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Created May 26, 2013 18:25
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A quad tree.
module QuadTree
( Point, Size, Rect(Rect), Item(Item), QuadTree, Quad
, empty, insert, delete, filterTree, query, stats
) where
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Debug.Trace as Dbg
type Point = (Double, Double)
type Size = (Double, Double)
data Rect = Rect Point Size deriving (Show, Eq)
data QuadTree a = QuadTree
{ minCellSize :: Size
, maxCellFill :: Int
, root :: Quad a
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Item a = Item Point a deriving (Show, Eq)
data Quad a = Leaf { bounds :: Rect
, items :: [Item a] }
| Node { bounds :: Rect
, topLeft :: (Quad a)
, topRight :: (Quad a)
, bottomLeft :: (Quad a)
, bottomRight :: (Quad a)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Stats = Stats { numLeaves :: Int, numInner :: Int } deriving (Show)
-- | Subdivides a rectangle into four equally sized smaller rectangles
subdivideRect :: Rect
-> ( Rect -- top left rect
, Rect -- top right rect
, Rect -- bottom left rect
, Rect)-- bottom right rect
subdivideRect rect@(Rect (x,y) (w,h)) = ( Rect (x,y) (w/2,h/2)
, Rect (x+w/2,y) (w/2,h/2)
, Rect (x,y+w/2) (w/2,h/2)
, Rect (x+w/2,y+w/2) (w/2,h/2))
-- | Returns whether the two rectangles are intersecting
intersects :: Rect -> Rect -> Bool
a `intersects` b = not (al > br || ar < bl || at > bb || ab < bt) where
(al, at, ar, ab) = ltrb a
(bl, bt, br, bb) = ltrb b
-- | converts a rect defined by position and size to a rect defined by
-- | two corners
ltrb :: Rect -> (Double, Double, Double, Double)
ltrb (Rect (x,y) (w,h)) = (x,y,x+w,y+h)
-- | checks whether the point is contained within the rectangle
containedIn :: Point -> Rect -> Bool
containedIn p@(x, y) r@(Rect (rx, ry) (w,h)) =
x >= rx && y >= ry && x < rx+w && y < ry+h
quadIndex :: Point -> Rect -> (Int,Int)
quadIndex (x,y) (Rect (rx, ry) (w,h)) =
(floor $ (x - rx) / w * 2, floor $ (y - ry) / h * 2)
-- | Collapses a node with four empty leaves into one one empty leaf
collapseEmpty :: Quad a -> Quad a
collapseEmpty (Node rect (Leaf _ []) (Leaf _ [])
(Leaf _ []) (Leaf _ [])) = (Leaf rect [])
collapseEmpty other = other
-- | Returns true when the quad and all sub-quads are empty
isEmpty :: Quad a -> Bool
isEmpty quad = case quad of
Leaf _ items -> null items
Node _ tl tr bl br -> isEmpty tl && isEmpty tr && isEmpty bl && isEmpty br
addStats :: Stats -> Stats -> Stats
addStats (Stats a b) (Stats c d) = Stats (a+b) (c+d)
-- | creates a QuadTree with the desired properties
empty :: Rect -- ^ the outer bounds of the quad tree
-> Size -- ^ the minimum size of one quad
-> Int -- ^ the maximum number of elements in one quad
-> QuadTree a -- ^ an empty QuadTree with the desired properties
empty rect minSize maxFill = QuadTree { minCellSize = minSize
, maxCellFill = maxFill
, root = Leaf rect [] }
-- | Queries all elements in the given rect from the quad tree
query :: Rect -> QuadTree a -> [Item a]
query rect tree = queryQuad rect (root tree) where
queryQuad :: Rect -> Quad a -> [Item a]
queryQuad searchRect quad = case quad of
leaf@(Leaf rect items) ->
filter (\(Item p _) -> p `containedIn` searchRect) items
node@(Node rect tl tr bl br) ->
(recurseOnIntersection searchRect tl)
++ (recurseOnIntersection searchRect tr)
++ (recurseOnIntersection searchRect bl)
++ (recurseOnIntersection searchRect br)
recurseOnIntersection :: Rect -> Quad a -> [Item a]
recurseOnIntersection searchRect quad =
if searchRect `intersects` (bounds quad)
then queryQuad searchRect quad
else []
-- | inserts an element into the quad tree at the given position
insert :: Item a -- ^ the element to insert
-> QuadTree a -- ^ the QuadTree that is target of the insertion
-> QuadTree a -- ^ the resulting QuadTree
insert item tree@(QuadTree (minWidth,minHeight) _ r) =
tree { root= (insertQuad item (expandRoot r)) }
expandRoot :: Quad a -> Quad a
expandRoot root = let (Item p@(x,y) _) = item
rect@(Rect (rx,ry) (w,h)) = bounds root in
