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Created June 14, 2013 17:58
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import Data.List
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
data Literal = AtomL String | IntL Int | DoubleL Double deriving (Eq)
data Term = Functor String [Term]
| Atomic Literal
| Variable String deriving (Eq)
instance Show Term where
show (Functor f ts) | null ts = f
| otherwise = f ++ "(" ++ intercalate "," (map show ts) ++ ")"
show (Atomic lit) = show lit
show (Variable v) = v
instance Show Literal where
show (AtomL atom) = "'" ++ atom ++ "'"
show (IntL i) = show i
show (DoubleL d) = show d
newtype Unificator = Unificator (HashMap String Term) deriving (Show)
sample1 = Functor "add" [ Functor "s" [Variable "X"]
, Variable "Y"
, Functor "s" [Variable "Z"]]
sample2 = Functor "add" [ Functor "s" [Functor "s" [Atomic (IntL 0)]]
, Functor "s" [Atomic (IntL 0)]
, Variable "N"]
occurs :: String -> Term -> Bool
occurs v (Functor f ts) = any (occurs v) ts
occurs v (Atomic _) = False
occurs v (Variable u) = v == u
-- | Sucht den allgemeinsten Unifikator von zwei Termen
-- Eingabe: zwei Terme T1 und T2
-- Ausgabe: Ein allgemeinster Unifikator U für T1 und T2, ansonsten Fehlschlag
-- 1. Wenn T1 und T2 gleiche Konstanten oder Variablen sind, ...
-- 2. Wenn T1 eine Variable ist, die nicht in T2 vorkommt, ...
-- 3. Wenn T2 eine Variable ist, die nicht in T1 vorkommt, ...
-- 4. Falls T1 und T2 Strukturen mit dem gleichen FUnktor un der gleichen Anzahl von Komponenten sind, ...
-- 5. Sonst nicht unifizierbar
unify :: Term -> Term -> Maybe Unificator
unify (Atomic l1) (Atomic l2) | l1 == l2 = Just uniEmpty
unify (Variable v) t | not $ occurs v t = Just $ Unificator $ M.fromList [(v,t)]
unify t x@(Variable v) = unify x t
unify (Functor f1 ts1) (Functor f2 ts2)
| f1 == f2 && length ts1 == length ts2 = unifyList ts1 ts2
unify _ _ = Nothing
unifyList :: [Term] -> [Term] -> Maybe Unificator
unifyList [] [] = Just uniEmpty
unifyList (x:xs) (y:ys) = do
first <- unify x y
rest <- unifyList xs ys
return $ first `uniCat` rest
unifyList _ _ = Nothing
uniEmpty :: Unificator
uniEmpty = Unificator M.empty
applyUnificator :: Unificator -> Term -> Term
applyUnificator (Unificator v) = app where
app (Functor x xs) = Functor x (map app xs)
app (Variable x) = case M.lookup x v of
Nothing -> Variable x
Just t -> t
app x = x
uniCat :: Unificator -> Unificator -> Unificator
u@(Unificator a) `uniCat` (Unificator b) = Unificator tmp where
tmp = a `M.union` fmap (applyUnificator u) b
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