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Created June 19, 2024 07:16
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A demo of textRender
struct LineByLineDemo: View {
@State var show = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
if show {
let weekly = Text("Fatbobman's Swift Weekly")
let swiftui = Text("SwiftUI")
Text("Get weekly handpicked \nupdates on \(swiftui) from\n \(weekly)!")
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded, weight: .semibold))
GroupBox {
Toggle("Show", isOn: $show.animation())
.frame(height: 200)
#Preview {
struct LineByLineEffect: TextRenderer {
var elapsedTime: TimeInterval // Time elapsed since the start of the animation
var elementDuration: TimeInterval // Duration of each element's animation
var totalDuration: TimeInterval // Total duration of the animation
var animatableData: Double {
get { elapsedTime } // Get the elapsed time
set {
elapsedTime = newValue // Set the elapsed time
init(elapsedTime: TimeInterval, elementDuration: Double = 0.5, totalDuration: TimeInterval) {
// Initialize with elapsed time, element duration, and total duration
self.elapsedTime = min(elapsedTime, totalDuration) // Ensure elapsed time does not exceed total duration
self.elementDuration = min(elementDuration, totalDuration) // Ensure element duration does not exceed total duration
self.totalDuration = totalDuration // Set the total duration
func draw(layout: Text.Layout, in context: inout GraphicsContext) {
// Draw the text layout in the graphics context
let delay = elementDelay(count: layout.count) // Calculate the delay between elements
for (i, line) in layout.enumerated() {
// Iterate over each line in the layout
let timeOffset = TimeInterval(i) * delay // Calculate the time offset for the current line
let elementTime = max(0, min(elapsedTime - timeOffset, elementDuration)) // Calculate the animation time for the current line
var copy = context // Create a copy of the graphics context
draw(line, at: elementTime, in: &copy) // Draw the current line
var spring: Spring {
// Create a spring animation with snappy effect
.snappy(duration: elementDuration - 0.05, extraBounce: 0.4)
func draw(
_ line: Text.Layout.Line,
at time: TimeInterval,
in context: inout GraphicsContext
) {
// Draw a single line of text layout
let progress = time / elementDuration // Calculate the progress of the animation
let opacity = UnitCurve.easeIn.value(at: 1.4 * progress) // Calculate the opacity based on progress
let blurRadius = line.typographicBounds.rect.height / 16 * UnitCurve.easeIn.value(at: 1 - progress) // Calculate the blur radius based on progress
let translationY = spring.value(fromValue: -line.typographicBounds.descent, toValue: 0, initialVelocity: 0, time: time) // Calculate the y-axis translation
context.opacity = opacity // Set the context opacity
context.addFilter(.blur(radius: blurRadius)) // Add blur filter to the context
context.translateBy(x: 0, y: translationY) // Translate the context
context.draw(line, options: .disablesSubpixelQuantization) // Draw the line of text
/// Calculates how much time passes between the start of two consecutive
/// element animations.
/// For example, if there's a total duration of 1 s and an element
/// duration of 0.5 s, the delay for two elements is 0.5 s.
/// The first element starts at 0 s, and the second element starts at 0.5 s
/// and finishes at 1 s.
/// However, to animate three elements in the same duration,
/// the delay is 0.25 s, with the elements starting at 0.0 s, 0.25 s,
/// and 0.5 s, respectively.
func elementDelay(count: Int) -> TimeInterval {
let count = TimeInterval(count) // Convert element count to time interval
let remainingTime = totalDuration - count * elementDuration // Calculate the remaining time
let delay = max(remainingTime / (count + 1), (totalDuration - elementDuration) / count) // Calculate the delay between elements
return delay // Return the calculated delay
extension Text.Layout {
var flattenedRuns: some RandomAccessCollection<Text.Layout.Run> {
// Flatten the lines into runs
flatMap { line in
var flattenedRunSlices: some RandomAccessCollection<Text.Layout.RunSlice> {
// Flatten the runs into run slices
struct LineByLineTransition: Transition {
let duration: TimeInterval
init(duration: TimeInterval = 1.0) {
self.duration = duration
func body(content: Content, phase: TransitionPhase) -> some View {
let elapsedTime = phase.isIdentity ? duration : 0
let renderer = LineByLineEffect(
elapsedTime: elapsedTime,
totalDuration: duration
content.transaction { t in
if !t.disablesAnimations {
t.animation = .linear(duration: duration)
} body: { view in
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