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Last active January 20, 2017 20:44
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docker dev env for mate using openSuse.


1.- Create docker image:

$ docker build -t mate-opensuse .

2.- Execute image:

$ docker run --rm -v ~/repos:/home/developer/repos -t mate-opensuse

3.- Connect using VNC:

# replace with the ip of the docker instance
$ gvncviewer

4.- Start mate-session

Once you have connected to the docker instance using vnc, an X11 desktop with xterm will appear. Just execute:

$ mate-session

5.- Now you have an env where you can clone mate repos and compile them. If you have missing dependencies, try installing them using zypper source-install xxx. e.g.:

# zypper source-install caja-extensions
FROM opensuse:tumbleweed
MAINTAINER Felipe Barriga Richards <felipe at>
RUN echo "commit.downloadMode = DownloadInAdvance" >> /etc/zypp/zypp.conf && \
zypper --non-interactive update && \
zypper --non-interactive install sudo xorg-x11-server-extra xterm x11vnc xvfb-run iproute2 twm && \
zypper --non-interactive install git nano man && \
zypper --non-interactive install -t pattern devel_C_C++ && \
zypper --non-interactive addrepo --no-gpgcheck mate:next
RUN zypper --non-interactive install \
`zypper search --repo mate:next | grep -v "caja-extension-share" | grep -v "openSUSE" | grep "| package" | cut -d' ' -f 4 | tr '\n' ' '`
RUN zypper --non-interactive source-install caja-extensions marco mate-panel
RUN useradd -U -m developer && \
echo "developer ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/developer && \
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/developer
USER developer
WORKDIR /home/developer
CMD echo "VNC server listening on `hostname -I` port 5900" && \
x11vnc -forever -nopw -create
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