -v
git remote add user-b $bronze/user-b/project
git remote -v
git pull user-b master
git status
git glog
# silver owner email gold owner with "gold pull request for $silver/project"
# silver integtation owner
cd $gold/project
git remote -v
git remote add silver $silver/project
git remote -v
git pull silver master
git status
git glog
# user-a and user-b changes are now in prod
## end change demo
# git cheat sheet
# more comprehensive user guide
# a visual interactive guide to the git silos and the related functions
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