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Handy Vim Shortcuts in VS Code
// Explorer
ctrl + w + h = move to the file explorer. Then, use l to open the file.
cmd + shift + p or cmd + shift + x = type anything. Then + tab and + j to move up or + k to move down.
// Word
w = move forward to the first character of a word
W = move forward to the first character of a word ignoring special characters
b = move backwards to the first character of a word
B = move backwards to the first character of a word ignoring special characters
e = move forward to the end char of the word
ge = move backwards to the end of character of a word
// New Line
o = open new line on the bottom
O = open new line on the top
// Find Character
f + any character = move quickly to the found character forwardly. Work in one line
Then type ; to move to the next or , to go the previous
F + any character = move quickly to the found character backwardly. Also work in one line
t + any character = move quickly to anything just before the character
// Move Faster Horizontally
^ = move to the beginning in a line
$ = move to the end in a line
// Move Faster Vertically
{ = move down per paragraph
} = move up per paragraph
ctrl + d = another way to move down
ctrl + u = another way to move up
any number + k = to move down, any number + j = to move up. Normally, 5.
hold k to move down or hold j to move up
// My custom mappings (settings.json in VS Code)
"vim.leader": "<Space>",
"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
"before": [
"after": [
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": [
"after": [
"before": [
"after": [
"before": [
"after": [
"before": [
"after": [
"before": [
"commands": [
"editor.lineNumbers": "relative"
// Search Word
/ + any word + enter = search word forwardly. Then + n to go to the next or + N to go to the previous.
? + any word + enter = search word backwardly.
:nohl = remove the highlight
/word = find word and Word
/Word = find only Word
/\Cword = find only word (precise)
// Move fast around a project
cmd + p + type abbreviation. For instance, shEn for shipEntity.js
When we have import app from 'App.css'. Move the cursor to App.css, type gf to open the file.
Or when we have import * as serviceWorker from './servicerWorker'. Move the cursor to serviceWorker, type gd to see the definition.
// Combine count + motion to move even faster - {count}{motion}. E.g:
2fe = find the second character of 'e'
5j = move 5 down
// Vim Operator
dw = delete until the next word
db = delete until the beginning of the previous word
d{ = delete until next paragraph
dt( = delete until next parentheses
cw = change until the next word
cb = change until the beginning of the previous word
// Text Objects (inner = delete what is needed, around = delete what is needed and around it including whitespace)
ciw = change inner word, delete the word. Change to insertion mode
caw = change around word, delete the word and around it. Change to insertion mode
ci" = change inside quotes
dap = delete a paragraph
d2ap = delete two paragraphs
ciB = delete a block. Usually inside a curly braces
// Good to know. Alternative to multiple cursors
1. search word using /
2. ciw
3. change vim to normal mode
4. type n and type .
5. the word is replaced
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