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Created March 26, 2014 19:30
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class CoffeetojsMainView extends KDView
constructor: (options = {}, data) ->
super options, data
@loading = new KDLoaderView
size :
width : 48
showLoader : yes
appManager = KD.getSingleton "appManager"
appManager.require "Teamwork", =>
@workspace = new Workspace
title : "Coffee2JS"
cssClass : "coffeetojs"
name : "Coffee2JS"
panels : [
title : "Coffee2JS"
layout :
direction : "vertical"
sizes : ["50%", "50%"]
splitName : "BaseSplit"
views : [
type : "editor"
name : "coffeeEditor"
type : "editor"
name : "jsEditor"
@workspace.once "viewAppended", =>
KD.utils.wait 3000, => @addSubView @workspace
@addSubView @loading
bindWorkspaceEvents: ->
@panel = @workspace.getActivePanel()
{@coffeeEditor, @jsEditor} = @panel.panesByName
class CoffeetojsController extends AppController
constructor: (options = {}, data) ->
options.view = new CoffeetojsMainView
options.appInfo =
name : "Coffeetojs"
type : "application"
super options, data
if appView?
view = new CoffeetojsMainView
appView.addSubView view
KD.registerAppClass CoffeetojsController,
name : "Coffeetojs"
routes :
"/:name?/Coffeetojs" : null
"/:name?/fatihacet/Apps/Coffeetojs" : null
dockPath : "/fatihacet/Apps/Coffeetojs"
behavior : "application"
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