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Last active February 10, 2017 16:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import nmap
import os
import datetime
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# Email Settings
sender = ''
recipients = ''
range_to_scan = ''
# fire up nmap and run the SSL script over the hosts that match
nm = nmap.PortScanner()
print "[*] Starting NMAP Scan of %s" % range_to_scan
scan = nm.scan(range_to_scan, '443', arguments='--script=ssl-cert')
# if you want, you can use include and/or exclude files. this is just a line separated list of IPs, and you can # comment if you like...
#scan = nm.scan(range_to_scan, '443', arguments='--script=ssl-cert -iL includelist.txt --excludefile=excludehosts.txt')
# define our time settings for the date ranges
today =
todayplus7d = today + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
todayminus3d = today - datetime.timedelta(days=3)
df = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
# keep us updated on progress after the scan
print "[*] %s hosts found listening on SSL port tcp/443 in %s" % (nm.scanstats()['uphosts'], nm.scanstats()['elapsed'])
print "[*] Looking for certs that expire before %s" % todayplus7d
expiringCerts = []
expiredCerts = []
# iterate through all the hosts that served up an SSL cert.
# Check the date it goes pop and add anything gone or going to the list
for host in nm.all_hosts():
if nm[host].has_tcp(443):
if 'script' in nm[host]['tcp'][443].keys():
ip = nm[host]['addresses']['ipv4']
commonName = nm[host]['tcp'][443]['script']['ssl-cert'].split('\n')[0].split(':')[1].split('/')[0].split('=')[1].lstrip()
expiryDate = nm[host]['tcp'][443]['script']['ssl-cert'].split('\n')[5].split('after:')[1].lstrip()[:-6]
if (datetime.datetime.strptime(expiryDate, df) > today) & (datetime.datetime.strptime(expiryDate, df) < todayplus7d):
expiringCerts.append(ip + ',' + commonName + ',' + expiryDate)
if datetime.datetime.strptime(expiryDate, df) < today:
expiredCerts.append(ip + ',' + commonName + ',' + expiryDate)
emailbody = ''
# if we have stuff here we are in trouble...
if expiredCerts:
print "[*] %s certs expired already!!!" % len(expiredCerts)
emailbody += "Certs ALREADY EXPIRED!!!\n\n"
for cert in expiredCerts:
emailbody += "IP: %s\t|\tCommon Name: %s\t|\tExpiry Date: %s\n" % (cert.split(',')[0], cert.split(',')[1], cert.split(',')[2])
# if we have certs that are expiring, then deal with them...
if expiringCerts:
print "[*] %s certs expiring this week" % len(expiringCerts)
emailbody += '\nCerts expiring in the next 7 days:\n\n'
for cert in expiringCerts:
emailbody += "IP: %s\t|\tCommon Name: %s\t|\tExpiry Date: %s\n" % (cert.split(',')[0], cert.split(',')[1], cert.split(',')[2])
# if nothing is expiring and its a monday, tell us we are good for the week. otherwise dont sent mail.
elif not expiringCerts:
print "[*] Nothing expiring this week"
if today.weekday == 1:
emailbody += '\nNo Certs expiring this week!'
if not expiredCerts:
# nothing expiring this week, and nothing gone already either...
# we may not have things expiring, but we have stuff that has EXPIRED. MUST SEND EMAIL!!!
# build an email
msg = MIMEText(emailbody)
msg['Subject'] = 'SSL Cert scan on %s' % range_to_scan
msg['From'] = sender
msg['To'] = recipients
print "[*] Sending email to the team..."
# send the email...
smtp_session = smtplib.SMTP('')
smtp_session.sendmail(sender, [recipients], msg.as_string())
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opexxx commented Feb 10, 2017

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 41, in
expiryDate = nm[host]['tcp'][443]['script']['ssl-cert'].split('\n')[5].split('after:')[1].lstrip()[:-6]
IndexError: list index out of range

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