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Last active February 3, 2016 17:24
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  • Save fazen/df29b43f6f44cc6e8dd7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fazen/df29b43f6f44cc6e8dd7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
odoo.define('web.ListView', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var data = require('');
var DataExport = require('web.DataExport');
var formats = require('web.formats');
var common = require('web.list_common');
var Model = require('web.DataModel');
var pyeval = require('web.pyeval');
var session = require('web.session');
var Sidebar = require('web.Sidebar');
var utils = require('web.utils');
var View = require('web.View');
var Class = core.Class;
var _t = core._t;
var _lt = core._lt;
var QWeb = core.qweb;
var list_widget_registry = core.list_widget_registry;
// Allowed decoration on the list's rows: bold, italic and bootstrap semantics classes
var row_decoration = [
var ListView = View.extend( /** @lends instance.web.ListView# */ {
_template: 'ListView',
accesskey: 'L',
icon: 'fa-list-ul',
display_name: _lt('List'),
defaults: {
// records can be selected one by one
'selectable': true,
// list rows can be deleted
'deletable': false,
// whether the column headers should be displayed
'header': true,
// display addition button, with that label
'addable': _lt("Create"),
// whether the list view can be sorted, note that once a view has been
// sorted it can not be reordered anymore
'sortable': true,
// whether the view rows can be reordered (via vertical drag & drop)
'reorderable': true,
'action_buttons': true,
//whether the editable property of the view has to be disabled
'disable_editable_mode': false,
view_type: 'tree',
events: {
'click thead th.oe_sortable[data-id]': 'sort_by_column'
* Core class for list-type displays.
* As a view, needs a number of view-related parameters to be correctly
* instantiated, provides options and overridable methods for behavioral
* customization.
* See constructor parameters and method documentations for information on
* the default behaviors and possible options for the list view.
* @constructs instance.web.ListView
* @extends instance.web.View
* @param parent parent object
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset the dataset the view should work with
* @param {String} view_id the listview's identifier, if any
* @param {Object} options A set of options used to configure the view
* @param {Boolean} [options.selectable=true] determines whether view rows are selectable (e.g. via a checkbox)
* @param {Boolean} [options.header=true] should the list's header be displayed
* @param {Boolean} [options.deletable=true] are the list rows deletable
* @param {void|String} [options.addable="New"] should the new-record button be displayed, and what should its label be. Use ``null`` to hide the button.
* @param {Boolean} [options.sortable=true] is it possible to sort the table by clicking on column headers
* @param {Boolean} [options.reorderable=true] is it possible to reorder list rows
init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, options) {
var self = this;
this.set_default_options(_.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}));
this.dataset = dataset;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.previous_colspan = null;
this.colors = null;
this.fonts = null;
this.columns = [];
this.records = new common.Collection();
this.set_groups(new (this.options.GroupsType)(this));
if (this.dataset instanceof data.DataSetStatic) {
this.groups.datagroup = new StaticDataGroup(this.dataset);
} else {
this.groups.datagroup = new DataGroup(
this, this.model,
this.groups.datagroup.sort = this.dataset._sort;
} = 0;
this.records.bind('change', function (event, record, key) {
if (!_(self.aggregate_columns).chain()
.pluck('name').contains(key).value()) {
this.no_leaf = false;
this.grouped = false;
if (!this.options.$pager || !this.options.$pager.length) {
this.options.$pager = false;
// the view's number of records per page (|| section)
this._limit = (this.options.limit ||
this.defaults.limit ||
(this.getParent().action || {}).limit ||
view_loading: function(r) {
return this.load_list(r);
set_default_options: function (options) {
_.defaults(this.options, {
GroupsType: ListView.Groups,
ListType: ListView.List
* Set a custom Group construct as the root of the List View.
* @param {instance.web.ListView.Groups} groups
set_groups: function (groups) {
var self = this;
if (this.groups) {
$(this.groups).unbind("selected deleted action row_link");
delete this.groups;
this.groups = groups;
'selected': function (e, ids, records, deselected) {
self.do_select(ids, records, deselected);
'deleted': function (e, ids) {
'action': function (e, action_name, id, callback) {
self.do_button_action(action_name, id, callback);
'row_link': function (e, id, dataset, view) {
self.do_activate_record(dataset.index, id, dataset, view);
* View startup method, the default behavior is to set the ``oe_list``
* class on its root element and to perform an RPC load call.
* @returns {$.Deferred} loading promise
start: function() {
this.$el.addClass('oe_list o_list_view');
return this._super();
* Computes and returns the classnames for the provided record (from the
* ``@decoration`` attribute)
* @param {Record} record record for the current row
* @returns {String} classnames
compute_decoration_classnames: function (record) {
var classnames= '';
var context = _.extend({}, record.attributes, {
uid: session.uid,
current_date: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
// TODO: time, datetime, relativedelta
_.each(this.decoration, function(expr, decoration) {
if (py.PY_isTrue(py.evaluate(expr, context))) {
classnames += ' ' + decoration.replace('decoration', 'text');
return classnames;
* Called after loading the list view's description, sets up such things
* as the view table's columns, renders the table itself and hooks up the
* various table-level and row-level DOM events (action buttons, deletion
* buttons, selection of records, [New] button, selection of a given
* record, ...)
* Sets up the following:
* * Processes arch and fields to generate a complete field descriptor for each field
* * Create the table itself and allocate visible columns
* * Hook in the top-level (header) [New|Add] and [Delete] button
* * Sets up showing/hiding the top-level [Delete] button based on records being selected or not
* * Sets up event handlers for action buttons and per-row deletion button
* * Hooks global callback for clicking on a row
* @param {Object} data wrapped fields_view_get result
* @param {Object} data.fields_view fields_view_get result (processed)
* @param {Object} data.fields_view.fields mapping of fields for the current model
* @param {Object} data.fields_view.arch current list view descriptor
* @param {Boolean} grouped Is the list view grouped
load_list: function(data) {
var self = this;
this.fields_view = data; = "" + this.fields_view.arch.attrs.string;
this._limit = parseInt(this.fields_view.arch.attrs.limit, 10) || this._limit;
// Retrieve the decoration defined on the model's list view
this.decoration = _.pick(this.fields_view.arch.attrs, function(value, key) {
return row_decoration.indexOf(key) >= 0;
this.decoration = _.mapObject(this.decoration, function(value) {
return py.parse(py.tokenize(value));
this.setup_columns(this.fields_view.fields, this.grouped);
this.$el.html(QWeb.render(this._template, this));
// Head hook
// Selecting records
self.$el.find('.oe_list_record_selector input').prop('checked',
self.$el.find('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked') || false);
var selection = self.groups.get_selection();
'selected', [selection.ids, selection.records]);
var default_order = this.fields_view.arch.attrs.default_order,
unsorted = !this.dataset._sort.length;
if (unsorted && default_order && !this.grouped) {
if(this.dataset._sort[0].indexOf('-') == -1){
this.$el.find('th[data-id=' + this.dataset._sort[0] + ']').addClass("sortdown");
}else {
this.$el.find('th[data-id=' + this.dataset._sort[0].split('-')[1] + ']').addClass("sortup");
this.trigger('list_view_loaded', data, this.grouped);
* Render the buttons according to the ListView.buttons template and
* add listeners on it.
