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Last active December 21, 2017 17:48
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BCalm Pufferizer
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, os
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print("alters BCALM's unitigs so that they fit pufferfish input. more specifically:")
print(" the script considers the set B and E of all k-mers that are extremities of the reference genomes, respectively beginning and end of genomes.")
print(" output is: modified unitigs such that each k-mer in B should be the beginning of an unitig, and each kmer in E should be end of an unitig.")
print(" in order words, unitigs are split at kmers that are extremities of the reference sequences")
exit("arguments: references.fa unitigs.fa k")
from itertools import groupby
def fasta_iter(fasta_name):
given a fasta file. yield tuples of header, sequence
fh = open(fasta_name)
# ditch the boolean (x[0]) and just keep the header or sequence since
# we know they alternate.
faiter = (x[1] for x in groupby(fh, lambda line: line[0] == ">"))
for header in faiter:
# drop the ">"
header = next(header)[1:].strip()
# join all sequence lines to one.
seq = "".join(s.strip() for s in next(faiter))
yield header, seq
complement = {'A': 'T', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'T': 'A'}
def revcomp(seq):
reverse_complement = "".join(complement.get(base, base) for base in reversed(seq))
return reverse_complement
def normalize(kmer):
return kmer if kmer < revcomp(kmer) else revcomp(kmer)
# parse references
#for header, ref in fasta_iter(references):
# for kmer in [ref[:k], ref[-k:]]:
# ref_kmers.add(normalize(kmer))
# print(kmer)
# go through all reference strings and keep the starting and end kmers for each of them in the ref_skmers and ref_ekmers respectively.
# parse references
for header, ref in fasta_iter(references):
# parse unitigs and split if necessary
# ASSUMPTION: we will never have to split a unitig twice, because really, what are the chances that a unitig spans an entire reference sequence?
# NOTE: unitigs are renumbered consecutively
# NOTE: former unitigs links are discarded
#output = open(unitigs+".pufferized.fa","w")
output = open(unitigs+".pufferized.gfa", "w")
def save_unitig(header,seq):
global output, p, nb_unitigs
nb_unitigs += 1
output.write("S\t%s\t%s\n" % (nb_unitigs, seq))
unitig_skmer = {}
unitig_ekmer = {}
def create_unitig(header, unitig):
global unitig_skmer, unitig_ekmer
if len(unitig) == k:
unitig = normalize(unitig)
unitig_id=save_unitig(header, unitig)
if normalize(unitig[:k]) in unitig_skmer or normalize(unitig[:k]) in unitig_ekmer:
exit("Error: Initial kmer is repeated.")
if normalize(unitig[-k:]) in unitig_skmer or normalize(unitig[-k:]) in unitig_ekmer:
exit("Error: Last kmer is repeated.")
unitig_ekmer[normalize(unitig[-k:])] = [unitig_id, len(unitig)]
unitig_skmer[normalize(unitig[:k])] = [unitig_id, len(unitig)]
print("Start parsing and spliting unitigs .. ")
for header, unitig in fasta_iter(unitigs):
prev = 0
for i in range(0,len(unitig)-k+1):
kmer = unitig[i:i+k]
# cut up until first kmer but not the kmer itself
if kmer in ref_skmers or revcomp(kmer) in ref_ekmers:
if i+k-1-prev >= k:
create_unitig(header, unitig[prev:i+k-1])
prev = i
# cut the unitig until the kmer, including it
if kmer in ref_ekmers or revcomp(kmer) in ref_skmers:
create_unitig(header, unitig[prev:i+k])
prev = i+1
#add the last and right most unitig:
if len(unitig)-prev >= k:
if verbose:
print("all unitig is a unitig from index {}: {}".format(prev, unitig[prev:]))
create_unitig(header, unitig[prev:])
print("Start reconstructing the path .. ")
pathCtr = 0
for header, ref in fasta_iter(references):
i = 0
seq = ''
while (i < len(ref)-k+1):
kmer = ref[i:i+k]
normalizedkmer = normalize(kmer)
unitigInfo = []
ori = "+"
if normalizedkmer in unitig_skmer and normalizedkmer in unitig_ekmer:
unitigInfo = unitig_skmer[normalizedkmer]
if kmer == normalizedkmer:
ori = "+"
ori = "-"
elif normalizedkmer in unitig_skmer:
unitigInfo = unitig_skmer[normalizedkmer]
ori = "+"
elif normalizedkmer in unitig_ekmer:
unitigInfo = unitig_ekmer[normalizedkmer]
ori = "-"
print(pathCtr, " paths reconstructed.")
exit("ERROR: kmer is not found in the start or end of a unitig \n{0} , {1}".format(kmer, normalizedkmer))
if i > 0:
output.write("%s%s" % (unitigInfo[0], ori))
#increase i by the total number of kmers in the current unitig
i += (unitigInfo[1]-k+1)
print("done. result is in: %s.pufferized.gfa" % unitigs)
print("to update unitig links in the fasta header (necessary to get a GFA file), run:")
print("mv %s.pufferized.fa %s" % (unitigs,unitigs))
prefix = "[prefix]" if ("unitigs.fa" not in unitigs) else (unitigs.split(".unitigs.fa")[0]+".h5")
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
bcalm_path = "bcalm" if not os.path.isfile("%s/../build/bcalm" % script_dir) else os.path.abspath("%s/../build/bcalm" %script_dir)
print("%s -in %s -skip-bcalm -skip-bglue -redo-links" % (bcalm_path,prefix))
print("%s/ %s %s.gfa %d" % (script_dir,unitigs,unitigs,k))
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