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Created March 27, 2013 03:19
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  • Save fawcett/5251327 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fawcett/5251327 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is the third in a series of tests using fiona and shapely to read features from shapefiles and do intersect operations on them. The features represent station points in counties. There are 7142 stations and 87 counties with mildly overlapping bboxes. This example adds an RTree index based on the rtree module. The county features are extract…
import fiona, time
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely import speedups
from rtree import index
searchTime = time.time()
stationPath = "C:/stations.shp"
countyPath = "C:/counties.shp"
stationCollect =,'r')
countyCollect =,'r')
stnPntList = []
cntyPolyDict = {}
stnCntyList = []
idx = index.Index()
idxCounter = 0
for county in countyCollect:
aPoly = shape(county['geometry'])
aPoly.cntyFips = county['properties']['COUNTYFIPS']
aPoly.idx = idxCounter
cntyPolyDict[idxCounter] = aPoly
idxCounter += 1
for station in stationCollect:
aPoint = shape(station['geometry'])
aPoint.stnId = station['properties']['SYS_LOC_CO']
hits = list(idx.intersection((aPoint.x,aPoint.y,aPoint.x,aPoint.y)))
if len(hits) == 1:
elif len(hits) > 1:
for hitIdx in hits:
if cntyPolyDict[hitIdx].intersects(aPoint):
searchTime = time.time() - searchTime
print searchTime
print "Length " + str(len(stnCntyList))
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