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Last active December 20, 2015 20:19
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  • Save favila/6189445 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save favila/6189445 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempts at creating clean subclasses (with closure compiler annotations) in clojurescript with macros
(ns subclass
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
;;TODO: definterface
; :closure/const
; :const
; :closure/constructor
; :closure/depreciated
; :closure/dict
; :closure/struct
; :closure/inheritDoc
; :closure/interface
; :closure/override
; :closure/expose
; :export => goog/exportProperty(proto, (name fname), fn)
; :closure/private
; :private
; :closure/protected
; :protected
; :closure/typedef
; :closure/define type
; :closure/enum type
; :closure/extends type
; :closure/implements type
; :closure/params [type | [type flag], ...]
; :closure/return type
; :closure/this type
; :closure/type type
; flag:
; :optional
; :variable
; type-simple:
; "type" => {type}
; js/undefined => {undefined}
; js/Object => {Object}
; js/Array => {Array}
; 'array => {Array}
; 'number|boolean|string => {number boolean string}
; '* => {*}
; '? => {?}
; sym => {}
; type-compound:
; '(*) => {function()}
; '(type1 type2 *) => {function(type1, type2)}
; '(rtype) => {function(): rtype}
; '(type1 rtype) => {function(type1): rtype}
; '(:this type, :new type *) => {function(this:type new:type)}
; '(:variable type *) => {function(...[type])}
; '(:optional type *) => {function(type=)}
; #{"type" ns/name} => {(type|}
; #{"type" nil} => {?type}
; #{"type" :not-null} => {!type}
; :closure/const
; :const
; :closure/constructor
; :closure/depreciated
; :closure/dict
; :closure/struct
; :closure/inheritDoc
; :closure/interface
; :closure/override
; :closure/expose
; :export => goog/exportProperty(proto, (name fname), fn)
; :closure/private
; :private
; :closure/protected
; :protected
; :closure/typedef
(defn jsdoc-annotations [metas]
(let [simple-annotations #{:closure/const
(reduce (fn [ms [k v]] (conj ms (str "@" (name k))))
[] (select-keys metas simple-annotations))))
(defn jsdoc [docstr annotations]
(string/join "\n"
(if (not-empty docstr)
(->> docstr
(map #(str " * " (string/trim %))))
[" *"]
(map #(str " * " %) annotations)
[" */"])))
(defn classmember* [classsym msym & forms]
(if-not (string? (first forms))
(apply classmember* classsym msym "" (rest forms))
(let [static? (:static (meta msym))
fsym (symbol (str "-" msym))
[docstr & forms] forms]
(~'js* ~(str (jsdoc docstr (jsdoc-annotations (meta msym)))
(set! (.. ~classsym ~'-prototype ~fsym)
~(if static?
`(do ~@forms)
`(fn [& ~'args] (apply (fn ~@forms) (~'js* "this") ~'args)))))))))
;; TODO: multiple arity constructor
;; TODO: optional classdoc
;; TODO: with-jsdoc macro?
;; TODO: type annotation parsing
;; TODO: set @params automatically?
(defmacro defclass [classname parent classdoc [ctorparams & ctorbody] & members]
(def ~classname
~(string/join "\n"
(concat [classdoc] (jsdoc-annotations (meta classname))
["@constructor" (str "@extends " (namespace parent)
"." (name parent))]))
~(if (not-empty ctorparams)
`(fn ~(subvec ctorparams 1)
(let [~(first ctorparams) (~'js* "this")
parent-ctor (goog/bind parent (~'js* "this"))]
`(fn [] ~@ctorbody nil)))
#_(goog/provide (str *ns* "." (name classname)))
(goog/inherits ~classname ~parent)
~@(map (partial apply classmember* classname) members)
; Example:
; (macroexpand-1
; '(defsubclass theclass parent "Class documentation"
; ([this p1 p2] (set! (.-p1 this) p1))
; (^:static f1 nil)
; (m1 "doc" [this rest] nil)
; (m2 ([this] nil) ([this a] nil))))
; => (do (def theclass "Class documentation\n@constructor\n@extends .parent" (clojure.core/fn [p1 p2] (cljs.core/this-as this (set! (.-p1 this) p1)) nil)) (goog/inherits theclass parent) (do (js* "/**\n * doc\n *\n */~{REST}" (set! (.. theclass -prototype -m1) (clojure.core/fn [& args] (clojure.core/apply (clojure.core/fn [this rest] nil) (js* "this") args))))) (do (js* "/**\n *\n */~{REST}" (set! (.. theclass -prototype -m2) (clojure.core/fn [& args] (clojure.core/apply (clojure.core/fn ([this a] nil)) (js* "this") args))))))
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