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Created January 19, 2022 11:54
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A fixture example for Symfony where a hardcoded connection is made between a local entity and the Stripe id.
class PublicPlanData extends AbstractFixture implements OrderedFixtureInterface
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$planUnlimitedFree = new PlanInfo();
$planUnlimitedFree->setName('FREE UNLIMITED PLAN')
->setDescription('Special plan for users that should never pay for using the service')
$planIndividualMonthly = new PlanInfo();
$planIndividualMonthly->setName('INDIVIDUAL MONTHLY PLAN')
->setId('32b1eff7-ca8a-4591-a537-a99f8c7a2edc'); // Stripe Test mode
$planIndividualYearly = new PlanInfo();
$planIndividualYearly->setName('INDIVIDUAL YEARLY PLAN')
->setDescription('INDIVIDUAL YEARLY PLAN')
->setId('ac4e4771-1525-40e1-aa8f-019b9c2e3fb0'); // Stripe Test mode
$this->addReference('plan-unlimited-free', $planUnlimitedFree);
$this->addReference('plan-individual-monthly', $planIndividualMonthly);
$this->addReference('plan-individual-yearly', $planIndividualYearly);
// This is the order in which the fixtures are created.
public function getOrder()
return 1;
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