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Last active January 11, 2018 04:33
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  • Save fataltes/0b19fd2f62d8eebcd8868be4aebd5157 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
uint16_t num_samples = 2586;
std::string filename = argv[1];
BitVectorRRR eqcls(filename);
size_t totalEqClsCnt = eqcls.bit_size()/num_samples; //222584822;
std::cout << "Total bit size: " << eqcls.bit_size() << "\ntotal # of equivalence classes: " << totalEqClsCnt << "\n";
size_t gigs = 8;
std::string dir = "bvs_8g";
uint64_t totalBitsAllowed = ((gigs*8*1024*1024*1024)/num_samples)*num_samples;
std::cout << "total bits allowed is " << totalBitsAllowed << "\n\n";
std::string output_dir = "/mnt/scratch4/fatemeh/"+ dir;
uint64_t fileCntr = 0;
uint64_t bvIdx = 0;
BitVector* bv = new BitVector(totalBitsAllowed);
std::cout << "Go over equivalence classes ..\n";
sdslhash<BitVector> hasher;
spp::sparse_hash_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> hashMap;
for (size_t eqclsCntr = 0; eqclsCntr < totalEqClsCnt; eqclsCntr++) {
//std::cout << eqclsCntr << ":" << totalBitsAllowed << " " << bvIdx << " - ";
// save to file after each 8 gig of data
if (totalBitsAllowed - bvIdx + 1 < num_samples) {
std::cout << eqclsCntr << ":" << totalBitsAllowed << "," << bvIdx << " diff: " << totalBitsAllowed-bvIdx
<< " size in bytes: " << bv->size_in_bytes() << "\n";
BitVectorRRR bvr(*bv);
std::string outfile_name = output_dir + "/bv-" + std::to_string(fileCntr++) + ".rrr" ;
delete bv;
totalBitsAllowed = std::min(totalBitsAllowed, (totalEqClsCnt-eqclsCntr)*num_samples);
bv = new BitVector(totalBitsAllowed);
bvIdx = 0;
BitVector colorCls(num_samples);
size_t i = 0;
while (i < num_samples) {
size_t bitCnt = std::min(num_samples-i, (size_t)64);
size_t wrd = eqcls.get_int(eqclsCntr*num_samples+i, bitCnt);
for (size_t j = 0; j < bitCnt; j++) {
if ((wrd >> j) & 0x01) {
uint64_t hashVal = hasher(colorCls);
if (hashMap.find(hashVal) == hashMap.end()) {
hashMap[hashVal] = 1;
else {
std::cerr << "collision: " << eqclsCntr << " hash: " << hashVal << "\n";
hashMap[hashVal]+= 1;
// remaining (last) part
BitVectorRRR bvr(*bv);
std::string outfile_name = output_dir + "/bv-" + std::to_string(fileCntr) + ".rrr" ;
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