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Created November 29, 2022 05:48
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# Fluree properties
# These settings are base properties that control how Fluree operates. All of these settings can
# be over-ridden by environment variables or passing a java property flags (i.e. -Dfdb-mode=dev) at startup.
# Environment variables take precedent over java property flags which take precedent over settings in this file.
### Base Settings
# Main 'mode' to start this instance of Fluree in.
# Can be dev, query or ledger (defaults to query).
# BigDecimals are not currently handled out-of-the-box by
# JavaScript applications. This setting determines whether
# or not to encode java.Math.BigDecimal values as strings
# for query results, etc. The default is true.
### Ledger Group Settings
# Multiple ledgers you control can work together as a group for both
# redundancy and to split database workloads.
# Consensus type = in-memory or raft (defaults to raft)
# If this server is joining an existing network, list true (defaults to false)
# When adding a new server, the number of rounds to wait for the server to sync its logs.
# If it is not synced in this amount of time, this server will not be added to the network
# Main private key for ledger group.
# We will auto-generation one if not provided, and store it at fdb-group-private-key-file.
# Take care not to lose it, or generate a new one and use it instead by executing
# FlureeDB with the command :keygen
# Path to config directory where, default-private-key.txt, etc. will be
# read / written. Defaults to ./
# If fdb-group-private-key is not provided, we'll look for it in this file (in
# fdb-group-config-path).
# If not found in this file, we'll generate a default one and place it in this
# file (in fdb-group-config-path).
# List all servers participating in ledger-group with format of server-id@host:port
# All tx-group servers should have this same config.
# Uses raft for communication, so total servers (n) can support (f) failures: n = 2f + 1,
# i.e. anything less than 3 servers can sustain no failures, 5 servers can sustain two failures.
# Specify which of the above listed server-ids is this server. Note this must be unique for every
# Server in the tx-group, and is likely easiest to supply this setting via environment variable
# Tx group's internal communication timeout threshold. Will initiate a leader election between this
# value and 2x this value if the leader hasn't been heard from.
# Specify as number of milliseconds, or can use units as well such as 1000ms or 1s.
# Assuming your tx-group network is local, 1000-3000 ms is a good range. Adjust as needed to avoid unintended
# leader elections
# Tx group leader will send out a heartbeat at this interval. By default, will be 1/2 of fdb-group-timeout
# This can never be less than fdb-group-timeout, and ideally should be 1/3 to 1/2 of that value.
# A number in milliseconds can be provided, or can be used with units such as 1000ms or 1s
# Where to store tx-group raft log files. These logs have fairly frequent disk access.
# This is always a local filesystem path and must start with either `/` or `./`.
# Defaults to ./data/group
# Where to store index/block segments and raft snapshots. Replicated on every machine if using "file".
# Current options are:
# - file - on-disk and replicated on every ledger node (the default)
# - memory - stored in memory (useful for testing). Currently only supported for a single, centralized server. fdb-consensus-type must be set to 'in-memory'
# - s3 - stored in an AWS S3 bucket; some things are still stored locally for fast access
# Number of historic tx-group raft logs to keep around. Can be as low as 1. Historic logs take up disk
# space but can be useful for debugging if something goes wrong. High transactional volume servers
# may want to retain extra logs as there will be more frequent rotation
# A snapshot of the current group state will be taken after this many new commits. Larger values mean larger
# log files, small values mean lots of snapshots which can be time consuming for large networks.
# Ideally somewhere in the range of 100 to 1000.
# For file storage-type only: The root directory to put relative storage paths in.
# Can be a relative path starting with "." or an absolute path starting with "/".
# Defaults to ./data
# For s3 storage-type only: Specify the AWS S3 bucket to store ledger
# (blockchain), db indexes, and raft snapshots. Make sure to specify the name
# of an S3 bucket you control, and that the database process has access to your
# credentials.
# See:
# Total memory cache of index segments across all databases. This setting can be changed per-ledger.
# These settings apply per-database, make sure all ledgers and query peers have at least this
# much memory * number of databases you expect to be active on those servers. This setting must be
# consistent across the entire ledger group.
# How frequently to report out stats as a log entry in milliseconds, or can use shorthand
# like 2m for two minutes, 45s for 45 seconds.
# If an encryption secret (any string) is provided, Fluree will use AES Encryption when storing files to disk.
# Note all servers that will be reading files must have the same encryption secret, and if the secret is lost
# all data will be unrecoverable.
### HTTP API port
# Port in which the query peers will respond to API calls from clients (defaults to 8090).
# If fdb-api-open is true, will allow full access on above port for any request and will
# utilize default auth identity to regulate query/read permissions. If false, every request
# must be signed, and the auth id associated with the signature will determine query/read permissions.
### Password authentication
## This is used to allow private keys to be derived from string passwords.
## This is not as secure as users maintaining their own unique private keys
## however it adds more convenience for enterprise apps using Fluree
## as their primary transaction store and who desire password authentication
# Set to true to enable pw-auth, false to disable it.
# This defaults to true, but will only work if there is a signing key for
# transactions. (which can be a default key with root access which exists
# when first starting Fluree, or can be explicitly set below with
# `fdb-pw-auth-signing-key`). If the root private
# key no longer exists or has permission, effectively this feature is disabled
# from any new activity. If you want if off always, set to 'false' below.
# Required for password auth.
# This secret is used to generate a HMAC signature that is used by
# scrypt to generate a valid private key. Every auth record uses
# a unique salt ensuring different private keys for identical passwords.
# A server must have permission to access to the salt (stored in the _auth record)
# to successfully regenerate a private key - along with the normalized password and
# the following secret. Without all 3 elements, the private key cannot be regenerated.
# Maximum allowed expiration time per JWT token in milliseconds.
# Blank means any amount of time is valid. (86400000 ms in 24 hours, 31536000000 in 1 year)
# If renewal JWT tokens are allowed (blank if not allowed), maximum time from initial issuance
# a token can be renewed for in ms. To make this 'forever', use the maximum long value (9223372036854775807).
# For example, if you had a JWT token that expires after 120 seconds, but want to allow an active user
# to not be challenged for a password for up to 1 day, enter "1d" here and an unexpired token can be renewed
# as many times as desired (swapped for an 'fresh' token) so long as the original token issued from the
# password was less then this time period ago.
# JWT tokens issued are secured with this secret. If empty, will
# default to use fdb-pw-auth-secret
# A valid Fluree private key with proper permissions must be used to sign
# any new transaction where new password auth records are created. If a
# default root key still exists and has proper permission, that will be used by default.
### Decentralized Ledgers
# List each auth identity private key at each network and/or database you are participating in.
# Format is private-key1@network/db,private-key2@network/db2 where the db is optional and multiple
# dbs or networks are separated by commas. If only a network is specified, the private key will be used
# as a default for all databases on that network and it is assumed this server is participating with every database.
# i.e. fdb-ledger-private-keys=53ab638dd26d02d95214f58eb5df0b086baba584c66f6ae5b8574d722c6bc3f3@networka/dbname
# List of seed servers to contact for each network/db. Like fdb-ledger-identities, the db is optional.
# Every network/db + server address combination should be separated by a comma
# i.e.,networka@,networkb/
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