* Set this.$buttons with the produced jQuery element
* @param {jQuery} [$node] a jQuery node where the rendered buttons should be inserted
* $node may be undefined, in which case the ListView inserts them into this.options.$buttons
* or into a div of its template
render_buttons: function($node) {
if (!this.$buttons) {
this.$buttons = $(QWeb.render("ListView.buttons", {'widget': this}));
$node = $node || this.options.$buttons;
if ($node) {
} else {
* Instantiate and render the sidebar.
* Sets this.sidebar
* @param {jQuery} [$node] a jQuery node where the sidebar should be inserted
* $node may be undefined, in which case the ListView inserts the sidebar in
* this.options.$sidebar or in a div of its template
render_sidebar: function($node) {
if (!this.sidebar && this.options.sidebar) {
this.sidebar = new Sidebar(this, {editable: this.is_action_enabled('edit')});
if (this.fields_view.toolbar) {
this.sidebar.add_items('other', _.compact([
{ label: _t("Export"), callback: this.on_sidebar_export }, && {label: _t("Archive"), callback: this.do_archive_selected}, && {label: _t("Unarchive"), callback: this.do_unarchive_selected},
this.is_action_enabled('delete') && { label: _t('Delete'), callback: this.do_delete_selected }
$node = $node || this.options.$sidebar || this.$('.oe_list_sidebar');
// Hide the sidebar by default (it will be shown as soon as a record is selected)
* Render the pager according to the ListView.pager template and add listeners on it.
* Set this.$pager with the produced jQuery element
* @param {jQuery} [$node] a jQuery node where the rendered pager should be inserted
* $node may be undefined, in which case the ListView inserts the pager into this.options.$pager
* or into a div of its template
render_pager: function($node) {
if (!this.$pager && this.options.pager) {
var self = this;
this.$pager = $(QWeb.render("ListView.pager", {'widget': self}));
.on('click', 'a[data-pager-action]', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var max_page_index = Math.ceil(self.dataset.size() / self._limit) - 1;
switch ($'pager-action')) {
case 'first': = 0;
case 'last': = max_page_index;
case 'next': += 1;
case 'previous': -= 1;
if ( < 0) { = max_page_index;
} else if ( > max_page_index) { = 0;
.click(function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
var $select = $('<select>')
.click(function (e) {e.stopPropagation();})
.append('<option value="80">80</option>' +
'<option value="200">200</option>' +
'<option value="500">500</option>' +
'<option value="2000">2000</option>' +
'<option value="NaN">' + _t("Unlimited") + '</option>')
.change(function () {
var val = parseInt($select.val(), 10);
self._limit = (isNaN(val) ? null : val); = 0;
}).blur(function() {
.val(self._limit || 'NaN');
$node = $node || this.options.$pager;
if ($node) {
} else {
sort_by_column: function (e) {
var $column = $(e.currentTarget);
var col_name = $'id');
var field = this.fields_view.fields[col_name];
// test whether the field is sortable
if (field && !field.sortable) {
return false;
if($column.hasClass("sortdown") || $column.hasClass("sortup")) {
$column.toggleClass("sortup sortdown");
} else {
$column.siblings('.oe_sortable').removeClass("sortup sortdown");
* Configures the ListView pager based on the provided dataset's information
* Horrifying side-effect: sets the dataset's data on this.dataset?
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset
configure_pager: function (dataset) {
this.dataset.ids = dataset.ids;
// Not exactly clean
if (dataset._length) {
this.dataset._length = dataset._length;
if (this.$pager) {
if (this.grouped) {
// page count is irrelevant on grouped page, replace by limit
this.$pager.find('.oe_list_pager_state').text(this._limit || '∞');
} else {
var total = dataset.size();
var limit = this._limit || total;
this.$pager.find('.oe-pager-buttons').toggle(total > limit);
this.$pager.find('.oe_pager_value').toggle(total !== 0);
var spager = '-';
if (total) {
var range_start = * limit + 1;
var range_stop = range_start - 1 + limit;
if (this.records.length) {
range_stop = range_start - 1 + this.records.length;
if (range_stop > total) {
range_stop = total;
spager = _.str.sprintf(_t("%d-%d of %d"), range_start, range_stop, total);
* Sets up the listview's columns: merges view and fields data, move
* grouped-by columns to the front of the columns list and make them all
* visible.
* @param {Object} fields fields_view_get's fields section
* @param {Boolean} [grouped] Should the grouping columns (group and count) be displayed
setup_columns: function (fields, grouped) {
this.columns.splice(0, this.columns.length);
_(this.fields_view.arch.children).map(function (field) {
var id =;
return for_(id, fields[id], field);
if (grouped) {
new ListView.MetaColumn('_group', _t("Group")));
this.visible_columns = _.filter(this.columns, function (column) {
return column.invisible !== '1';
this.aggregate_columns = _(this.visible_columns).invoke('to_aggregate');
* Used to handle a click on a table row, if no other handler caught the
* event.
* The default implementation asks the list view's view manager to switch
* to a different view (by calling
* :js:func:`~instance.web.ViewManager.on_mode_switch`), using the
* provided record index (within the current list view's dataset).
* If the index is null, ``switch_to_record`` asks for the creation of a
* new record.
