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Created September 3, 2022 01:12
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// AnimatableTrigger.swift
// ScrollViewDemo
// Created by Yang Xu on 2022/9/2.
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
// 考虑到动画数据插值的不确定性,除了起始点数据外,其他位置数据的判断条件应该设置的宽松些
struct AnimationTrigger<Value: VectorArithmetic>: Animatable, ViewModifier {
var animatableData: Value {
get { value }
set {
value = newValue
var value: Value
let condition: (Value) -> Bool
var trigger: (Value, Int) -> Void
let triggerOnce: Bool
@State var count = 0
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
let _ = [condition].forEach {
if $0(value) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if (triggerOnce && count == 0) || !triggerOnce {
count += 1
trigger(value, count)
extension View {
func animationTrigger<Value: VectorArithmetic>(
value: Value,
condition: @escaping (Value) -> Bool,
trigger: @escaping (Value, Int) -> Void,
triggerOnce: Bool = true
) -> some View {
modifier(AnimationTrigger(value: value, condition: condition, trigger: trigger, triggerOnce: triggerOnce))
struct TiggerDemo: View {
@State var degree: CGFloat = 0
@State var y: CGFloat = 0
@State var text = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.animationTrigger(value: degree, condition: { $0 == 180 }, trigger: { _, count in
text = "旋转结束"
withAnimation(.easeOut.delay(0.3)) {
y = 200
.offset(x: 0, y: y)
Button("Rotation") {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 1)) {
degree = 180
struct TiggerPreview:PreviewProvider{
static var previews: some View{
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