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Created June 25, 2018 12:41
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The main themes we’re looking to get clarity on for the redesign are:

  • Handling scale: multiple payment methods, countries and currencies
  • Improving trust through the interface / aesthetic
  • Designing an error message flow that drives better success rates
  • Make it even easier to checkout on Paystack
  • Making the checkout experience so delightful, people actively seek it out
  • Handling custom checkout experiences based on customers’ bank


  • Who are we building for?
  • What devices do they use?
    • Data over the last three months from Google Analytics suggests majority of users use Desktops and smartphones with low screen resolutions
  • How well do customers rate the experience of checking out on Paystack?
    • What features do people currently like about checkout?
    • What features don’t they currently like?
  • How many payment channels are we building for?
  • Do customers currently use channel switching as a fallback when errors occur?
  • Do customers switch payment channel before attempting to make payments?
  • How should other channel options be shown to customers during checkout?
  • What’s the best way to present payment channels to users?
  • Do native looking interfaces help users trust the product more?
    • Compare with a heavily branded payment page
  • How should error displaying work?

Questions grouped by themes

Handling scale: multiple payment methods, countries and currencies

  • How many payment channels are we building for?
    • Card
    • Bank
    • USSD
    • Mobile Money
    • Remember me?
  • How should other channel options be shown to customers during checkout?
    • Dropdown?
    • Tabs
    • Accordions
  • What’s the best way to present payment channels to users?
  • Do customers switch payment channel before attempting to make payments?
    • Out of the 50 people who used Pay with bank, 30 of them went straight, 20 of them used it as a fallback to Pay with card Improving trust through the interface / aesthetic
  • Do native looking interfaces help users trust the product more?
    • ToDo: Compare with a heavily branded payment page Designing an error message flow that drives better success rates
  • How should error displaying work?
    • ToDo: Talk to Ibrahim, Khadijah and Emmanuel and discuss what fallbacks we can offer for our current payment methods
  • Do customers currently use channel switching as a fallback when errors occur?
    • Yes (40% of people who use Pay with bank) Make it even easier to checkout on Paystack
  • How long does a typical checkout session take?
    • Google Analytics says users spend an average of 3m:02s on the checkout page in the last 90 days Making the checkout experience so delightful, people actively seek it out
  • What’re tasteful/unobtrusive ways to key into the joy felt during major events?
    • Make it easy to show the emoji + salutation during public holidays/major sports events?
  • What’re some delightful post-checkout experiences?
    • Custom thank you message and group photo from the company expressing thanks for the purchase?
    • Randomized “good news” factoids and uplifting poetry?
  • How can we make checkout truly accessible for everyone?
    • Research best practices for designing checkout flows that are easy to use for the blind, the aged, and people with limited mobility
    • Think about internationalization
  • How can we channel the surge of positivity that comes from making a successful transaction into some benefit for the merchant ?
    • Help the merchant grow their social media audiences: allow the customer to easily follow the merchant on Insta/Twitter/Facebook
    • Help the merchant promote their product through word of mouth: allow the customer to easily share a promotional message on social
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