* @param {Number|void} index the record index (in the current dataset) to switch to
* @param {String} [view="page"] the view type to switch to
select_record:function (index, view) {
view = view || index === null || index === undefined ? 'form' : 'form';
this.dataset.index = index;
_.delay(_.bind(function () {
}, this));
do_show: function () {
if (this.sidebar) {
// Hide the sidebar by default (will be shown once a record is selected)
* Reloads the list view based on the current settings (dataset & al)
* @deprecated
* @param {Boolean} [grouped] Should the list be displayed grouped
* @param {Object} [context] context to send the server while loading the view
reload_view: function (grouped, context) {
return this.load_view(context);
* re-renders the content of the list view
* @returns {$.Deferred} promise to content reloading
reload_content: synchronized(function () {
var self = this;
self.$el.find('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked', false);
var reloaded = $.Deferred();
reloaded.then(function () {
this.groups.render(function () {
if (self.dataset.index === null) {
if (self.records.length) {
self.dataset.index = 0;
} else if (self.dataset.index >= self.records.length) {
self.dataset.index = self.records.length ? 0 : null;
limit: this._limit
return reloaded.promise();
reload: function () {
return this.reload_content();
reload_record: function (record) {
var self = this;
var fields = this.fields_view.fields;
return this.dataset.read_ids(
_.pluck(_(this.columns).filter(function (r) {
return r.tag === 'field';
}), 'name'),
{check_access_rule: true}
).then(function (records) {
var values = records[0];
if (!values) {
_.each(values, function (value, key) {
if (fields[key] && fields[key].type === 'many2many')
record.set(key + '__display', false, {silent: true});
record.set(key, value, {silent: true});
record.trigger('change', record);
/* When a record is reloaded, there is a rendering lag because of the addition/suppression of
a table row. Since the list view editable need to wait for the end of this rendering lag before
computing the position of the editable fields, a 100ms delay is added. */
var def = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
return def;
do_load_state: function(state, warm) {
var reload = false;
if ( && !== { =;
reload = true;
if (state.limit) {
if (_.isString(state.limit)) {
state.limit = null;
if (state.limit !== this._limit) {
this._limit = state.limit;
reload = true;
if (reload) {
on_sidebar_export: function() {
new DataExport(this, this.dataset).open();
* Handler for the result of eval_domain_and_context, actually perform the
* searching
* @param {Object} results results of evaluating domain and process for a search
do_search: function (domain, context, group_by) { = 0;
this.groups.datagroup = new DataGroup(
this, this.model, domain, context, group_by);
this.groups.datagroup.sort = this.dataset._sort;
if (_.isEmpty(group_by) && !context['group_by_no_leaf']) {
group_by = null;
this.no_leaf = !!context['group_by_no_leaf'];
this.grouped = !!group_by;
return this.alive(this.load_view(context)).then(
* Handles the signal to delete lines from the records list
* @param {Array} ids the ids of the records to delete
do_delete: function (ids) {
if (!(ids.length && confirm(_t("Do you really want to remove these records?")))) {
var self = this;
return $.when(this.dataset.unlink(ids)).done(function () {
_(ids).each(function (id) {
// Hide the table if there is no more record in the dataset
if (self.dataset.size() === 0) {
} else {
if (self.records.length === 0 && self.dataset.size() > 0) {
//Trigger previous manually to navigate to previous page,
//If all records are deleted on current page.
self.$pager.find('ul li:first a').trigger('click');
} else if (self.dataset.size() === self._limit) {
//Reload listview to update current page with next page records
//because pager going to be hidden if dataset.size == limit
} else {
* Handles the signal indicating that a new record has been selected
* @param {Array} ids selected record ids
* @param {Array} records selected record values
do_select: function (ids, records, deselected) {
// uncheck header hook if at least one row has been deselected
if (deselected) {
this.$('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked', false);
if (!ids.length) {
this.dataset.index = 0;
if (this.sidebar) {
this.dataset.index = _(this.dataset.ids).indexOf(ids[0]);
if (this.sidebar) {
this.compute_aggregates(_(records).map(function (record) {
return {count: 1, values: record};
* Handles action button signals on a record
* @param {String} name action name
* @param {Object} id id of the record the action should be called on
* @param {Function} callback should be called after the action is executed, if non-null
do_button_action: function (name, id, callback) {
this.handle_button(name, id, callback);
* Base handling of buttons, can be called when overriding do_button_action
* in order to bypass parent overrides.
* The callback will be provided with the ``id`` as its parameter, in case
* handle_button's caller had to alter the ``id`` (or even create one)
* while not being ``callback``'s creator.
* This method should not be overridden.
* @param {String} name action name
* @param {Object} id id of the record the action should be called on
* @param {Function} callback should be called after the action is executed, if non-null
handle_button: function (name, id, callback) {
var action = _.detect(this.columns, function (field) {
return === name;
if (!action) { return; }
if ('confirm' in action && !window.confirm(action.confirm)) {
var c = new data.CompoundContext();
active_id: id,
active_ids: [id],
active_model: this.dataset.model
}, this.records.get(id).toContext()));
if (action.context) {
action.context = c;
action, this.dataset, id, _.bind(callback, null, id));
* Handles the activation of a record (clicking on it)
* @param {Number} index index of the record in the dataset
* @param {Object} id identifier of the activated record
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset dataset in which the record is available (may not be the listview's dataset in case of nested groups)
do_activate_record: function (index, id, dataset, view) {
this.dataset.ids = dataset.ids;
this.select_record(index, view);
* Handles signal for the addition of a new record (can be a creation,
* can be the addition from a remote source, ...)
* The default implementation is to switch to a new record on the form view
do_add_record: function () {
* Handles deletion of all selected lines
do_delete_selected: function () {
var ids = this.groups.get_selection().ids;
if (ids.length) {
} else {
this.do_warn(_t("Warning"), _t("You must select at least one record."));
* Handles archiving/unarchiving of selected lines
do_archive_selected: function () {
var records = this.groups.get_selection().records;
this.do_archive(records, true);
do_unarchive_selected: function () {
var records = this.groups.get_selection().records;
this.do_archive(records, false);
do_archive: function (records, archive) {
var active_value = !archive;
var record_ids = [];
_.each(records, function(record) {
if ( != active_value) {
if (record_ids.length) {'write', [record_ids, {active: active_value}])
.done(_.bind(this.reload, this));
* Computes the aggregates for the current list view, either on the
* records provided or on the records of the internal
* :js:class:`~instance.web.ListView.Group`, by calling
* :js:func:``.
* Then displays the aggregates in the table through
* :js:method:`~instance.web.ListView.display_aggregates`.
