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Last active September 9, 2017 11:27
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SOLR dump and restore script using plain sh and bc, does pagination and dumps to file, also forks for insertion
# Dumps a subset of one Solr core and loads it into another one.
if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <source> <target> <limit> [core1 core2...]"
echo " $0 http://source.solr:8983/solr http://target.solr:8983/solr 100000 core1 core2"
exit 1
# Dump the results of the query as json
curl -s "${_url}" | sed -e 's;^.*,"docs":;;' -e 's;]}}$;];' > ${_outfile} && \
echo "[${_core}] [Page ${_page}] Pulling data from source... ok" || \
echo "[${_core}] [Page ${_page}] Pulling data from source... failed!"
# Import the dump into the other solr core with a forked script, to speed things up
cat >${_tmp}<<-EOF
# post to target and report result
curl -qsm 900 "${_target}/update/json?commit=true" --data-binary @${_outfile} -H 'Content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8' > /dev/null && \
echo "[${_core}] [Page ${_page}] Storing data in target... ok" || \
echo "[${_core}] [Page ${_page}] Storing data in target... failed"
# clean up outfile
rm ${_outfile}
sh ${_tmp} && rm ${_tmp} &
while [ $CORE -le $# ]; do
eval _core="\${$CORE}"
# count the number of documents for pagination
_docs=$(curl -s "$SOURCE_URL/${_core}/select?q=*:*&rows=0&wt=json" | egrep -oe '"numFound":[0-9]+' |sed -e 's;^.*:;;g')
# get field list and exclude _version_
_fields=$(curl -s "$SOURCE_URL/${_core}/select?q=*:*&fl=*&wt=csv&rows=0" | sed -e 's/,_version_,/,/' -e 's/,_version_//' -e 's/_version_,//')
_pages=$(echo "(${_docs}/$LIMIT)+1" | bc)
echo "[${_core}] ${_docs} docs pages: ${_pages}"
while [ ${_page} -lt ${_pages} ]; do
_offset=$(echo "${_page}*$LIMIT"| bc)
_page=$(echo "${_page}+1" | bc)
sync "$SOURCE_URL/${_core}" "$TARGET_URL/${_core}" "${_core}" "${_offset}" "${_page}" "${_fields}"
CORE=$(echo "${CORE}+1" | bc)
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