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Created February 5, 2013 11:28
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Example defined types...
define act::env::oracle::instance::netapp {
oraenvs::add { "${oracle_sid}_showenvs":
content => template('act/linux/oracle/oraenvs-instance.erb')
tnsnames::add { "${oracle_sid}_tnsnames":
content => template('act/linux/oracle/tnsnames-instance.erb')
# Class: act::util::linux::oracle::oraenvs
# Utility class for Oracle DB Envs configuration.
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
class act::util::linux::oracle::oraenvs {
# Create required directory structure.
file { ['/data/tier2/scripts', '/data/tier2/scripts/profiles']:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'oracle',
group => 'oinstall'
owner => 'oracle',
group => 'oinstall',
mode => 644,
require => File['/data/tier2/scripts/profiles']
concat::fragment{ 'oraenvs_header':
target => '/data/tier2/scripts/profiles/bashrc_extension',
source => 'puppet:///modules/act/linux/oracle/oraenvs-header',
order => 01,
concat::fragment{ 'oraenvs_footer':
target => '/data/tier2/scripts/profiles/bashrc_extension',
source => 'puppet:///modules/act/linux/oracle/oraenvs-footer',
order => 99,
# Define: oraenvs::add
# Utility define for adding to Oracle Envs configuration.
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
define oraenvs::add(
) {
if $content == "" {
$body = $name
} else {
$body = $content
target => '/data/tier2/scripts/profiles/bashrc_extension',
content => $body
# Class: act::util::linux::oracle::tnsnames
# Utility class for Oracle Tnsnames configuration.
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
class act::util::linux::oracle::tnsnames {
concat{ '/software/oracle/':
owner => 'oracle',
group => 'oinstall',
mode => 644
concat::fragment{ 'tnsnames_header':
target => '/software/oracle/',
source => 'puppet:///modules/act/linux/oracle/tnsnames-header',
order => 01,
# Define: tnsnames::add
# Utility define for adding to Oracle Tnsnames configuration.
# Parameters:
# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
define tnsnames::add(
$content = "",
$order = 10
) {
if $content == "" {
$body = $name
} else {
$body = $content
# Add config to tnsnames.ora
concat::fragment{ "tnsnames_fragment_${name}":
target => '/software/oracle/',
content => $body,
order => 50
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