* @param {Array} [records]
compute_aggregates: function (records) {
var columns = _(this.aggregate_columns).filter(function (column) {
return column['function']; });
if (_.isEmpty(columns)) { return; }
if (_.isEmpty(records)) {
records = this.groups.get_records();
records = _(records).compact();
var count = 0, sums = {};
_(columns).each(function (column) {
switch (column['function']) {
case 'max':
sums[] = -Infinity;
case 'min':
sums[] = Infinity;
sums[] = 0;
_(records).each(function (record) {
count += record.count || 1;
_(columns).each(function (column) {
var field =,
value = record.values[field];
switch (column['function']) {
case 'sum':
sums[field] += value;
case 'avg':
sums[field] += record.count * value;
case 'min':
if (sums[field] > value) {
sums[field] = value;
case 'max':
if (sums[field] < value) {
sums[field] = value;
var aggregates = {};
_(columns).each(function (column) {
var field =;
switch (column['function']) {
case 'avg':
aggregates[field] = {value: sums[field] / count};
aggregates[field] = {value: sums[field]};
display_aggregates: function (aggregation) {
var $footer_cells = this.$el.find('.oe_list_footer');
_(this.aggregate_columns).each(function (column) {
if (!column['function']) {
.html(column.format(aggregation, { process_modifiers: false }));
get_selected_ids: function() {
var ids = this.groups.get_selection().ids;
return ids;
* Calculate the active domain of the list view. This should be done only
* if the header checkbox has been checked. This is done by evaluating the
* search results, and then adding the dataset domain (i.e. action domain).
get_active_domain: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.$('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked')) {
var search_view = this.getParent().searchview;
var search_data = search_view.build_search_data();
return pyeval.eval_domains_and_contexts({
contexts: search_data.contexts,
group_by_seq: search_data.groupbys || []
}).then(function (results) {
var domain = self.dataset.domain.concat(results.domain || []);
return domain;
else {
return $.Deferred().resolve();
* Adds padding columns at the start or end of all table rows (including
* field names row)
* @param {Number} count number of columns to add
* @param {Object} options
* @param {"before"|"after"} [options.position="after"] insertion position for the new columns
* @param {Object} [options.except] content row to not pad
pad_columns: function (count, options) {
options = options || {};
// padding for action/pager header
var $first_header = this.$el.find('thead tr:first th');
var colspan = $first_header.attr('colspan');
if (colspan) {
if (!this.previous_colspan) {
this.previous_colspan = colspan;
$first_header.attr('colspan', parseInt(colspan, 10) + count);
// Padding for column titles, footer and data rows
var $rows = this.$el
.find('.oe_list_header_columns, tr:not(thead tr)')
var newcols = new Array(count+1).join('<td class="oe_list_padding"></td>');
if (options.position === 'before') {
} else {
* Removes all padding columns of the table
unpad_columns: function () {
if (this.previous_colspan) {
.find('thead tr:first th')
.attr('colspan', this.previous_colspan);
this.previous_colspan = null;
no_result: function () {
if (this.groups.group_by
|| !this.options.action
|| ! {
$('<div class="oe_view_nocontent">').html(
if (this.$buttons) {
var $buttons = this.$buttons;
this.$el.find('.oe_view_nocontent').click(function() {
$buttons.width($buttons.width() + 1).openerpBounce();
core.view_registry.add('list', ListView);
ListView.List = Class.extend( /** @lends instance.web.ListView.List# */{
* List display for the ListView, handles basic DOM events and transforms
* them in the relevant higher-level events, to which the list view (or
* other consumers) can subscribe.
* Events on this object are registered via jQuery.
* Available events:
* `selected`
* Triggered when a row is selected (using check boxes), provides an
* array of ids of all the selected records.
* `deleted`
* Triggered when deletion buttons are hit, provide an array of ids of
* all the records being marked for suppression.
* `action`
* Triggered when an action button is clicked, provides two parameters:
* * The name of the action to execute (as a string)
* * The id of the record to execute the action on
* `row_link`
* Triggered when a row of the table is clicked, provides the index (in
* the rows array) and id of the selected record to the handle function.
* @constructs instance.web.ListView.List
* @extends instance.web.Class
* @param {Object} opts display options, identical to those of :js:class:`instance.web.ListView`
init: function (group, opts) {
var self = this; = group;
this.view = group.view;
this.session = this.view.session;
this.options = opts.options;
this.columns = opts.columns;
this.dataset = opts.dataset;
this.records = opts.records;
this.record_callbacks = {
'remove': function (event, record) {
var id = record.get('id');
var $row = self.$current.children('[data-id=' + id + ']');
var index = $'index');
'reset': function () { return self.on_records_reset(); },
'change': function (event, record, attribute, value, old_value) {
var $row;
if (attribute === 'id') {
if (old_value) {
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf( _t("Setting 'id' attribute on existing record %s"),
JSON.stringify(record.attributes) ));
self.dataset.add_ids([value], self.records.indexOf(record));
// Set id on new record
$row = self.$current.children('[data-id=false]');
} else {
$row = self.$current.children(
'[data-id=' + record.get('id') + ']');
var $newRow = $(self.render_record(record));
$newRow.find('.oe_list_record_selector input').prop('checked', !!$row.find('.oe_list_record_selector input').prop('checked'));
'add': function (ev, records, record, index) {
var $new_row = $(self.render_record(record));
var id = record.get('id');
if (id) { self.dataset.add_ids([id], index); }
if (index === 0) {
} else {
var previous_record =,
$previous_sibling = self.$current.children(
'[data-id=' + previous_record.get('id') + ']');
_(this.record_callbacks).each(function (callback, event) {
this.records.bind(event, callback);
}, this);
this.$current = $('<tbody>')
.delegate('input[readonly=readonly]', 'click', function (e) {
Against all logic and sense, as of right now @readonly
apparently does nothing on checkbox and radio inputs, so
the trick of using @readonly to have, well, readonly
checkboxes (which still let clicks go through) does not
work out of the box. We *still* need to preventDefault()
on the event, otherwise the checkbox's state *will* toggle
on click
.delegate('th.oe_list_record_selector', 'click', function (e) {
var selection = self.get_selection();
var checked = $(e.currentTarget).find('input').prop('checked');
'selected', [selection.ids, selection.records, ! checked]);
.delegate('td.oe_list_record_delete', 'click', function (e) {
var $row = $('tr');
$(self).trigger('deleted', [[self.row_id($row)]]);
// IE Edge go crazy when we use confirm dialog and remove the focused element
