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Created November 18, 2015 17:08
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An application to quickly determine the right password for RobCo terminals in "Fallout: New Vegas" (and possibly other installments of the series, too).
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Text.Read
import Text.Printf (printf)
-- | Calculates how many elements are shared in the exact same place between
-- the two lists.
similarity :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
similarity xs ys = length $ filter id $ zipWith (==) xs ys
-- | Removes all passwords from the whole list of passwords that are definitely
-- wrong given the evidence returned by the RobCo Terminal.
prunePasswords :: String -> Int -> Seq String -> Seq String
prunePasswords wrongPw numRight = Seq.filter $ \pw -> similarity pw wrongPw == numRight
-- | Reads the initial list of passwords.
readWords :: IO (Seq String)
readWords = do
line <- getLine
if null line
then return Seq.empty
else (line Seq.<|) <$> readWords
-- | Edits the given password in the sequence.
editPassword :: Seq String -> Int -> IO (Seq String)
editPassword pws idx = do
printf "Change [%s] to:\n" (Seq.index pws idx)
newPw <- getLine
return $ Seq.update idx newPw pws
-- | Presents a list and a message asking the user to pick one of the passwords.
pickPassword :: Seq String -> String -> IO (Maybe Int)
pickPassword pws msg = do
putStrLn "======= PASSWORDS ======="
forM_ (zip [1 :: Int ..] $ toList pws) $ uncurry $ printf "%2d) %s\n"
putStrLn "========================="
putStrLn msg
readMaybe <$> getLine >>= maybe (return Nothing) validate
validate idx
| idx < 1 || idx > Seq.length pws = do
putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid Index"
pickPassword pws msg
| otherwise = return $ Just $ idx - 1
-- | Reruns a monadic action returning a @Maybe@ until it produces a @Just@.
retrying :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m a
retrying action = go where
go = action >>= maybe go return
-- | Presents the list of passwords after initial input and asks for confirmation.
presentPasswords :: Seq String -> IO (Seq String)
presentPasswords pws = do
let msg = "To change an entry, type its number and [Enter]. otherwise, confirm with [Enter]"
pickPassword pws msg >>=
maybe (return pws) (editPassword pws >=> presentPasswords)
-- | Asks the user to inquire evidence from the terminal.
crackPasswords :: Seq String -> IO ()
crackPasswords pws
| Seq.length pws <= 0 = putStrLn "No passwords remaining, you made a mistake!"
| Seq.length pws == 1 = do
printf "The password is: %s\n" (Seq.index pws 0)
| otherwise = do
idx <- retrying $ pickPassword pws "Which one did you try?"
putStrLn "How many characters are correct?"
numRight <- retrying $ readMaybe <$> getLine
crackPasswords $ prunePasswords (Seq.index pws idx) numRight pws
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter possible passwords line by line:"
readWords >>= presentPasswords >>= crackPasswords
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