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Last active January 8, 2021 01:16
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Frequently used command aliases for Laravel Development
alias fire="git add .; git commit -am 'Emergency Updates'; git push"
alias pa="php artisan"
alias msf="php artisan migrate:fresh --seed"
alias pac="php artisan config:cache; php artisan cache:clear; php artisan config:clear; php artisan view:clear"
alias cda="composer dump-autoload"
alias pad="php artisan dusk"
alias padf="php artisan dusk --filter"
function log_clear {
if [[ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]]; then
echo > storage/logs/laravel*.log
alias ll='tail -f -n 450 storage/logs/laravel*.log | grep -i -E "^\[\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\]|Next [\w\W]+?\:" --color'
alias nah="git reset --hard;git clean -df;"
alias ginit="git init; open"
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