if(document.hasFocus && !document.hasFocus()) {
$('<input />').appendTo('body').focus().remove();
.delegate('td.oe_list_field_cell button', 'click', function (e) {
var $target = $(e.currentTarget),
field = $target.closest('td').data('field'),
$row = $target.closest('tr'),
record_id = self.row_id($row);
if ($target.attr('disabled')) {
$target.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// note: $.data converts data to number if it's composed only
// of digits, nice when storing actual numbers, not nice when
// storing strings composed only of digits. Force the action
// name to be a string
$(self).trigger('action', [field.toString(), record_id, function (id) {
return self.reload_record(self.records.get(id));
.delegate('a', 'click', function (e) {
.delegate('tr', 'click', function (e) {
var row_id = self.row_id(e.currentTarget);
if (row_id) {
if (!self.dataset.select_id(row_id)) {
throw new Error(_t("Could not find id in dataset"));
row_clicked: function (e, view) {
this.dataset, view]);
render_cell: function (record, column) {
var value;
if(column.type === 'reference') {
value = record.get(;
var ref_match;
// Ensure that value is in a reference "shape", otherwise we're
// going to loop on performing name_get after we've resolved (and
// set) a human-readable version. m2o does not have this issue
// because the non-human-readable is just a number, where the
// human-readable version is a pair
if (value && (ref_match = /^([\w\.]+),(\d+)$/.exec(value))) {
// reference values are in the shape "$model,$id" (as a
// string), we need to split and name_get this pair in order
// to get a correctly displayable value in the field
var model = ref_match[1],
id = parseInt(ref_match[2], 10);
new data.DataSet(this.view, model).name_get([id]).done(function(names) {
if (!names.length) { return; }
record.set( + '__display', names[0][1]);
} else if (column.type === 'many2one') {
value = record.get(;
// m2o values are usually name_get formatted, [Number, String]
// pairs, but in some cases only the id is provided. In these
// cases, we need to perform a name_get call to fetch the actual
// displayable value
if (typeof value === 'number' || value instanceof Number) {
// fetch the name, set it on the record (in the right field)
// and let the various registered events handle refreshing the
// row
new data.DataSet(this.view, column.relation)
.name_get([value]).done(function (names) {
if (!names.length) { return; }
record.set(, names[0]);
} else if (column.type === 'many2many') {
value = record.get(;
// non-resolved (string) m2m values are arrays
if (value instanceof Array && !_.isEmpty(value)
&& !record.get( + '__display')) {
var ids;
// they come in two shapes:
if (value[0] instanceof Array) {
_.each(value, function(command) {
switch (command[0]) {
case 4: ids.push(command[1]); break;
case 5: ids = []; break;
case 6: ids = command[2]; break;
default: throw new Error(_.str.sprintf( _t("Unknown m2m command %s"), command[0]));
} else {
// 2. an array of ids
ids = value;
new Model(column.relation)
.call('name_get', [ids, this.dataset.get_context()]).done(function (names) {
// FIXME: nth horrible hack in this poor listview
record.set( + '__display',
_(names).pluck(1).join(', '));
record.set(, ids);
// temp empty value
record.set(, false);
return column.format(record.toForm().data, {
model: this.dataset.model,
id: record.get('id')
render: function () {
var self = this;
QWeb.render('ListView.rows', _.extend({}, this, {
render_cell: function () {
return self.render_cell.apply(self, arguments); }
pad_table_to: function (count) {
if (this.records.length >= count ||
_(this.columns).any(function(column) { return column.meta; })) {
var cells = [];
if (this.options.selectable) {
cells.push('<th class="oe_list_record_selector"></td>');
_(this.columns).each(function(column) {
if (column.invisible === '1') {
cells.push('<td title="' + column.string + '">&nbsp;</td>');
if (this.options.deletable) {
cells.push('<td class="oe_list_record_delete"></td>');
var row = cells.join('');
.append(new Array(count - this.records.length + 1).join(row));
* Gets the ids of all currently selected records, if any
* @returns {Object} object with the keys ``ids`` and ``records``, holding respectively the ids of all selected records and the records themselves.
get_selection: function () {
var result = {ids: [], records: []};
if (!this.options.selectable) {
return result;
var records = this.records;
this.$current.find('th.oe_list_record_selector input:checked')
.closest('tr').each(function () {
var record = records.get($(this).data('id'));
return result;
* Returns the identifier of the object displayed in the provided table
* row
* @param {Object} row the selected table row
* @returns {Number|String} the identifier of the row's object
row_id: function (row) {
return $(row).data('id');
* Death signal, cleans up list display
on_records_reset: function () {
_(this.record_callbacks).each(function (callback, event) {
this.records.unbind(event, callback);
}, this);
if (!this.$current) { return; }
get_records: function () {
return (record) {
return {count: 1, values: record.attributes};
* Reloads the provided record by re-reading its content from the server.
* @param {Record} record
* @returns {$.Deferred} promise to the finalization of the reloading
reload_record: function (record) {
return this.view.reload_record(record);
* Renders a list record to HTML
* @param {Record} record index of the record to render in ``this.rows``
* @returns {String} QWeb rendering of the selected record
render_record: function (record) {
var self = this;
var index = this.records.indexOf(record);
return QWeb.render('ListView.row', {
columns: this.columns,
options: this.options,
record: record,
row_parity: (index % 2 === 0) ? 'even' : 'odd',
view: this.view,
render_cell: function () {
return self.render_cell.apply(self, arguments); }
ListView.Groups = Class.extend( /** @lends instance.web.ListView.Groups# */{
passthrough_events: 'action deleted row_link',
* Grouped display for the ListView. Handles basic DOM events and interacts
* with the :js:class:`~DataGroup` bound to it.
* Provides events similar to those of
* :js:class:`~instance.web.ListView.List`
* @constructs instance.web.ListView.Groups
* @extends instance.web.Class
* @param {instance.web.ListView} view
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Collection} [options.records]
* @param {Object} [options.options]
* @param {Array} [options.columns]
init: function (view, options) {
options = options || {};
this.view = view;
this.records = options.records || view.records;
this.options = options.options || view.options;
this.columns = options.columns || view.columns;
this.datagroup = null;
this.$row = null;
this.children = {}; = 0;
var self = this;
this.records.bind('reset', function () {
return self.on_records_reset(); });
make_fragment: function () {
return document.createDocumentFragment();
* Returns a DOM node after which a new tbody can be inserted, so that it
* follows the provided row.
