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Created November 1, 2014 01:16
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.List
-- * Abstract Alpine Architecture
data Nat = S Nat | Z
class Alpine (a :: Nat -> *) where
plateau :: a n -> a n
ascend :: a (S n) -> a n
descend :: a n -> a (S n)
end :: a Z
class Generate (n :: Nat) where
generate' :: Alpine a => Int -> [a n]
instance Generate Z where
generate' 0 = [ end ]
generate' n = map ascend (generate' $ n - 1) ++ map plateau (generate' $ n - 1)
instance Generate n => Generate (S n) where
generate' 0 = []
generate' n = map ascend (generate' $ n - 1)
++ map plateau (generate' $ n - 1)
++ map descend (generate' $ n - 1)
generate :: Alpine a => Int -> [a Z]
generate = generate'
-- * GADT Implementation
data Mountains :: Nat -> * where
Plateau :: Mountains n -> Mountains n
Ascend :: Mountains (S n) -> Mountains n
Descend :: Mountains n -> Mountains (S n)
End :: Mountains Z
instance Alpine Mountains where
plateau = Plateau
ascend = Ascend
descend = Descend
end = End
generalize :: Alpine a => Mountains n -> a n
generalize = \case
Plateau xs -> plateau (generalize xs)
Ascend xs -> ascend (generalize xs)
Descend xs -> descend (generalize xs)
End -> end
-- * Tree Implementation
data HillF a
= PlateauTF a
| HillTF a a
| EndTF
deriving (Show, Functor)
pattern PlateauT x = Fix (PlateauTF x)
pattern HillT x y = Fix (HillTF x y)
pattern EndT = Fix (EndTF)
type HillTree = Fix HillF
data Stack (n :: Nat) a where
SNil :: Stack Z a
SCons :: a -> Stack n a -> Stack (S n) a
newtype HT (n :: Nat) = HT { unHT :: Stack (S n) HillTree }
stackDip :: (a -> a) -> Stack (S n) a -> Stack (S n) a
stackDip f (SCons x xs) = SCons (f x) xs
stackApply :: (a -> a -> a) -> Stack (S (S n)) a -> Stack (S n) a
stackApply f (SCons x (SCons y ys)) = SCons (f x y) ys
instance Alpine HT where
plateau (HT st) = HT $ stackDip PlateauT st
ascend (HT st) = HT $ stackApply HillT st
descend (HT st) = HT $ SCons EndT st
end = HT $ SCons EndT SNil
runHT :: HT Z -> HillTree
runHT (HT (SCons x SNil)) = x
flatten :: Alpine a => HillTree -> a Z
flatten = flip flatten' end
flatten' :: Alpine a => HillTree -> a n -> a n
flatten' t end' = case t of
PlateauT xs -> plateau (flatten' xs end')
EndT -> end'
HillT xs ys -> ascend $ flatten' xs $ descend $ flatten' ys end'
-- * Height-Map Implementation
newtype HMap (n :: Nat) = HMap { unHMap' :: [Int] }
unHMap :: HMap Z -> [Int]
unHMap = unHMap'
instance Alpine HMap where
plateau = HMap . (0:) . unHMap'
ascend = HMap . (0:) . map (+1) . unHMap'
descend = HMap . (0:) . map (subtract 1) . unHMap'
end = HMap [0]
-- * Test Program
main = do
putStrLn "Using `Alpine HMap` instance"
mapM_ print $ sort $ map unHMap $ generate 4
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Using `Alpine Mountains` instance"
mapM_ print $ sort $ map (unHMap . generalize) $ generate 4
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Using `Alpine HT` instance"
mapM_ print $ sort $ map (unHMap . flatten . runHT) $ generate 4
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