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Created May 25, 2022 19:15
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Implementation of the queue data structure in JavaScript
class Item {
// stores given value and points to nothing
constructor (value) {
this.value = value = null
class Queue {
// initial size is 0 and initially just has two reference items that store nothing and point to nothing
constructor () {
this.size = 0
this.front = this.rear = new Item(null)
// helper function to test
// prints all items in queue in console
printItems = () => {
let item = this.front
if ( {
while ( !== null) {
item =
} else console.log('Queue empty')
enqueue = value => {
// create new node
let item = new Item(value)
// make rear item point to new item = item
// new item's point to null anyway so don't need this step
// = null
// assign new item as new rear item
this.rear = item
dequeue = () => {
// if no item, return
if ( === null) {
console.log("Queue empty.")
return null
// assign first item to temp
let temp =
// connect front to second item =
// disconnect previous first item from queue = null
return temp.value
queueFront = () => {
// if there's a first item
if ( {
let firstItem =
return firstItem.value
} else return null
isEmpty = () => {
if (! return true
else return false
queueSize = () => {
return this.size
// tests
// const queue = new Queue()
// queue.printItems()
// console.log('size', queue.queueSize())
// queue.enqueue(7)
// queue.enqueue(8)
// queue.enqueue(5)
// queue.printItems()
// console.log('front', queue.queueFront())
// console.log('size', queue.queueSize())
// const removed = queue.dequeue()
// console.log('removed', removed)
// queue.printItems()
// console.log('empty', queue.isEmpty())
// queue.dequeue()
// queue.printItems()
// console.log('empty', queue.isEmpty())
// console.log('front', queue.queueFront())
// queue.dequeue()
// console.log('empty', queue.isEmpty())
// console.log('top', queue.queueFront())
// console.log('size', queue.queueSize())
// console.log('removed', queue.dequeue())
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