* Necessary to insert the result of a new group or list view within an
* existing groups render, without losing track of the groups's own
* elements
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} row the row after which the caller wants to insert a body
* @returns {HTMLTableSectionElement} element after which a tbody can be inserted
point_insertion: function (row) {
var $row = $(row);
var red_letter_tboday = $row.closest('tbody')[0];
var $next_siblings = $row.nextAll();
if ($next_siblings.length) {
var $root_kanal = $('<tbody>').insertAfter(red_letter_tboday);
_.indexOf(this.elements, red_letter_tboday),
return red_letter_tboday;
make_paginator: function () {
var self = this;
var $prev = $('<button type="button" data-pager-action="previous">&lt;</button>')
.click(function (e) {
if ( > 0) { -= 1;
} else { = self.max_page_index;
var $next = $('<button type="button" data-pager-action="next">&gt;</button>')
.click(function (e) {
if ( < self.max_page_index) { += 1;
} else { = 0;
.append('<span class="oe_list_pager_state"></span>')
open: function (point_insertion) {
var no_subgroups = _(this.datagroup.group_by).isEmpty(),
records_terminated = !this.datagroup.context['group_by_no_leaf'];
if (no_subgroups && records_terminated) {
close: function () {
* Prefixes ``$node`` with floated spaces in order to indent it relative
* to its own left margin/baseline
* @param {jQuery} $node jQuery object to indent
* @param {Number} level current nesting level, >= 1
* @returns {jQuery} the indentation node created
indent: function ($node, level) {
return $('<span>')
.css({'float': 'left', 'white-space': 'pre'})
.text(new Array(level).join(' '))
render_groups: function (datagroups) {
var self = this;
var placeholder = this.make_fragment();
_(datagroups).each(function (group) {
if (self.children[group.value]) {
delete self.children[group.value];
var child = self.children[group.value] = new (self.view.options.GroupsType)(self.view, {
records: self.records.proxy(group.value),
options: self.options,
columns: self.columns
child.datagroup = group;
var $row = child.$row = $('<tr class="oe_group_header">');
if (group.openable && group.length) {
$ (e) {
if (!$'open')) {
$'open', true)
} else {
// force recompute the selection as closing group reset properties
var selection = self.get_selection();
$(self).trigger('selected', [selection.ids, this.records]);
var $group_column = $('<th class="oe_list_group_name">').appendTo($row);
// Don't fill this if group_by_no_leaf but no group_by
if (group.grouped_on) {
var row_data = {};
row_data[group.grouped_on] = group;
var group_label = _t("Undefined");
var group_column = _(self.columns).detect(function (column) {
return === group.grouped_on; });
if (group_column) {
try {
group_label = group_column.format(row_data, {
value_if_empty: _t("Undefined"),
process_modifiers: false
} catch (e) {
group_label = _.str.escapeHTML(row_data[].value);
} else {
group_label = group.value;
if (group_label instanceof Array) {
group_label = group_label[1];
if (group_label === false) {
group_label = _t('Undefined');
group_label = _.str.escapeHTML(group_label);
// group_label is html-clean (through format or explicit
// escaping if format failed), can inject straight into HTML
$group_column.html(_.str.sprintf(_t("%s (%d)"),
group_label, group.length));
if (group.length && group.openable) {
// Make openable if not terminal group & group_by_no_leaf
$group_column.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e" style="float: left;">');
} else {
// Kinda-ugly hack: jquery-ui has no "empty" icon, so set
// wonky background position to ensure nothing is displayed
// there but the rest of the behavior is ui-icon's
$group_column.prepend('<span class="ui-icon" style="float: left; background-position: 150px 150px">');
self.indent($group_column, group.level);
if (self.options.selectable) {
.filter(function (column) { return column.invisible !== '1'; })
.each(function (column) {
if (column.meta) {
// do not do anything
} else if ( in group.aggregates) {
var r = {};
r[] = {value: group.aggregates[]};
$('<td class="oe_number">')
.html(column.format(r, {process_modifiers: false}))
} else {
if (self.options.deletable) {
$row.append('<td class="oe_list_group_pagination">');
return placeholder;
bind_child_events: function (child) {
var $this = $(this),
self = this;
$(child).bind('selected', function (e, _0, _1, deselected) {
// can have selections spanning multiple links
var selection = self.get_selection();
$this.trigger(e, [selection.ids, selection.records, deselected]);
}).bind(this.passthrough_events, function (e) {
// additional positional parameters are provided to trigger as an
// Array, following the event type or event object, but are
// provided to the .bind event handler as *args.
// Convert our *args back into an Array in order to trigger them
// on the group itself, so it can ultimately be forwarded wherever
// it's supposed to go.
var args =, 1);
$$this, e, args);
render_dataset: function (dataset) {
var self = this,
list = new (this.view.options.ListType)(this, {
options: this.options,
columns: this.columns,
dataset: dataset,
records: this.records
var view = this.view,
limit = view._limit,
page = this.datagroup.openable ? :;
var fields = _.pluck(, function(x) {return x.tag == "field";}), 'name');
var options = { offset: page * limit, limit: limit, context: {bin_size: true} };
//TODO xmo: investigate why we need to put the setTimeout
return $.async_when().then(function() {
return dataset.read_slice(fields, options).then(function (records) {
// FIXME: ignominious hacks, parents (aka form view) should not send two ListView#reload_content concurrently
if (self.records.length) {
self.records.reset(null, {silent: true});
if (!self.datagroup.openable) {
} else {
if (dataset.size() == records.length) {
// only one page
} else {
self.max_page_index = Math.ceil(dataset.size() / limit) - 1;
.text(_.str.sprintf(_t("%(page)d/%(page_count)d"), {
page: page + 1,
page_count: self.max_page_index + 1
.toggleClass('disabled', page === 0)
.toggleClass('disabled', page === self.max_page_index);
self.records.add(records, {silent: true});
if (_.isEmpty(records)) {
return list;
setup_resequence_rows: function (list, dataset) {
// drag and drop enabled if list is not sorted (unless it is sorted by
// sequence (ASC)), and there is a visible column with @widget=handle
// or "sequence" column in the view.
if ((dataset.sort && dataset.sort() && dataset.sort() !== 'sequence'
&& dataset.sort() !== 'sequence ASC')
|| !_(this.columns).any(function (column) {
return column.widget === 'handle'
|| === 'sequence'; })) {
var sequence_field = _(this.columns).find(function (c) {
return c.widget === 'handle';
var seqname = sequence_field ? : 'sequence';
// ondrop, move relevant record & fix sequences
axis: 'y',
items: '> tr[data-id]',
helper: 'clone'
if (sequence_field) {
list.$current.sortable('option', 'handle', '.oe_list_field_handle');
list.$current.sortable('option', {
start: function (e, ui) {
stop: function (event, ui) {
var to_move = list.records.get('id')),
target_id = ui.item.prev().data('id'),
from_index = list.records.indexOf(to_move),
target = list.records.get(target_id);
if ( - 1) == target) {
list.records.remove(to_move, {silent: true});
var to = target_id ? list.records.indexOf(target) + 1 : 0;
list.records.add(to_move, { at: to, silent: true });
// resequencing time!
