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Last active December 10, 2015 00:39
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import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
type Cell a = (Integer,[a])
type Row a = [Cell a]
lcs :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
lcs [] _ = []
lcs _ [] = []
lcs s1 s2 = reverse $ snd $ last $
(lcs' cell0 cell0)
(repeat cell0)
(map (`matchings` s1) s2)
cell0 :: Cell a
cell0 = (0,[])
matching :: Eq a => a -> a -> Maybe a
matching c1 c2 = guard (c1==c2) >> return c1
matchings :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Maybe a]
matchings c = map (matching c)
prepend :: a -> Cell a -> Cell a
prepend c (n,str) = (n+1,c:str)
maximumByFst :: [Cell a] -> Cell a
maximumByFst = maximumBy (comparing fst)
lcs' :: Eq a => Cell a -> Cell a -> Row a -> [Maybe a] -> Row a
lcs' left diag _ [] = []
lcs' left diag (up:ups) (Just c:ms) = let current = prepend c diag
in current : lcs' current up ups ms
lcs' left diag (up:ups) (Nothing:ms) = let current = maximumByFst [up,left]
in current : lcs' current up ups ms
main = do
str1 <- getLine
str2 <- getLine
putStrLn $ lcs str1 str2
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