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Last active December 25, 2016 21:20
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Base64 for MATLAB
function b64 = base64( str )
%BASE64 Encode string (array of chars) into Base64
% Currently seems to fail for any input > 4 characters. :(
%% Settings
% Valid output codes to choose from.
base64Chars = char([65:90, 97:122, 48:57, 43, 47]); % +/ per RFC 2045 et al.
%base64UrlChars = char([65:90, 97:122, 48:57, 45, 95]); % -_ per RFC 4648 §4
base64PadChar = '=';
% Process |x| bits (or |x/8| chars) at once.
readBufferSize = 4*8; % Multiple of 8
%% Code
charCodes = uint8(str);
charCount = size(charCodes, 2);
encLength = ceil(4*charCount / 3);
padLength = mod(3 - mod(charCount, 3), 3) * 2; % 0, 2, or 4 bits
%b64Length = encLength + padLength/2;
% Buffer size needs to be divisable by 6.
%bitBuffer = uint8.empty(0, ceil(readBufferSize/6)*6);
bitBuffer = zeros(1, ceil(readBufferSize/6)*6, 'uint8');
readCount = uint8(floor(readBufferSize/8));
b64 = [blanks(encLength), repmat(base64PadChar, 1, padLength/2)];
readIndex = 0;
writeIndex = 0;
while readIndex < charCount
% Read buffer.
for i = 1:readCount
bufferIndex = (i-1)*8 + 1;
if readIndex+i > charCount
bitBuffer(bufferIndex:end) = NaN; %0; % :i*8??
bitBuffer(bufferIndex:i*8) = bitget(charCodes(readIndex+i), 8:-1:1);
% Process buffer.
for i = 1:6:size(bitBuffer, 2)
writeIndex = writeIndex + 1;
if writeIndex > encLength
b64Code = bin2dec(num2str(bitBuffer(i:i+5))) + 1;
b64(writeIndex) = base64Chars(b64Code);
% Increment read index.
readIndex = readIndex + readCount;
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