var record, index = to,
// if drag to 1st row (to = 0), start sequencing from 0
// (exclusive lower bound)
seq = to ? - 1).get(seqname) : 0;
var defs = [];
var fct = function (dataset, id, seq) {
defs.push($.async_when().then(function () {
var attrs = {};
attrs[seqname] = seq;
return dataset.write(id, attrs, {internal_dataset_changed: true});
while (++seq, (record = {
// write are independent from one another, so we can just
// launch them all at the same time and we don't really
// give a fig about when they're done
fct(dataset, record.get('id'), seq);
record.set(seqname, seq);
$.when.apply($, defs).then(function () {
// use internal_dataset_changed and trigger one onchange after all writes
render: function (post_render) {
var self = this;
var $el = $('<tbody>');
this.elements = [$el[0]];
.filter(function (column) { return column.tag === 'field';})
function (groups) {
if (post_render) { post_render(); }
}, function (dataset) {
self.render_dataset(dataset).then(function (list) {
self.children[null] = list;
self.elements =
self.setup_resequence_rows(list, dataset);
}).always(function() {
if (post_render) { post_render(); }
return $el;
* Returns the ids of all selected records for this group, and the records
* themselves
get_selection: function () {
var ids = [], records = [];
.each(function (child) {
var selection = child.get_selection();
ids.push.apply(ids, selection.ids);
records.push.apply(records, selection.records);
return {ids: ids, records: records};
on_records_reset: function () {
this.children = {};
get_records: function () {
if (_(this.children).isEmpty()) {
if (!this.datagroup.length) {
return {
count: this.datagroup.length,
values: this.datagroup.aggregates
return _(this.children).chain()
.map(function (child) {
return child.get_records();
* Serializes concurrent calls to this asynchronous method. The method must
* return a deferred or promise.
* Current-implementation is class-serialized (the mutex is common to all
* instances of the list view). Can be switched to instance-serialized if
* having concurrent list views becomes possible and common.
function synchronized(fn) {
var fn_mutex = new utils.Mutex();
return function () {
var obj = this;
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
return fn_mutex.exec(function () {
if (obj.isDestroyed()) { return $.when(); }
return fn.apply(obj, args);
var DataGroup = Class.extend({
init: function(parent, model, domain, context, group_by, level) {
this.model = new Model(model, context, domain);
this.group_by = group_by;
this.context = context;
this.domain = domain;
this.level = level || 0;
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
var self = this;
if (!_.isEmpty(this.group_by)) {
// ensure group_by fields are read.
fields = _.unique((fields || []).concat(this.group_by));
var query = this.model.query(fields).order_by(this.sort).group_by(this.group_by);
$.when(query).done(function (querygroups) {
// leaf node
if (!querygroups) {
var ds = new data.DataSetSearch(self,, self.model.context(), self.model.domain());
ds._sort = self.sort;
// internal node
var child_datagroups = _(querygroups).map(function (group) {
var child_context = _.extend(
{}, self.model.context(), group.model.context());
var child_dg = new DataGroup(
self,, group.model.domain(),
child_context, group.model._context.group_by,
self.level + 1);
child_dg.sort = self.sort;
// copy querygroup properties
child_dg.__context = child_context;
child_dg.__domain = group.model.domain();
child_dg.folded = group.get('folded');
child_dg.grouped_on = group.get('grouped_on');
child_dg.length = group.get('length');
child_dg.value = group.get('value');
child_dg.openable = group.get('has_children');
child_dg.aggregates = group.get('aggregates');
return child_dg;
var StaticDataGroup = DataGroup.extend({
init: function (dataset) {
this.dataset = dataset;
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
var Column = Class.extend({
init: function (id, tag, attrs) {
_.extend(attrs, {
id: id,
tag: tag
this.modifiers = attrs.modifiers ? JSON.parse(attrs.modifiers) : {};
delete attrs.modifiers;
_.extend(this, attrs);
if (this.modifiers['tree_invisible']) {
this.invisible = '1';
} else { delete this.invisible; }
modifiers_for: function (fields) {
var out = {};
var domain_computer = data.compute_domain;
for (var attr in this.modifiers) {
if (!this.modifiers.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { continue; }
var modifier = this.modifiers[attr];
out[attr] = _.isBoolean(modifier)
? modifier
: domain_computer(modifier, fields);
return out;
to_aggregate: function () {
if (this.type !== 'integer' && this.type !== 'float' && this.type !== 'monetary') {
return {};
var aggregation_func = this['group_operator'] || 'sum';
if (!(aggregation_func in this)) {
return {};
var C = function (fn, label) {
this['function'] = fn;
this.label = label;
C.prototype = this;
return new C(aggregation_func, this[aggregation_func]);
* @param row_data record whose values should be displayed in the cell
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} [options.value_if_empty=''] what to display if the field's value is ``false``
* @param {Boolean} [options.process_modifiers=true] should the modifiers be computed ?
* @param {String} [options.model] current record's model
* @param {Number} [] current record's id
* @return {String}
format: function (row_data, options) {
options = options || {};
var attrs = {};
if (options.process_modifiers !== false) {
attrs = this.modifiers_for(row_data);
if (attrs.invisible) { return ''; }
if (!row_data[]) {
return options.value_if_empty === undefined
? ''
: options.value_if_empty;
return this._format(row_data, options);
* Method to override in order to provide alternative HTML content for the
* cell. Column._format will simply call ``instance.web.format_value`` and
* escape the output.
* The output of ``_format`` will *not* be escaped by ``format``, any
* escaping *must be done* by ``format``.