if (p `containedIn` (bounds root)) then root
else let (dirX, dirY) = (signum $ x - rx - w/2.0, signum $ y - ry - h / 2.0)
(dx, dy) = ((dirX - 1) / 2, (dirY - 1) / 2)
rootTemplate = Node (Rect (rx + dx*w,ry + dy*h) (2*w,2*h))
(Leaf (Rect (rx + dx*w ,ry + dy*h ) (w,h)) [])
(Leaf (Rect (rx + (dx+1)*w,ry + dy*h ) (w,h)) [])
(Leaf (Rect (rx + dx*w ,ry + (dy+1)*h) (w,h)) [])
(Leaf (Rect (rx + (dx+1)*w,ry + (dy+1)*h) (w,h)) [])
newroot = case (dirX, dirY) of
(-1.0, -1.0) -> rootTemplate { bottomRight = root }
( 1.0, -1.0) -> rootTemplate { bottomLeft = root }
(-1.0, 1.0) -> rootTemplate { topRight = root }
( 1.0, 1.0) -> rootTemplate { topLeft = root }
in expandRoot newroot
insertQuad :: Item a -> Quad a -> Quad a
insertQuad item @(Item p@(x,y) _) quad = case quad of
leaf@(Leaf rect@(Rect _ (w,h)) items) ->
if length items < maxCellFill tree
|| w <= minWidth || h <= minHeight
then Leaf rect (item:items)
else insertQuad item (subdivide leaf)
node@(Node rect tl tr bl br) ->
case quadIndex (x,y) rect of
(0,0) -> node { topLeft=(insertQuad item tl) }
(1,0) -> node { topRight=(insertQuad item tr) }
(0,1) -> node { bottomLeft=(insertQuad item bl) }
(1,1) -> node { bottomRight=(insertQuad item br) }
subdivide :: Quad a -> Quad a
subdivide (Leaf rect items) =
let (rtl, rtr, rbl, rbr) = subdivideRect rect
(itl, itr, ibl, ibr) =
( filter (\(Item p _) -> p `containedIn` rtl) items
, filter (\(Item p _) -> p `containedIn` rtr) items
, filter (\(Item p _) -> p `containedIn` rbl) items
, filter (\(Item p _) -> p `containedIn` rbr) items)
in Node rect (Leaf rtl itl) (Leaf rtr itr)
(Leaf rbl ibl) (Leaf rbr ibr)
subdivide (Node {}) = error "Only leafs can be futher subdivided"
-- | Deletes an item from the quad tree and merges empty sub-quads.
delete :: (Eq a)
=> Item a -- ^ the element to insert
-> QuadTree a -- ^ the QuadTree containing the item
-> QuadTree a -- ^ the new QuadTree without the item
delete item tree@(QuadTree (minWidth,minHeight) _ r) =
tree { root=collapseEmpty $ (removeQuad item r) }
removeQuad :: (Eq a) => Item a -> Quad a -> Quad a
removeQuad item@(Item (x,y) _) quad = case quad of
Leaf rect items -> Leaf rect (L.delete item items)
node@(Node rect tl tr bl br) ->
case quadIndex (x,y) rect of
(0,0) -> collapseEmpty $ node { topLeft=(removeQuad item tl) }
(1,0) -> collapseEmpty $ node { topRight=(removeQuad item tr) }
(0,1) -> collapseEmpty $ node { bottomLeft=(removeQuad item bl) }
(1,1) -> collapseEmpty $ node { bottomRight=(removeQuad item br) }
-- | Returns a new QuadTree which contains all items satifying the predicate
filterTree :: (Eq a)
=> (Item a -> Bool) -- ^ the predicate for choosing the items
-> QuadTree a -- ^ the original QuadTree
-> QuadTree a -- ^ the filtered QuadTree
filterTree predicate tree@(QuadTree (minWidth,minHeight) _ r) =
tree { root=collapseEmpty $ (filterQuad predicate r) }
filterQuad :: (Eq a) => (Item a -> Bool) -> Quad a -> Quad a
filterQuad predicate quad = case quad of
Leaf rect items -> Leaf rect (filter predicate items)
node@(Node rect tl tr bl br) -> collapseEmpty $
Node rect (filterQuad predicate tl) (filterQuad predicate tr)
(filterQuad predicate bl) (filterQuad predicate br)
stats :: QuadTree a -> Stats
stats tree@(QuadTree {root=r}) = quadStats r (Stats 0 0) where
quadStats :: Quad a -> Stats -> Stats
quadStats q stats = case q of
Leaf _ _ -> stats { numLeaves = 1 + (numLeaves stats) }
Node _ tl tr bl br -> s4 { numInner = 1 + (numInner s4) } where
s1 = quadStats tl stats
s2 = quadStats tr s1
s3 = quadStats bl s2
s4 = quadStats br s3
-- | A quad tree is a functor
instance Functor QuadTree where
fmap f tree = tree { root = (fmap f (root tree)) }
-- | A quad is a functor
instance Functor Quad where
fmap f (Leaf rect items) = Leaf rect (map (fmap f) items)
fmap f (Node rect tl tr bl br) = Node rect (fmap f tl) (fmap f tr)
(fmap f bl) (fmap f br)
-- | An item is a functor
instance Functor Item where
fmap f (Item p a) = Item p (f a)
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