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Last active June 7, 2023 18:04
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A basic ahk password manager using Windows Credential Manager
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
; Manage passwords with the Windows Credential Manager
; Based on work from geek:
!^c::NewpassGui() ; Add a new password (Ctrl + Alt + c)
!^d::RmpassGui() ; Remove a password (Ctrl + Alt + d)
!^r::ReadpassGui() ; Fetch a password (Ctrl + Alt + r)
; To retrieve a password:
; !^p::sendPass("123")
NewPassGui() {
myGui := Gui("-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox +MinSize120x180 +MaxSize120x180", "New pass")
myGui.Add("Text", , "Key:")
myGui.Add("Edit", "w100 vnewKey")
myGui.Add("Text", , "User:")
myGui.Add("Edit", "w100 vnewUser")
myGui.Add("Text", , "Pass:")
myGui.Add("Edit", "w100 vnewPass")
ogcButtonAddPass := myGui.Add("Button", "Default x30 w60", "&Add Pass")
ogcButtonAddPass.OnEvent("Click", ButtonAddPass.Bind("Normal"))
myGui.OnEvent("Escape", GuiEscape)
ButtonAddPass(*) {
oSaved := myGui.Submit()
newKey := oSaved.newKey
newUser := oSaved.newUser
newPass := oSaved.newPass
cred_key := "AHK_" . newKey
if CredWrite(cred_key, newUser, newPass)
tToolTip("Saved creds for " newUser " [" cred_key "]", 3000)
tToolTip("Failed to save creds for " newKey, 3000)
GuiEscape(*) {
RmPassGui() {
myGui := Gui("-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox +MinSize120x180 +MaxSize120x180", "Delete pass")
myGui.Add("Text", , "Key:")
ogcEditoldKey := myGui.Add("Edit", "w100 voldKey")
ogcButtonRemovePass := myGui.Add("Button", "Default x30 w60", "&Remove Pass")
ogcButtonRemovePass.OnEvent("Click", ButtonRemovePass.Bind("Normal"))
myGui.OnEvent("Escape", GuiEscape)
ButtonRemovePass(A_GuiEvent, GuiCtrlObj, Info, *) {
oSaved := myGui.Submit()
oldKey := oSaved.oldKey
cred_key := "AHK_" . oldKey
if CredDelete(cred_key)
tToolTip("Removed creds for " cred_key, 3000)
tToolTip("Failed to remove creds for " oldKey, 3000)
GuiEscape(*) {
ReadPassGui() {
myGui := Gui("-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox +MinSize120x180 +MaxSize120x180", "Fetch pass")
myGui.Add("Text", , "Key:")
ogcEditoldKey := myGui.Add("Edit", "w100 voldKey")
ogcButtonFetchPass := myGui.Add("Button", "Default x30 w60", "&Fetch Pass")
ogcButtonFetchPass.OnEvent("Click", ButtonFetchPass.Bind("Normal"))
myGui.OnEvent("Escape", GuiEscape)
ButtonFetchPass(A_GuiEvent, GuiCtrlObj, Info, *) {
oSaved := myGui.Submit()
oldKey := oSaved.oldKey
cred_key := "AHK_" . oldKey
if cred := CredRead(cred_key) {
tToolTip("Fetch creds for " cred_key, 3000)
A_Clipboard := cred.password
} else
tToolTip("Failed to fetch creds for " oldKey, 3000)
GuiEscape(*) {
sendPass(key) {
cred_key := "AHK_" . key
if (creds := CredRead(cred_key)) {
tToolTip("Pasting " cred_key " pass for " creds.username, 3000)
} else {
tToolTip("No stored pass for " key ". Ctrl+Alt+c to create", 3000)
CredWrite(name, username, password) {
cred := Buffer(24 + A_PtrSize * 7, 0)
cbPassword := StrLen(password) * 2
NumPut("UInt", 1 , cred, 4+A_PtrSize*0) ; Type = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC
NumPut("Ptr", StrPtr(name) , cred, 8+A_PtrSize*0) ; TargetName = name
NumPut("UInt", cbPassword , cred, 16+A_PtrSize*2) ; CredentialBlobSize
NumPut("Ptr", StrPtr(password), cred, 16+A_PtrSize*3) ; CredentialBlob
NumPut("UInt", 3 , cred, 16+A_PtrSize*4) ; Persist = CRED_PERSIST_ENTERPRISE (roam across domain)
NumPut("Ptr", StrPtr(username), cred, 24+A_PtrSize*6) ; UserName
Return DllCall("Advapi32.dll\CredWriteW",
"Ptr", cred, ; [in] PCREDENTIALW Credential
"UInt", 0, ; [in] DWORD Flags
"UInt" ; BOOL
CredDelete(name) {
; Note that creds created by NewPassGui have `AHK_` prepended
Return DllCall("Advapi32.dll\CredDeleteW",
"WStr", name, ; [in] LPCWSTR TargetName
"UInt", 1, ; [in] DWORD Type,
"UInt", 0, ; [in] DWORD Flags
"UInt" ; BOOL
CredRead(name) {
; Note that creds created by NewPassGui have `AHK_` prepended
pCred := 0
"Str", name, ; [in] LPCWSTR TargetName
"UInt", 1, ; [in] DWORD Type = CRED_TYPE_GENERIC
"UInt", 0, ; [in] DWORD Flags
"Ptr*", &pCred, ; [out] PCREDENTIALW *Credential
"UInt" ; BOOL
if !pCred
name := StrGet(NumGet(pCred, 8 + A_PtrSize * 0, "UPtr"), 256, "UTF-16")
len := NumGet(pCred, 16 + A_PtrSize * 2, "UInt")
password := StrGet(NumGet(pCred, 16 + A_PtrSize * 3, "UPtr"), len/2, "UTF-16")
username := StrGet(NumGet(pCred, 24 + A_PtrSize * 6, "UPtr"), 256, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Advapi32.dll\CredFree", "Ptr", pCred)
Return {name: name, username: username, password: password}
RemoveToolTip() {
tToolTip(msg, time:=500) {
SetTimer(RemoveToolTip, -1*time)
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