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return _.escape(formats.format_value(
row_data[].value, this, options.value_if_empty));
var MetaColumn = Column.extend({
meta: true,
init: function (id, string) {
this._super(id, '', {string: string});
// to do: do this in a better way (communicate with view_list_editable)
ListView.MetaColumn = MetaColumn;
var ColumnButton = Column.extend({
* Return an actual ``<button>`` tag
format: function (row_data, options) {
options = options || {};
var attrs = {};
if (options.process_modifiers !== false) {
attrs = this.modifiers_for(row_data);
if (attrs.invisible) { return ''; }
var template = this.icon && 'ListView.row.button' || 'ListView.row.text_button';
return QWeb.render(template, {
widget: this,
prefix: session.prefix,
disabled: attrs.readonly
|| isNaN(
|| data.BufferedDataSet.virtual_id_regex.test(
var ColumnBoolean = Column.extend({
* Return a potentially disabled checkbox input
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return _.str.sprintf('<input type="checkbox" %s readonly="readonly"/>',
row_data[].value ? 'checked="checked"' : '');
var ColumnBinary = Column.extend({
* Return a link to the binary data as a file
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
var text = _t("Download"), filename=_t('Binary file');
var value = row_data[].value;
if (!value) {
return options.value_if_empty || '';
var download_url;
if (value.substr(0, 10).indexOf(' ') == -1) {
download_url = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," + value;
} else {
download_url = session.url('/web/content', {model: options.model, field:, id:, download: true});
if (this.filename) {
download_url += '&filename_field=' + this.filename;
if (this.filename && row_data[this.filename]) {
text = _.str.sprintf(_t("Download \"%s\""), formats.format_value(
row_data[this.filename].value, {type: 'char'}));
filename = row_data[this.filename].value;
return _.template('<a download="<%-download%>" href="<%-href%>"><%-text%></a> (<%-size%>)')({
text: text,
href: download_url,
size: utils.binary_to_binsize(value),
download: filename,
var ColumnChar = Column.extend({
replacement: '*',
* If password field, only display replacement characters (if value is
* non-empty)
_format: function (row_data, options) {
var value = row_data[].value;
if (value && this.password === 'True') {
return value.replace(/[\s\S]/g, _.escape(this.replacement));
return this._super(row_data, options);
var ColumnProgressBar = Column.extend({
* Return a formatted progress bar display
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return _.template(
'<progress value="<%-value%>" max="100"><%-value%>%</progress>')({
value: _.str.sprintf("%.0f", row_data[].value || 0)
var ColumnHandle = Column.extend({
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Handle overrides the field to not be form-editable.
this.modifiers.readonly = true;
* Return styling hooks for a drag handle
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return '<i class="oe_list_handle fa fa-circle"/>';
var ColumnMany2OneButton = Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
this.has_value = !!row_data[].value;
this.icon = this.has_value ? 'gtk-yes' : 'gtk-no';
this.string = this.has_value ? _t('View') : _t('Create');
return QWeb.render('Many2OneButton.cell', {
'widget': this,
'prefix': session.prefix,
var ColumnMany2Many = Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
if (!_.isEmpty(row_data[].value)) {
// If value, use __display version for printing
row_data[] = row_data[ + '__display'];
return this._super(row_data, options);
var ColumnReference = Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
if (!_.isEmpty(row_data[].value)) {
// If value, use __display version for printing
if (!!row_data[ + '__display']) {
row_data[] = row_data[ + '__display'];
} else {
row_data[] = {'value': ''};
return this._super(row_data, options);
var ColumnUrl = Column.extend({
* Regex checking if a URL has a scheme
PROTOCOL_REGEX: /^(?!\w+:?\/\/)/,
* Format a column as a URL if the column has content.
* Add "//" (inherit current protocol) specified in
* RFC 1808, 2396, and 3986 if no other protocol is included.
* @param row_data record whose values should be displayed in the cell
* @param options
_format: function(row_data, options) {
var value = row_data[].value;
if (value) {
return _.template("<a href='<%-href%>' target='_blank'><%-text%></a>")({
href: value.trim().replace(this.PROTOCOL_REGEX, '//'),
text: value
return this._super(row_data, options);
var ColumnMonetary = Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
//name of currency field is defined either by field attribute, in view options or we assume it is named currency_id
var currency_field = (this.options && this.options.currency_field) || this.currency_field || 'currency_id';
var currency_id = row_data[currency_field] && row_data[currency_field].value[0];
var currency = session.get_currency(currency_id);
var digits_precision = this.digits || (currency && currency.digits);
var value = formats.format_value(row_data[].value || 0, {type: this.type, digits: digits_precision}, options.value_if_empty);
if (currency) {
if (currency.position === "after") {
value += '&nbsp;' + currency.symbol;
} else {
value = currency.symbol + '&nbsp;' + value;
return value;
var ColumnToggleButton = Column.extend({
format: function (row_data, options) {
this._super(row_data, options);
var button_tips = JSON.parse(this.options);
var fieldname = this.field_name;
var has_value = row_data[fieldname] && !!row_data[fieldname].value;
this.icon = has_value ? 'gtk-yes' : 'gtk-normal';
this.string = has_value ? _t(button_tips ? button_tips['active']: ''): _t(button_tips ? button_tips['inactive']: '');
return QWeb.render('toggle_button', {
widget: this,
prefix: session.prefix,
var ColumnImage = Column.extend({
format: function (row_data, options) {
/* Return a valid img tag. For image fields, test if the
field's value contains just the binary size and retrieve
the image from the dedicated controller in that case.
Otherwise, assume a character field containing either a
stock Odoo icon name without path or extension or a fully
fledged location or data url */
if (!row_data[] || !row_data[].value) {
return '';
var value = row_data[].value, src;
if (this.type === 'binary') {
if (value && value.substr(0, 10).indexOf(' ') === -1) {
// The media subtype (png) seems to be arbitrary
src = "data:image/png;base64," + value;
} else {
var imageArgs = {
model: options.model,
if (this.resize) {
imageArgs.resize = this.resize;
src = session.url('/web/binary/image', imageArgs);
} else {
if (!/\//.test(row_data[].value)) {
src = '/web/static/src/img/icons/' + row_data[].value + '.png';
} else {
src = row_data[].value;
return _.template("<img height=\"<%-h%>\" src=\"<%-src%>\" />")({
h: this.height || 16,
src: src
* Registry for column objects used to format table cells (and some other tasks
* e.g. aggregation computations).
* Maps a field or button to a Column type via its ``$tag.$widget``,
* ``$tag.$type`` or its ``$tag`` (alone).
* This specific registry has a dedicated utility method ``for_`` taking a
* field (from fields_get/fields_view_get.field) and a node (from a view) and
* returning the right object *already instantiated from the data provided*.
* @type {instance.web.Registry}
.add('field', Column)
.add('field.boolean', ColumnBoolean)
.add('field.binary', ColumnBinary)
.add('field.char', ColumnChar)
.add('field.progressbar', ColumnProgressBar)
.add('field.handle', ColumnHandle)
.add('button', ColumnButton)
.add('field.many2onebutton', ColumnMany2OneButton)
.add('field.reference', ColumnReference)
.add('field.many2many', ColumnMany2Many)
.add('field.url', ColumnUrl)
.add('button.toggle_button', ColumnToggleButton)
.add('field.monetary', ColumnMonetary);
list_widget_registry.add('field.image', ColumnImage);
function for_ (id, field, node) {
var description = _.extend({tag: node.tag}, field, node.attrs);
var tag = description.tag;
var Type = list_widget_registry.get_any([
tag + '.' + description.widget,
tag + '.'+ description.type,
return new Type(id, node.tag, description);
return ListView;
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